15.9. Plan Hint

15.9.1. Basic Usage
15.9.2. The hint table
15.9.3. Details in hinting
15.9.4. Subqueries
15.9.5. Compatible with canopy
15.9.6. Errors
15.9.7. Functional limitations
15.9.8. Limitations on the LightDB
15.9.9. Hint list

lt_hint_plan is a mechanism that controls execution plan with hinting phrases in comment of special form.

LightDB uses cost based optimizer, which utilizes data statistics, not static rules. The planner (optimizer) esitimates costs of each possible execution plans for a SQL statement then the execution plan with the lowest cost finally be executed. The planner does its best to select the best best execution plan, but not perfect, since it doesn't count some properties of the data, for example, correlation between columns.

lt_hint_plan makes it possible to tweak execution plans using so-called "hints", which are simple descriptions in the SQL comment of special form.

15.9.1. Basic Usage

lt_hint_plan reads hinting phrases in a comment of special form given with the target SQL statement. The special form is beginning by the character sequence "/*+" and ends with "*/". Hint phrases are consists of hint name and following parameters enclosed by parentheses and delimited by spaces or a comma. Each hinting phrases can be delimited by new lines for readability. the hint at the beginning of sql is called the global level hint, and the hint in the statement is called the stmt level hint(only affect current query block without using qb_name hint).

In the example below , hash join is selected as the joning method and scanning ltbench_accounts by sequential scan method.

lightdb@postgres=# /*+
lightdb@postgres*#    HashJoin(a b)
lightdb@postgres*#    SeqScan(a)
lightdb@postgres*#  */
lightdb@postgres-# EXPLAIN SELECT *
lightdb@postgres-#    FROM ltbench_branches b
lightdb@postgres-#    JOIN ltbench_accounts a ON b.bid = a.bid
lightdb@postgres-#   ORDER BY a.aid;
                                        QUERY PLAN
    Sort  (cost=31465.84..31715.84 rows=100000 width=197)
    Sort Key: a.aid
    ->  Hash Join  (cost=1.02..4016.02 rows=100000 width=197)
            Hash Cond: (a.bid = b.bid)
            ->  Seq Scan on ltbench_accounts a  (cost=0.00..2640.00 rows=100000 width=97)
            ->  Hash  (cost=1.01..1.01 rows=1 width=100)
                ->  Seq Scan on ltbench_branches b  (cost=0.00..1.01 rows=1 width=100)
(7 rows)


15.9.2. The hint table

Hints are described in a comment in a special form in the above section. This is inconvenient in the case where queries cannot be edited. In the case hints can be placed in a special table named "hint_plan.hints". The table consists of the following columns.

Table 15.1. hint table

id Unique number to identify a row for a hint. This column is filled automatically by sequence.
norm_query_string A pattern matches to the query to be hinted. Constants in the query have to be replace with '?' as in the following example. White space is significant in the pattern.
application_name The value of application_name of sessions to apply the hint. The hint in the example below applies to sessions connected from ltsql. An empty string means sessions of any application_name.
hints Hint phrase. This must be a series of hints excluding surrounding comment marks.

The following example shows how to operate with the hint table.

lightdb@postgres=# INSERT INTO hint_plan.hints(norm_query_string, application_name, hints)
lightdb@postgres-#     VALUES (
lightdb@postgres(#         'EXPLAIN (COSTS false) SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE t1.id = ?;',
lightdb@postgres(#         '',
lightdb@postgres(#         'SeqScan(t1)'
lightdb@postgres(#     );
lightdb@postgres=# UPDATE hint_plan.hints
lightdb@postgres-#    SET hints = 'IndexScan(t1)'
lightdb@postgres-#  WHERE id = 1;
lightdb@postgres=# DELETE FROM hint_plan.hints
lightdb@postgres-#  WHERE id = 1;

The hint table is owned by the creator user and having the default previledges at the time of creation. during CREATE EXTENSION. Table hints are prioritized than comment hits. The types of hints

Hinting phrases are classified into eight types based on what kind of object and how they can affect planning. Scaning methods, join methods, joining order, row number correction, parallel query, GUC setting, query block name, and other hints. You will see the lists of hint phrases of each type in Hint list. Hints for scan methods

Scan method hints enforce specific scanning method on the target table. lt_hint_plan recognizes the target table by alias names if any. They are 'SeqScan' , 'IndexScan' and so on in this kind of hint.

