Loading Data with gpload

The LightDB-A gpload utility loads data using readable external tables and the LightDB-A parallel file server (gpfdist or gpfdists). It handles parallel file-based external table setup and allows users to configure their data format, external table definition, and gpfdist or gpfdists setup in a single configuration file.

Note gpfdist and gpload are compatible only with the LightDB-A Database major version in which they are shipped. For example, a gpfdist utility that is installed with LightDB-A Database 4.x cannot be used with LightDB-A Database 5.x or 6.x.

Note MERGE and UPDATE operations are not supported if the target table column name is a reserved keyword, has capital letters, or includes any character that requires quotes (“ ”) to identify the column.

To use gpload

  1. Ensure that your environment is set up to run gpload. Some dependent files from your LightDB-A Database installation are required, such as gpfdist and Python, as well as network access to the LightDB-A segment hosts.

    See the LightDB-A Database Reference Guide for details.

  2. Create your load control file. This is a YAML-formatted file that specifies the LightDB-A Database connection information, gpfdist configuration information, external table options, and data format.

    See the LightDB-A Database Reference Guide for details.

    For example:

    DATABASE: ops
    USER: gpadmin
    HOST: cdw-1
    PORT: 5432
        - SOURCE:
               - etl1-1
               - etl1-2
               - etl1-3
               - etl1-4
             PORT: 8081
               - /var/load/data/*
        - COLUMNS:
               - name: text
               - amount: float4
               - category: text
               - descr: text
               - date: date
        - FORMAT: text
        - DELIMITER: '|'
        - ERROR_LIMIT: 25
        - LOG_ERRORS: true
        - TABLE: payables.expenses
        - MODE: INSERT
        - REUSE_TABLES: true 
       - BEFORE: "INSERT INTO audit VALUES('start', current_timestamp)"
       - AFTER: "INSERT INTO audit VALUES('end', current_timestamp)"
  3. Run gpload, passing in the load control file. For example:

    gpload -f my_load.yml

Parent topic: Loading and Unloading Data