
Note The pg_resqueuecapability system catalog table is valid only when resource queue-based resource management is active.

The pg_resqueuecapability system catalog table contains information about the extended attributes, or capabilities, of existing LightDB-A Database resource queues. Only resource queues that have been assigned an extended capability, such as a priority setting, are recorded in this table. This table is joined to the pg_resqueue table by resource queue object ID, and to the pg_resourcetype table by resource type ID (restypid).

This table is populated only on the coordinator. This table is defined in the pg_global tablespace, meaning it is globally shared across all databases in the system.

column type references description
rsqueueid oid pg_resqueue.oid The object ID of the associated resource queue.
restypid smallint pg_resourcetype. restypid The resource type, derived from the pg_resqueuecapability system table.
resetting opaque type   The specific value set for the capability referenced in this record. Depending on the actual resource type, this value may have different data types.

Parent topic: System Catalogs Definitions