System Views
LightDB-A Database provides the following system views not available in PostgreSQL.
- gp_distributed_log
- gp_distributed_xacts
- gp_endpoints
- gp_pgdatabase
- gp_resgroup_config
- gp_resgroup_status
- gp_resgroup_status_per_host
- gp_resgroup_status_per_segment
- gp_resqueue_status
- gp_segment_endpoints
- gp_session_endpoints
- gp_transaction_log
- gpexpand.expansion_progress
- pg_cursors
- pg_matviews
- pg_max_external_files
- pg_partition_columns
- pg_partition_templates
- pg_partitions
- pg_policies
- pg_resqueue_attributes
- pg_resqueue_status (Deprecated. Use gp_toolkit.gp_resqueue_status.)
- pg_stat_activity
- pg_stat_all_indexes
- pg_stat_all_tables
- pg_stat_replication
- pg_stat_resqueues
- pg_stats
- pg_stats_ext
- session_level_memory_consumption (See Monitoring a LightDB-A System.)
For more information about the standard system views supported in PostgreSQL and LightDB-A Database, see the following sections of the PostgreSQL documentation:
Parent topic: System Catalogs