
The gp_toolkit.gp_resgroup_status view allows administrators to see status and activity for a resource group. It shows how many queries are waiting to run and how many queries are currently active in the system for each resource group. The view also displays current memory and CPU usage for the resource group.

Note The gp_resgroup_status view is valid only when resource group-based resource management is active.

column type references description
rsgname name pg_resgroup.rsgname The name of the resource group.
groupid oid pg_resgroup.oid The ID of the resource group.
num_running integer   The number of transactions currently running in the resource group.
num_queueing integer   The number of currently queued transactions for the resource group.
num_queued integer   The total number of queued transactions for the resource group since the LightDB-A Database cluster was last started, excluding the num_queueing.
num_executed integer   The total number of transactions run in the resource group since the LightDB-A Database cluster was last started, excluding the num_running.
total_queue_duration interval   The total time any transaction was queued since the LightDB-A Database cluster was last started.
cpu_usage json   A set of key-value pairs. For each segment instance (the key), the value is the real-time, per-segment instance CPU core usage by a resource group. The value is the sum of the percentages (as a decimal value) of CPU cores that are used by the resource group for the segment instance.
memory_usage json   The real-time memory usage of the resource group on each LightDB-A Database segment’s host.

The cpu_usage field is a JSON-formatted, key:value string that identifies, for each resource group, the per-segment instance CPU core usage. The key is the segment id. The value is the sum of the percentages (as a decimal value) of the CPU cores used by the segment instance’s resource group on the segment host; the maximum value is 1.00. The total CPU usage of all segment instances running on a host should not exceed the gp_resource_group_cpu_limit. Example cpu_usage column output:

{"-1":0.01, "0":0.31, "1":0.31}

In the example, segment 0 and segment 1 are running on the same host; their CPU usage is the same.

The memory_usage field is also a JSON-formatted, key:value string. The string contents differ depending upon the type of resource group. For each resource group that you assign to a role (default memory auditor vmtracker), this string identifies the used and available fixed and shared memory quota allocations on each segment. The key is segment id. The values are memory values displayed in MB units. The following example shows memory_usage column output for a single segment for a resource group that you assign to a role:

"0":{"used":0, "available":76, "quota_used":-1, "quota_available":60, "shared_used":0, "shared_available":16}

For each resource group that you assign to an external component, the memory_usage JSON-formatted string identifies the memory used and the memory limit on each segment. The following example shows memory_usage column output for an external component resource group for a single segment:

"1":{"used":11, "limit_granted":15}

Parent topic: System Catalogs Definitions