Scan hints are effective on ordinary tables, inheritance tables, UNLOGGED tables, temporary tables and system catalogs. External(foreign) tables, table functions, VALUES clause, CTEs, views and subquiries are not affected.

lightdb@postgres=# /*+
lightdb@postgres*#     SeqScan(t1)
lightdb@postgres*#     IndexScan(t2 t2_pkey)
lightdb@postgres*#  */
lightdb@postgres-# SELECT * FROM table1 t1 JOIN table table2 t2 ON (t1.key = t2.key);

For oracle compatibility, keywords of 'full' and 'index' are also supported. They are just aliases for 'seqscan', 'indexscan'.

lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN  SELECT* FROM t2, t1 WHERE t1.id = t2.id;
                            QUERY PLAN                            
Hash Join  (cost=60.85..99.39 rows=2260 width=16)
Hash Cond: (t2.id = t1.id)
->  Seq Scan on t2  (cost=0.00..32.60 rows=2260 width=8)
->  Hash  (cost=32.60..32.60 rows=2260 width=8)
        ->  Seq Scan on t1  (cost=0.00..32.60 rows=2260 width=8)
(5 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN  SELECT /*+index(t1)*/* FROM t2, t1 WHERE t1.id = t2.id;
LOG:  lt_hint_plan:
used hint:
not used hint:
duplication hint:
error hint:

                                    QUERY PLAN                                     
Hash Join  (cost=61.01..111.85 rows=2260 width=16)
Hash Cond: (t1.id = t2.id)
->  Index Scan using t1_pkey on t1 @"lt#0"  (cost=0.15..45.06 rows=2260 width=8)
->  Hash  (cost=32.60..32.60 rows=2260 width=8)
        ->  Seq Scan on t2 @"lt#0"  (cost=0.00..32.60 rows=2260 width=8)
(5 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN  SELECT /*+full(t1)*/* FROM t2, t1 WHERE t1.id = t2.id;
LOG:  lt_hint_plan:
used hint:
not used hint:
duplication hint:
error hint:

                                QUERY PLAN                                
Hash Join  (cost=60.85..99.39 rows=2260 width=16)
Hash Cond: (t1.id = t2.id)
->  Seq Scan on t1 @"lt#0"  (cost=0.00..32.60 rows=2260 width=8)
->  Hash  (cost=32.60..32.60 rows=2260 width=8)
        ->  Seq Scan on t2 @"lt#0"  (cost=0.00..32.60 rows=2260 width=8)
(5 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# Hints for join methods

This can affect on joins only on ordinary tables, inheritance tables, UNLOGGED tables, temporary tables, external (foreign) tables, system catalogs, table functions, VALUES command results and CTEs are allowed to be in the parameter list. But joins on views and sub query are not affected.

For oracle compatibility, keywords of 'use_hash', 'use_nl', 'use_merge', 'no_use_hash', 'no_use_nl' and 'no_use_merge' are also supported.

When lightdb_dblevel_syntax_compatible_type is 'off', join method hints can specify two or more tables, and will enforce the join methods of the joins involving specified tables.

lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false) SELECT /*+leading(t1 t2 t3)*/* FROM t1, t2 ,t3 WHERE t1.id = t2.id and t2.id=t3.id;
LOG:  lt_hint_plan:
used hint:
Leading(((t1@lt#0 t2@lt#0) t3@lt#0))
not used hint:
duplication hint:
error hint:

                QUERY PLAN                
Hash Join
Hash Cond: (t1.id = t3.id)
->  Hash Join
        Hash Cond: (t1.id = t2.id)
        ->  Seq Scan on t1 @"lt#0"
        ->  Hash
            ->  Seq Scan on t2 @"lt#0"
->  Hash
        ->  Seq Scan on t3 @"lt#0"
(9 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false) SELECT /*+leading(t1 t2 t3) use_nl(t1 t2) use_merge(t1 t2 t3)*/* FROM t1, t2 ,t3 WHERE t1.id = t2.id and t2.id=t3.id;
LOG:  lt_hint_plan:
used hint:
USE_NL(t1@lt#0 t2@lt#0)
USE_MERGE(t1@lt#0 t2@lt#0 t3@lt#0)
Leading(((t1@lt#0 t2@lt#0) t3@lt#0))
not used hint:
duplication hint:
error hint:

