Checking for Failed Segments

With mirroring enabled, you can have failed segment instances in the system without interruption of service or any indication that a failure has occurred. You can verify the status of your system using the gpstate utility, by examing the contents of the gp_segment_configuration catalog table, or by checking log files.

Check for failed segments using gpstate

The gpstate utility provides the status of each individual component of a LightDB-A Database system, including primary segments, mirror segments, coordinator, and standby coordinator.

On the coordinator host, run the gpstate utility with the -e option to show segment instances with error conditions:

$ gpstate -e

If the utility lists Segments with Primary and Mirror Roles Switched, the segment is not in its preferred role (the role to which it was assigned at system initialization). This means the system is in a potentially unbalanced state, as some segment hosts may have more active segments than is optimal for top system performance.

Segments that display the Config status as Down indicate the corresponding mirror segment is down.

See Recovering from Segment Failures for instructions to fix this situation.

Check for failed segments using the gp_segment_configuration table

To get detailed information about failed segments, you can check the gp_segment_configuration catalog table. For example:

$ psql postgres -c "SELECT * FROM gp_segment_configuration WHERE status='d';"

For failed segment instances, note the host, port, preferred role, and data directory. This information will help determine the host and segment instances to troubleshoot. To display information about mirror segment instances, run:

$ gpstate -m

Check for failed segments by examining log files

Log files can provide information to help determine an error’s cause. The coordinator and segment instances each have their own log file in log of the data directory. The coordinator log file contains the most information and you should always check it first.

Use the gplogfilter utility to check the LightDB-A Database log files for additional information. To check the segment log files, run gplogfilter on the segment hosts using gpssh.

To check the log files

  1. Use gplogfilter to check the coordinator log file for WARNING, ERROR, FATAL or PANIC log level messages:

    $ gplogfilter -t
  2. Use gpssh to check for WARNING, ERROR, FATAL, or PANIC log level messages on each segment instance. For example:

    $ gpssh -f seg_hosts_file -e 'source 
    /usr/local/greenplum-db/ ; gplogfilter -t 
    /data1/primary/*/log/gpdb*.log' > seglog.out

Parent topic: How LightDB-A Database Detects a Failed Segment