
The pg_partition_rule system catalog table is used to track partitioned tables, their check constraints, and data containment rules. Each row of pg_partition_rule represents either a leaf partition (the bottom level partitions that contain data), or a branch partition (a top or mid-level partition that is used to define the partition hierarchy, but does not contain any data).

column type references description
paroid oid pg_partition.oid Row identifier of the partitioning level (from pg_partition) to which this partition belongs. In the case of a branch partition, the corresponding table (identified by pg_partition_rule) is an empty container table. In case of a leaf partition, the table contains the rows for that partition containment rule.
parchildrelid oid pg_class.oid The table identifier of the partition (child table).
parparentrule oid pg_partition_rule.paroid The row identifier of the rule associated with the parent table of this partition.
parname name   The given name of this partition.
parisdefault boolean   Whether or not this partition is a default partition.
parruleord smallint   For range partitioned tables, the rank of this partition on this level of the partition hierarchy.
parrangestartincl boolean   For range partitioned tables, whether or not the starting value is inclusive.
parrangeendincl boolean   For range partitioned tables, whether or not the ending value is inclusive.
parrangestart text   For range partitioned tables, the starting value of the range.
parrangeend text   For range partitioned tables, the ending value of the range.
parrangeevery text   For range partitioned tables, the interval value of the EVERY clause.
parlistvalues text   For list partitioned tables, the list of values assigned to this partition.
parreloptions text   An array describing the storage characteristics of the particular partition.

Parent topic: System Catalogs Definitions