                    QUERY PLAN                     
Merge Join
Merge Cond: (t1.id = t3.id)
->  Nested Loop
        ->  Index Scan using t1_pkey on t1 @"lt#0"
        ->  Index Scan using t2_pkey on t2 @"lt#0"
            Index Cond: (id = t1.id)
->  Index Scan using t3_pkey on t3 @"lt#0"
(7 rows)


When lightdb_dblevel_syntax_compatible_type is not 'off', join method hints can specify one or more tables, and will instructs the optimizer to join each specified table with another row source using specified join method. The optimizer uses those hints when the referenced table is forced to be the inner table of a join. The hints are ignored if the referenced table is the outer table. It is recommended to be used with the join order hints('leading', 'ordered').

lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false) SELECT /*+leading(t1 t2 t3)*/* FROM t1, t2 ,t3 WHERE t1.id = t2.id and t2.id=t3.id;
LOG:  lt_hint_plan:
used hint:
Leading(((t1@lt#0 t2@lt#0) t3@lt#0))
not used hint:
duplication hint:
error hint:

                QUERY PLAN                
Hash Join
Hash Cond: (t1.id = t3.id)
->  Hash Join
        Hash Cond: (t1.id = t2.id)
        ->  Seq Scan on t1 @"lt#0"
        ->  Hash
            ->  Seq Scan on t2 @"lt#0"
->  Hash
        ->  Seq Scan on t3 @"lt#0"
(9 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false) SELECT /*+leading(t1 t2 t3) use_nl(t2) use_merge(t3)*/* FROM t1, t2 ,t3 WHERE t1.id = t2.id and t2.id=t3.id;
LOG:  lt_hint_plan:
used hint:
Leading(((t1@lt#0 t2@lt#0) t3@lt#0))
not used hint:
duplication hint:
error hint:

                    QUERY PLAN                     
Merge Join
Merge Cond: (t1.id = t3.id)
->  Nested Loop
        ->  Index Scan using t1_pkey on t1 @"lt#0"
        ->  Index Scan using t2_pkey on t2 @"lt#0"
            Index Cond: (id = t1.id)
->  Index Scan using t3_pkey on t3 @"lt#0"
(7 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false) SELECT /*+leading(t1 t2 t3) use_nl(t1) use_merge(t2)*/* FROM t1, t2 ,t3 WHERE t1.id = t2.id and t2.id=t3.id;
LOG:  lt_hint_plan:
used hint:
Leading(((t1@lt#0 t2@lt#0) t3@lt#0))
not used hint:
duplication hint:
error hint:

                    QUERY PLAN                     
Hash Join
Hash Cond: (t1.id = t3.id)
->  Merge Join
        Merge Cond: (t1.id = t2.id)
        ->  Index Scan using t1_pkey on t1 @"lt#0"
        ->  Index Scan using t2_pkey on t2 @"lt#0"
->  Hash
        ->  Seq Scan on t3 @"lt#0"
(8 rows)


When lightdb_dblevel_syntax_compatible_type is not 'off', join method hints that specify more than one table can be seen as a group of join method hints that specify one table, so when there is a conflict, it only affects the tables involved. e.g: 'use_hash(a b)' and 'use_nl(a)' is conflicted, but for table b, use_hash is also used.

lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false) SELECT /*+leading(t1 t2 t3) use_nl(t2 t3) use_merge(t2)*/* FROM t1, t2 ,t3 WHERE t1.id = t2.id and t2.id=t3.id;
INFO:  lt_hint_plan: hint syntax error at or near "use_nl(t2 t3) use_merge(t2)"
DETAIL:  Conflict join method hint.
LOG:  lt_hint_plan:
used hint:
USE_NL(t3@lt#0) --> USE_NL(t2@lt#0 t3@lt#0)
Leading(((t1@lt#0 t2@lt#0) t3@lt#0))
not used hint:
duplication hint:
USE_NL(t2@lt#0) --> USE_NL(t2@lt#0 t3@lt#0)
error hint:

                QUERY PLAN                  
Nested Loop
->  Hash Join
        Hash Cond: (t1.id = t2.id)
        ->  Seq Scan on t1 @"lt#0"
        ->  Hash
            ->  Seq Scan on t2 @"lt#0"
->  Index Scan using t3_pkey on t3 @"lt#0"
        Index Cond: (id = t1.id)
(8 rows)


