
The gp_pgdatabase view shows status information about the LightDB-A segment instances and whether they are acting as the mirror or the primary. This view is used internally by the LightDB-A fault detection and recovery utilities to determine failed segments.

column type references description
dbid smallint gp_segment_configuration.dbid System-assigned ID. The unique identifier of a segment (or coordinator) instance.
isprimary boolean gp_segment_configuration.role Whether or not this instance is active. Is it currently acting as the primary segment (as opposed to the mirror).
content smallint gp_segment_configuration.content The ID for the portion of data on an instance. A primary segment instance and its mirror will have the same content ID.

For a segment the value is from 0-N-1, where N is the number of segments in LightDB-A Database.

For the coordinator, the value is -1.
valid boolean gp_segment_configuration.mode Whether or not this instance is up and the mode is either s (synchronized) or n (not in sync).
definedprimary boolean gp_segment_ configuration.preferred_role Whether or not this instance was defined as the primary (as opposed to the mirror) at the time the system was initialized.

Parent topic: System Catalogs Definitions