
Deletes a LightDB-A Database system that was initialized using gpinitsystem.


gpdeletesystem [-d <coordinator_data_directory>] [-B <parallel_processes>] 
   [-f] [-l <logfile_directory>] [-D]

gpdeletesystem -? 

gpdeletesystem -v


The gpdeletesystem utility performs the following actions:

  • Stop all postgres processes (the segment instances and coordinator instance).
  • Deletes all data directories.

Before running gpdeletesystem:

  • Move any backup files out of the coordinator and segment data directories.
  • Make sure that LightDB-A Database is running.
  • If you are currently in a segment data directory, change directory to another location. The utility fails with an error when run from within a segment data directory.

This utility will not uninstall the LightDB-A Database software.


-d coordinator_data_directory : Specifies the coordinator host data directory. If this option is not specified, the setting for the environment variable COORDINATOR_DATA_DIRECTORY is used. If this option is specified, it overrides any setting of COORDINATOR_DATA_DIRECTORY. If coordinator_data_directory cannot be determined, the utility returns an error.

-B parallel_processes : The number of segments to delete in parallel. If not specified, the utility will start up to 60 parallel processes depending on how many segment instances it needs to delete.

-f (force) : Force a delete even if backup files are found in the data directories. The default is to not delete LightDB-A Database instances if backup files are present.

-l logfile_directory : The directory to write the log file. Defaults to ~/ltaAdminLogs.

-D (debug) : Sets logging level to debug.

-? (help) : Displays the online help.

-v (show utility version) : Displays the version, status, last updated date, and check sum of this utility.


Delete a LightDB-A Database system:

gpdeletesystem -d /gpdata/gp-1

Delete a LightDB-A Database system even if backup files are present:

gpdeletesystem -d /gpdata/gp-1 -f

See Also