When lightdb_dblevel_syntax_compatible_type is not 'off', join method hints may conflict with 'swap_join_inputs' hint without using 'leading' hint.

lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false) SELECT/*+leading(t1 t2) use_hash(t2) swap_join_inputs(t2)*/  * FROM t1, t2 WHERE t1.id = t2.id;
LOG:  lt_hint_plan:
used hint:
Leading((t1@lt#0 t2@lt#0))
not used hint:
duplication hint:
error hint:

            QUERY PLAN             
Hash Join
Hash Cond: (t2.id = t1.id)
->  Seq Scan on t2 @"lt#0"
->  Hash
        ->  Seq Scan on t1 @"lt#0"
(5 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false) SELECT/*+use_hash(t2) swap_join_inputs(t2)*/  * FROM t1, t2 WHERE t1.id = t2.id;
INFO:  lt_hint_plan: join hint conflict with swap_join_inputs hint, ignore swap_join_inputs 
LOG:  lt_hint_plan:
used hint:
not used hint:
duplication hint:
error hint:

            QUERY PLAN             
Hash Join
Hash Cond: (t1.id = t2.id)
->  Seq Scan on t1 @"lt#0"
->  Hash
        ->  Seq Scan on t2 @"lt#0"
(5 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# Hint for joining order

Normally this hint "Leading" enforces the order of join on two or more tables. There are two ways of enforcing. One is enforcing specific order of joining but not restricting direction at each join level. Another enfoces join direction additionaly. Details are seen in the hint list table.

lightdb@postgres=# /*+
lightdb@postgres*#     NestLoop(t1 t2)
lightdb@postgres*#     MergeJoin(t1 t2 t3)
lightdb@postgres*#     Leading(t1 t2 t3)
lightdb@postgres*#  */
lightdb@postgres-# SELECT * FROM table1 t1
lightdb@postgres-#     JOIN table table2 t2 ON (t1.key = t2.key)
lightdb@postgres-#     JOIN table table3 t3 ON (t2.key = t3.key);

For oracle compatibility, 'ordered' hint is also supported. The ORDERED hint instructs LightDB to join tables in the order in which they appear in the FROM clause. LightDB's 'ordered' hint is just an alias for 'leading' hint, so it will not override 'leading' hints like oracle does.

lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN  SELECT * FROM t3, t2, t1 WHERE t1.id = t2.id;
                            QUERY PLAN                               
Nested Loop  (cost=60.85..63982.64 rows=5107600 width=24)
->  Hash Join  (cost=60.85..99.39 rows=2260 width=16)
        Hash Cond: (t2.id = t1.id)
        ->  Seq Scan on t2  (cost=0.00..32.60 rows=2260 width=8)
        ->  Hash  (cost=32.60..32.60 rows=2260 width=8)
            ->  Seq Scan on t1  (cost=0.00..32.60 rows=2260 width=8)
->  Materialize  (cost=0.00..43.90 rows=2260 width=8)
        ->  Seq Scan on t3  (cost=0.00..32.60 rows=2260 width=8)
(8 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN  SELECT/*+ordered*/ * FROM t3, t2, t1 WHERE t1.id = t2.id;
LOG:  lt_hint_plan:
used hint:
Leading(@lt#0 ((t3@lt#0 t2@lt#0) t1@lt#0))
not used hint:
duplication hint:
error hint:

                                QUERY PLAN                                   
Hash Join  (cost=60.85..77409.29 rows=5107600 width=24)
Hash Cond: (t2.id = t1.id)
->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..63915.85 rows=5107600 width=16)
        ->  Seq Scan on t3 @"lt#0"  (cost=0.00..32.60 rows=2260 width=8)
        ->  Materialize  (cost=0.00..43.90 rows=2260 width=8)
            ->  Seq Scan on t2 @"lt#0"  (cost=0.00..32.60 rows=2260 width=8)
->  Hash  (cost=32.60..32.60 rows=2260 width=8)
        ->  Seq Scan on t1 @"lt#0"  (cost=0.00..32.60 rows=2260 width=8)
(8 rows)


For oracle compatibility, 'leading' hint is also supported to specify only one table, The table specified is used to start the join.

lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN  SELECT * FROM t3, t2, t1 WHERE t1.id = t2.id;
                            QUERY PLAN                               
Nested Loop  (cost=60.85..63982.64 rows=5107600 width=24)
->  Hash Join  (cost=60.85..99.39 rows=2260 width=16)
        Hash Cond: (t2.id = t1.id)
        ->  Seq Scan on t2  (cost=0.00..32.60 rows=2260 width=8)
        ->  Hash  (cost=32.60..32.60 rows=2260 width=8)
            ->  Seq Scan on t1  (cost=0.00..32.60 rows=2260 width=8)
->  Materialize  (cost=0.00..43.90 rows=2260 width=8)
        ->  Seq Scan on t3  (cost=0.00..32.60 rows=2260 width=8)
(8 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN  SELECT/*+leading(t1)*/ * FROM t3, t2, t1 WHERE t1.id = t2.id;
LOG:  lt_hint_plan:
used hint:
not used hint:
duplication hint:
error hint:

                                QUERY PLAN                                   
Nested Loop  (cost=10000000060.85..10000063982.64 rows=5107600 width=24)
->  Hash Join  (cost=60.85..99.39 rows=2260 width=16)
        Hash Cond: (t1.id = t2.id)
        ->  Seq Scan on t1 @"lt#0"  (cost=0.00..32.60 rows=2260 width=8)
        ->  Hash  (cost=32.60..32.60 rows=2260 width=8)
            ->  Seq Scan on t2 @"lt#0"  (cost=0.00..32.60 rows=2260 width=8)
->  Materialize  (cost=0.00..43.90 rows=2260 width=8)
        ->  Seq Scan on t3 @"lt#0"  (cost=0.00..32.60 rows=2260 width=8)
(8 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN  SELECT/*+leading(t3)*/ * FROM t3, t2, t1 WHERE t1.id = t2.id;
LOG:  lt_hint_plan:
used hint:
not used hint:
duplication hint:
error hint:

                                        QUERY PLAN                                        

Nested Loop  (cost=10000000000.16..10000064316.68 rows=5107600 width=24)
->  Seq Scan on t3 @"lt#0"  (cost=0.00..32.60 rows=2260 width=8)
->  Materialize  (cost=10000000000.16..10000000444.73 rows=2260 width=16)
        ->  Nested Loop  (cost=10000000000.16..10000000433.43 rows=2260 width=16)
            ->  Seq Scan on t2 @"lt#0"  (cost=0.00..32.60 rows=2260 width=8)
            ->  Index Scan using t1_pkey on t1 @"lt#0"  (cost=0.15..0.18 rows=1 width=8)
                    Index Cond: (id = t2.id)
(7 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# Hint for row number correction

This hint "Rows" corrects row number misestimation of joins that comes from restrictions of the planner.

This hint "Rows" also corrects row number misestimation of table or subquery.

lightdb@postgres=# /*+ Rows(a #10) */ SELECT... ; Sets rows of table result to 10
lightdb@postgres=# /*+ Rows(a 10) */ SELECT... ; Sets rows of table result to 10
lightdb@postgres=# /*+ Rows(a +10) */ SELECT... ; Increments row number of tableby 10
lightdb@postgres=# /*+ Rows(a -10) */ SELECT... ; Subtracts 10 from the row number of table.
lightdb@postgres=# /*+ Rows(a *10) */ SELECT... ; Makes the row number of table 10 times larger.
lightdb@postgres=# /*+ Rows(a b #10) */ SELECT... ; Sets rows of join result to 10
lightdb@postgres=# /*+ Rows(a b 10) */ SELECT... ; Sets rows of join result to 10
lightdb@postgres=# /*+ Rows(a b +10) */ SELECT... ; Increments row number of join by 10
lightdb@postgres=# /*+ Rows(a b -10) */ SELECT... ; Subtracts 10 from the row number of join.
lightdb@postgres=# /*+ Rows(a b *10) */ SELECT... ; Makes the row number of join 10 times larger.

