
GPMT (LightDB-A Magic Tool) provides a set of diagnostic utilities to troubleshoot and resolve common supportability issues, along with a consistent method for gathering information required by VMware Support.


gpmt <tool> [<tool_options> ...] 

gpmt -hostfile <file>

gpmt -help

gpmt -verbose



analyze_session : Collect information from a hung LightDB-A Database session for remote analysis.

catalogbackup : For VMware Support use only. Back up catalog prior to performing catalog repairs.

gp_log_collector : Basic LightDB-A Database log collection utility.

storage_rca_collector : Collect storage-related artifacts.

gpcheckcat : For VMware Support use only. LightDB-A Database gpcheckcat log analysis.

gpcheckup : For VMware Support use only. LightDB-A Database Health Check.

gpstatscheck : Check for missing stats on objects used in a query.

packcore : Package core files into single tarball for remote analysis.

primarymirror_lengths : For VMware Support use only. Check whether primary and mirror AO and AOCO relfiles are the correct lengths.

tablecollect : For VMware Support use only. Collect data and index files for data corruption RCA.


hostfile : Generate hostfiles for use with other tools.

replcheck : Check whether tool is replicated to all hosts.

replicate : Replicate tool to all hosts.

version : Display the GPMT version.

Global Options

-hostfile : Limit the hosts where the tool will be run.

-help : Display the online help.

-verbose : Print verbose log messages.


Display gpmt version

gpmt version

Collect a core file

gpmt packcore -cmd collect -core core.1234

Show help for a specific tool

gpmt gp_log_collector -help