Changes the definition of a row-level security policy.


ALTER POLICY <name> ON <table_name> RENAME TO <new_name>

ALTER POLICY <name ON table_name>
    [ TO { <role_name> | PUBLIC | CURRENT_USER | SESSION_USER } [, ...] ]
    [ USING ( <using_expression> ) ]
    [ WITH CHECK ( <check_expression> ) ]


ALTER POLICY changes the definition of an existing row-level security policy. Note that ALTER POLICY only allows the set of roles to which the policy applies and the USING and WITH CHECK expressions to be modified. To change other properties of a policy, such as the command to which it applies or whether it is permissive or restrictive, the policy must be dropped and recreated.

To use ALTER POLICY, you must own the table to which the policy applies.

In the second form of ALTER POLICY, the role list, using_expression, and check_expression are replaced independently if specified. When one of those clauses is omitted, the corresponding part of the policy is unchanged.


name : The name of an existing policy to alter.

table_name : The name (optionally schema-qualified) of the table that the policy is on.

new_name : The new name for the policy.

role_name : The role(s) to which the policy applies. Multiple roles can be specified at one time. To apply the policy to all roles, use PUBLIC.

using_expression : The USING expression for the policy. See CREATE POLICY for details.

check_expression : The WITH CHECK expression for the policy. See CREATE POLICY for details.


ALTER POLICY is a LightDB-A Database extension to the SQL standard.

See Also


Parent topic: SQL Commands