lightdb@postgres=# /*+ cardinality(a #10) */ SELECT... ; Sets rows of table result to 10
lightdb@postgres=# /*+ cardinality(a 10) */ SELECT... ; Sets rows of table result to 10
lightdb@postgres=# /*+ cardinality(a +10) */ SELECT... ; Increments row number of tableby 10
lightdb@postgres=# /*+ cardinality(a -10) */ SELECT... ; Subtracts 10 from the row number of table.
lightdb@postgres=# /*+ cardinality(a *10) */ SELECT... ; Makes the row number of table 10 times larger.
lightdb@postgres=# /*+ cardinality(a b #10) */ SELECT... ; Sets rows of join result to 10
lightdb@postgres=# /*+ cardinality(a b 10) */ SELECT... ; Sets rows of join result to 10
lightdb@postgres=# /*+ cardinality(a b +10) */ SELECT... ; Increments row number of join by 10
lightdb@postgres=# /*+ cardinality(a b -10) */ SELECT... ; Subtracts 10 from the row number of join.
lightdb@postgres=# /*+ cardinality(a b *10) */ SELECT... ; Makes the row number of join 10 times larger.

For parameterized path, it is invaild, but it will affect the join cost base on parameterized path. It is diffent from oracle, oracle will not affect the join cost.

lightdb@postgres=# explain select /*+ use_nl(a b) leading(a b)*/* from t1 a , t2 b where a.key1=b.key1;
                                    QUERY PLAN                                    
 Nested Loop  (cost=0.15..433.43 rows=2260 width=16)
   ->  Seq Scan on t1 a @"lt#0"  (cost=0.00..32.60 rows=2260 width=8)
   ->  Index Scan using t2_pkey on t2 b @"lt#0"  (cost=0.15..0.18 rows=1 width=8)
         Index Cond: (key1 = a.key1)
(4 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# explain select /*+ cardinality(b 1000)use_nl(a b) leading(a b)*/* from t1 a , t2 b where a.key1=b.key1;
                                    QUERY PLAN                                    
 Nested Loop  (cost=0.15..433.43 rows=1000 width=16)
   ->  Seq Scan on t1 a @"lt#0"  (cost=0.00..32.60 rows=2260 width=8)
   ->  Index Scan using t2_pkey on t2 b @"lt#0"  (cost=0.15..0.18 rows=1 width=8)
         Index Cond: (key1 = a.key1)
(4 rows)


For subquery that cannot pull up, it will act on subquery; For a pulled up subquery, if there is only one table in the subquery, this will be applied to the tables in the subquery.

chuhx@postgres=# explain with cte as (select distinct * from t1) select /*+hashjoin(t2, cte) cardinality(cte 1000) */* from t2,cte where cte.key1=t2.key1;
                                QUERY PLAN                                
 Hash Join  (cost=104.75..152.57 rows=1000 width=16)
   Hash Cond: (t1.key1 = t2.key1)
   ->  HashAggregate  (cost=43.90..66.50 rows=2260 width=8)
         Group Key: t1.key1, t1.key2
         ->  Seq Scan on t1 @"lt#1"  (cost=0.00..32.60 rows=2260 width=8)
   ->  Hash  (cost=32.60..32.60 rows=2260 width=8)
         ->  Seq Scan on t2 @"lt#0"  (cost=0.00..32.60 rows=2260 width=8)
(7 rows)

chuhx@postgres=# explain with cte as (select * from t1) select /*+hashjoin(t2, cte) cardinality(cte 1000) */* from t2,cte where cte.key1=t2.key1;
                                QUERY PLAN                                
 Hash Join  (cost=45.10..83.64 rows=1000 width=16)
   Hash Cond: (t2.key1 = t1.key1)
   ->  Seq Scan on t2 @"lt#0"  (cost=0.00..32.60 rows=2260 width=8)
   ->  Hash  (cost=32.60..32.60 rows=1000 width=8)
         ->  Seq Scan on t1 @"lt#1"  (cost=0.00..32.60 rows=1000 width=8)
(5 rows)

chuhx@postgres=# Hint for parallel plan

This hint "Parallel" enforces parallel execution configuration on scans. The third parameter specifies the strength of enfocement. "soft" means that lt_hint_plan only changes max_parallel_worker_per_gather and leave all others to planner. "hard" changes other planner parameters so as to forcibly apply the number. This can affect on ordinary tables, inheritnce parents, unlogged tables and system catalogues. External tables, table functions, values clause, CTEs, views and subqueries are not affected. Internal tables of a view can be specified by its real name/alias as the target object. The following example shows that the query is enforced differently on each table.

