
The gp_configuration_history table contains information about system changes related to fault detection and recovery operations. The fts_probe process logs data to this table, as do certain related management utilities such as gprecoverseg and gpinitsystem. For example, when you add a new segment and mirror segment to the system, records for these events are logged to gp_configuration_history.

The event descriptions stored in this table may be helpful for troubleshooting serious system issues in collaboration with VMware Support technicians.

This table is populated only on the coordinator. This table is defined in the pg_global tablespace, meaning it is globally shared across all databases in the system.

column type references description
time timestamp with time zone   Timestamp for the event recorded.
dbid smallint gp_segment_configuration.dbid System-assigned ID. The unique identifier of a segment (or coordinator) instance.
desc text   Text description of the event.

For information about gprecoverseg and gpinitsystem, see the LightDB-A Database Utility Guide.

Parent topic: System Catalogs Definitions