3.4. Security

3.4.1. Authentication
3.4.2. Authorization

3.4.1. Authentication

Encrypt password when changing it

  • CREATE/ROLE ... PASSWORD 'some_password' sends and logs the specified password as is. Thus, specifying an unencrypted password is dangerous.

  • Those statements accept an encrypted password (hashed with MD5 or SCRAM).

  • ltsql's \password is convenient

    • ltsql runs "SHOW password_encryption" to determine the password hash scheme (MD5 or SCRAM), hashes the supplied password, and then issues an ALTER command.

    • The hashed password still can appear in the server log. Temporarily setting log_min_error_statement to 'PANIC' prevents that.

In-database authentication profile is very limited

  • Lightdb offers only password expiration by CREATE/ROLE VALID UNTIL 'some_timestamp'.

  • Does not provide functionality such as:

    • Enforcing password complexity

    • Locking out a user account when the number of failed login attempts exceeds a threshold within a certain period of time

    • Restricting reuse of the same password before a certain number of days pass

Implementing password complexity: use either of:

  • An external identity service such as LDAP or Kerberos

  • Cert authentication

    • Uses SSL client certificates to perform authentication. Does not require password.

Tracking failed login attempts: Do either of:

  • Search the server log for messages that include "password authentication failed" or the SQLSTATE 28P01 (invalid_password)

    • Using SQLSTATE is better than the message text, because the message can vary depending on the server version and lc_message setting. (Add %e to log_line_prefix to emit the SQLSTATE.)

3.4.2. Authorization

Role privileges are inherited by default

  • In the SQL standard and other DBMSs, SET ROLE needs to be used to gain privileges of another role.

  • In Lightdb, a role automatically inherits the privileges of other roles that it is a member of. This might be surprising.

  • To approximate the SQL standard, use NOINHERIT for users and NOINHERIT for roles.

Predefined roles

  • Some roles are provided to give part of administrative privileges to non-superusers.

  • They can be given by GRANT.

  • The representative roles are:

    • pg_monitor: can read various useful configuration settings, statistics and other system information.

    • pg_signal_backend: can send signals to other backends to cancel a query or terminate a session.

    • pg_read_server_files, pg_write_server_files and pg_execute_server_program: access files and run programs on the database server as the user the database runs as. e.g., these enable COPY data to/from files on the server or another program like gzip and curl.

Default privileges

  • ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES can set the default privileges that will be automatically given to database objects created in the future.


  • The target database objects are schema, table, view, sequence, function, and type.

  • Does not change the privileges of existing database objects.