
The pg_pltemplate system catalog table stores template information for procedural languages. A template for a language allows the language to be created in a particular database by a simple CREATE LANGUAGE command, with no need to specify implementation details. Unlike most system catalogs, pg_pltemplate is shared across all databases of LightDB-A system: there is only one copy of pg_pltemplate per system, not one per database. This allows the information to be accessible in each database as it is needed.

There are not currently any commands that manipulate procedural language templates; to change the built-in information, a superuser must modify the table using ordinary INSERT, DELETE, or UPDATE commands.

column type references description
tmplname name   Name of the language this template is for
tmpltrusted boolean   True if language is considered trusted
tmpldbacreate boolean   True if language may be created by a database owner
tmplhandler text   Name of call handler function
tmplinline text   Name of anonymous-block handler function, or null if none
tmplvalidator text   Name of validator function, or NULL if none
tmpllibrary text   Path of shared library that implements language
tmplacl aclitem[]   Access privileges for template (not yet implemented).

Parent topic: System Catalogs Definitions