Configuring Kerberos for Linux Clients

You can configure Linux client applications to connect to a LightDB-A Database system that is configured to authenticate with Kerberos.

If your JDBC application on Red Hat Enterprise Linux uses Kerberos authentication when it connects to your LightDB-A Database, your client system must be configured to use Kerberos authentication. If you are not using Kerberos authentication to connect to a LightDB-A Database, Kerberos is not needed on your client system.

For information about enabling Kerberos authentication with LightDB-A Database, see the chapter “Setting Up Kerberos Authentication” in the LightDB-A Database Administrator Guide.

Parent topic: Configuring Client Authentication


The following are requirements to connect to a LightDB-A Database that is enabled with Kerberos authentication from a client system with a JDBC application.


  • Kerberos must be installed and configured on the LightDB-A Database coordinator host.

    Important LightDB-A Database must be configured so that a remote user can connect to LightDB-A Database with Kerberos authentication. Authorization to access LightDB-A Database is controlled by the pg_hba.conf file. For details, see “Editing the pg_hba.conf File” in the LightDB-A Database Administration Guide, and also see the LightDB-A Database Security Configuration Guide.

  • The client system requires the Kerberos configuration file krb5.conf from the LightDB-A Database coordinator.

  • The client system requires a Kerberos keytab file that contains the authentication credentials for the LightDB-A Database user that is used to log into the database.

  • The client machine must be able to connect to LightDB-A Database coordinator host.

    If necessary, add the LightDB-A Database coordinator host name and IP address to the system hosts file. On Linux systems, the hosts file is in /etc.

Required Software on the Client Machine

  • The Kerberos kinit utility is required on the client machine. The kinit utility is available when you install the Kerberos packages:

    • krb5-libs
    • krb5-workstation
      > Note When you install the Kerberos packages, you can use other Kerberos utilities such as klist to display Kerberos ticket information.

Java applications require this additional software:

  • Java JDK

    Java JDK 1.7.0_17 is supported on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.x.

  • Ensure that JAVA_HOME is set to the installation directory of the supported Java JDK.

Setting Up Client System with Kerberos Authentication

To connect to LightDB-A Database with Kerberos authentication requires a Kerberos ticket. On client systems, tickets are generated from Kerberos keytab files with the kinit utility and are stored in a cache file.

  1. Install a copy of the Kerberos configuration file krb5.conf from the LightDB-A Database coordinator. The file is used by the LightDB-A Database client software and the Kerberos utilities.

    Install krb5.conf in the directory /etc.

    If needed, add the parameter default_ccache_name to the [libdefaults] section of the krb5.ini file and specify location of the Kerberos ticket cache file on the client system.

  2. Obtain a Kerberos keytab file that contains the authentication credentials for the LightDB-A Database user.

  3. Run kinit specifying the keytab file to create a ticket on the client machine. For this example, the keytab file gpdb-kerberos.keytab is in the current directory. The ticket cache file is in the gpadmin user home directory.

    > kinit -k -t gpdb-kerberos.keytab -c /home/gpadmin/cache.txt 

Running psql

From a remote system, you can access a LightDB-A Database that has Kerberos authentication enabled.

To connect to LightDB-A Database with psql

  1. As the gpadmin user, open a command window.
  2. Start psql from the command window and specify a connection to the LightDB-A Database specifying the user that is configured with Kerberos authentication.

    The following example logs into the LightDB-A Database on the machine kerberos-gpdb as the gpadmin user with the Kerberos credentials gpadmin/kerberos-gpdb:

    $ psql -U "gpadmin/kerberos-gpdb" -h kerberos-gpdb postgres

Running a Java Application

Accessing LightDB-A Database from a Java application with Kerberos authentication uses the Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS)

  1. Create the file .java.login.config in the user home folder.

    For example, on a Linux system, the home folder is similar to /home/gpadmin.

    Add the following text to the file:

    pgjdbc { required
      ticketCache = "/home/gpadmin/cache.txt"
  2. Create a Java application that connects to LightDB-A Database using Kerberos authentication and run the application as the user.

This example database connection URL uses a PostgreSQL JDBC driver and specifies parameters for Kerberos authentication.


The parameter names and values specified depend on how the Java application performs Kerberos authentication.