About Management and Monitoring Utilities

LightDB-A Database provides standard command-line utilities for performing common monitoring and administration tasks.

LightDB-A command-line utilities are located in the $GPHOME/bin directory and are run on the coordinator host. LightDB-A provides utilities for the following administration tasks:

  • Installing LightDB-A Database on an array
  • Initializing a LightDB-A Database System
  • Starting and stopping LightDB-A Database
  • Adding or removing a host
  • Expanding the array and redistributing tables among new segments
  • Managing recovery for failed segment instances
  • Managing failover and recovery for a failed coordinator instance
  • Backing up and restoring a database (in parallel)
  • Loading data in parallel
  • Transferring data between LightDB-A databases
  • System state reporting

VMware provides an optional system monitoring and management tool, LightDB-A Command Center, which administrators can install and enable with LightDB-A Database. LightDB-A Command Center provides a web-based user interface for viewing system metrics and allows administrators to perform additional system management tasks. For more information about LightDB-A Command Center, see the LightDB-A Command Center documentation.

LightDB-A Command Center Architecture

Parent topic: LightDB-A Database Concepts