gpmt gp_log_collector

This tool collects LightDB-A and system log files, along with the relevant configuration parameters, and generates a file which can be provided to VMware Customer Support for diagnosis of errors or system failures.


gpmt gp_log_collector [-failed-segs | -c <ID1,ID2,...>| -hostfile <file> | -h <host1, host2,...>]
[ -start <YYYY-MM-DD> ] [ -end <YYYY-MM-DD> ]
[ -dir <path> ] [ -segdir <path> ] [ -a ] [-skip-master] [-with-gpbackup] [-with-gptext] [-with-gptext-only] [-with-gpcc] [-with-gpss] [-gpss_logdir <gpss_log_directory>] [-with-pxf] [-with-pxf-only] [-with-gpupgrade]


-failed-segs : The tool scans gp_configuration_history to identify when a segment fails over to their mirrors or simply fails without explanation. The relevant content ID logs will be collected.

-free-space : Free space threshold which will exit log collection if reached. Default value is 10%.

-c : Comma separated list of content IDs to collect logs from.

-hostfile : Hostfile with a list of hostnames to collect logs from.

-h : Comma separated list of hostnames to collect logs from.

-start : Start date for logs to collect (defaults to current date).

-end : End date for logs to collect (defaults to current date).

-dir : Working directory (defaults to current directory).

-segdir : Segment temporary directory (defaults to /tmp).

-a : Answer Yes to all prompts.

-skip-master : When running gp_log_collector, the generated tarball can be very large. Use this option to skip LightDB-A Coordinator log collection when only LightDB-A Segment logs are required.

-with-gpbackup : Beginning with LightDB-A 6.22, this option enables you to collect logs related to backup and restore.

With this option, gpmt collects these log files from $GPADMIN_HOME/ltaAdminLogs:

  • gpbackup_.log
  • gpbackup_helper_.log
  • gpbackup_ plugin .log
  • gprestore_.log

These are collected from the provided --backup-dir or default backup directory:

  • gpbackup__config.yaml
  • gpbackup__metadata.sql
  • gpbackup__report
  • gpbackup__toc.yaml
  • gprestore___report
  • gpbackup___report

Also, the pg_log file is collected from the coordinator and segment hosts.

-with-gptext : Collect all GPText logs along with LightDB-A logs.

-with-gptext-only : Collect only GPText logs.

-with-gpcc : Collect log files related to LightDB-A Command Center. Log files are collected from the following locations:

  • $GPCC_HOME/logs/*
  • $GPCC_HOME/conf/app.conf
  • $HOME/gpmetrics/* (LightDB-A Command Center 6.8.0 and later on LightDB-A Database 6.x or LightDB-A Command Center 4.16.0 and later on LightDB-A Database 5.x)
  • $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY/gpmetrics (LightDB-A Command Center 6.7.0 and earlier on LightDB-A Database 6.x or LightDB-A Command Center 4.15.0 and earlier on LightDB-A Database 5.x)
  • The output of the gppkg -q --all command

-with-gpss : Collect log files related to LightDB-A Streaming Server. If you do not specify a directory with the -gpsslogdir option, gpmt collects logs from the ltaAdminLogs directory. Log files are of the format gpss_<date>.log.

-with-pxf : Collect all PXF logs along with LightDB-A logs.

-with-pxf-only : Collect only PXF logs.

-with-gpupgrade : Collect all gpupgrade logs along with LightDB-A logs.

Note Hostnames provided through -hostfile or -h must match the hostname column in gp_segment_configuration.

The tool also collects the following information:

Source Files and outputs
Database parameters
  • version
  • uptime
  • pg_resqueue
  • pg_resgroup_config
  • pg_database
  • gp_segment_configuration
  • gp_configuration_history
  • Initialization timestamp
Segment server parameters
  • uname -a
  • sysctl -a
  • psaux
  • netstat -rn
  • netstat -i
  • lsof
  • ifconfig
  • free
  • df -h
  • top
  • sar
System files from all hosts
  • /etc/redhat-release
  • /etc/sysctl.conf
  • /etc/sysconfig/network
  • /etc/security/limits.conf
  • /var/log/dmesg
Database-related files from all hosts
  • $SEG_DIR/pg_hba.conf
  • $SEG_DIR/pg_log/
  • $SEG_DIRE/postgresql.conf
  • ~/ltaAdminLogs
GPText files
  • Installation configuration file: $GPTXTHOME/lib/python/gptextlib/
  • gptext-state -D
  • <gptext data dir>/solr*/
  • <gptext data dir>/solr*/
  • <gptext data dir>/zoo*/logs/*
  • commands/bash/-c_echo $PATH
  • `commands/bash/-c_ps -ef
PXF files
  • pxf cluster status
  • pxf status
  • PXF version
  • Logs/
  • CONF/
  • Run/
gpupgrade files
  • ~/ltaAdminLogs on all hosts
  • $HOME/gpupgrade on coordinator host
  • $HOME/.gpupgrade on all hosts
  • Source cluster’s pg_log files located in $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY/pg_log on coordinator host
  • Target cluster’s pg_log files located in $(gpupgrade config show --target-datadir)/pg_log on coordinator host
  • Target cluster’s coordinator data directory

Note Some commands might not be able to be run if user does not have the correct permissions.


Collect LightDB-A coordinator and segment logs listed in a hostfile from today:

gpmt gp_log_collector -hostfile ~/gpconfig/hostfile

Collect logs for any segments marked down from 21-03-2016 until today:

gpmt gp_log_collector -failed-segs -start 2016-03-21

Collect logs from host sdw2.gpdb.local between 2016-03-21 and 2016-03-23:

gpmt gp_log_collector -failed-segs -start 2016-03-21 -end 2016-03-21

Collect only GPText logs for all segments, without any LightDB-A logs:

gpmt gp_log_collector -with-gptext-only