lightdb@postgres=# explain /*+ Parallel(c1 3 hard) Parallel(c2 5 hard) */
        SELECT c2.a FROM c1 JOIN c2 ON (c1.a = c2.a);
                                    QUERY PLAN
    Hash Join  (cost=2.86..11406.38 rows=101 width=4)
    Hash Cond: (c1.a = c2.a)
    ->  Gather  (cost=0.00..7652.13 rows=1000101 width=4)
            Workers Planned: 3
            ->  Parallel Seq Scan on c1  (cost=0.00..7652.13 rows=322613 width=4)
    ->  Hash  (cost=1.59..1.59 rows=101 width=4)
            ->  Gather  (cost=0.00..1.59 rows=101 width=4)
                Workers Planned: 5
                ->  Parallel Seq Scan on c2  (cost=0.00..1.59 rows=59 width=4)

lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN /*+ Parallel(tl 5 hard) */ SELECT sum(a) FROM tl;
                                    QUERY PLAN
    Finalize Aggregate  (cost=693.02..693.03 rows=1 width=8)
    ->  Gather  (cost=693.00..693.01 rows=5 width=8)
            Workers Planned: 5
            ->  Partial Aggregate  (cost=693.00..693.01 rows=1 width=8)
                ->  Parallel Seq Scan on tl  (cost=0.00..643.00 rows=20000 width=4)

This hint "Parallel" can also to be used by specifying just an integer, indicating that it works for all tables in the current query block.

lightdb@postgres=# explain select /*+parallel(3)*/* from t1, t2 where t1.id=t2.id;

                                    QUERY PLAN                                   
Hash Join  (cost=28.25..34.19 rows=2260 width=16)
Hash Cond: (t1.id = t2.id)
->  Gather  (cost=0.00..0.00 rows=2260 width=8)
        Workers Planned: 3
        ->  Parallel Seq Scan on t1 @"lt#0"  (cost=0.00..0.00 rows=729 width=8)
->  Hash  (cost=0.00..0.00 rows=2260 width=8)
        ->  Gather  (cost=0.00..0.00 rows=2260 width=8)
            Workers Planned: 3
            ->  Parallel Seq Scan on t2 @"lt#0"  (cost=0.00..0.00 rows=729 width
(9 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# GUC parameters temporarily setting

'Set' hint changes GUC parameters just while planning. GUC parameter shown in Query Planning can have the expected effects on planning unless any other hint conflicts with the planner method configuration parameters. GUC parameters for lt_hint_plan are also settable by this hint but it won't work as your expectation.

lightdb@postgres=# /*+ Set(random_page_cost 2.0) */
lightdb@postgres-# SELECT * FROM table1 t1 WHERE key = 'value';

'Opt_param' hint changes GUC parameters just while planning like 'Set' hint. But there are some differences from 'Set' hint (but same with oracle):

  • Parameter name should be enclosed in single quotation marks.

  • Parameter values that are strings should be enclosed in single quotation marks. Numeric parameter values are specified without quotation marks.

EXPLAIN (COSTS false) select * from test_opt_param1 a join test_opt_param2 b on a.key1=b.key1;
                QUERY PLAN                 
 Hash Join
   Hash Cond: (a.key1 = b.key1)
   ->  Seq Scan on test_opt_param1 a
   ->  Hash
         ->  Seq Scan on test_opt_param2 b
(5 rows)

EXPLAIN (COSTS false) select/*+opt_param('enable_hashjoin', 'off')*/ * from test_opt_param1 a join test_opt_param2 b on a.key1=b.key1;
LOG:  lt_hint_plan:
used hint:
opt_param('enable_hashjoin' 'off')
not used hint:
duplication hint:
error hint:

                                QUERY PLAN                                
 Merge Join
   Merge Cond: (a.key1 = b.key1)
   ->  Index Scan using test_opt_param1_pkey on test_opt_param1 a @"lt#0"
   ->  Index Scan using test_opt_param2_pkey on test_opt_param2 b @"lt#0"
(4 rows)
EXPLAIN (COSTS false) select/*+opt_param(enable_hashjoin, 'off')*/ * from test_opt_param1 a join test_opt_param2 b on a.key1=b.key1;
INFO:  lt_hint_plan: hint syntax error at or near "opt_param(enable_hashjoin, 'off')"
DETAIL:  opt_param hint requires parameter name to be enclosed in single quotation marks.
LOG:  lt_hint_plan:
used hint:
not used hint:
duplication hint:
error hint:
opt_param(enable_hashjoin 'off')

                    QUERY PLAN                     
 Hash Join
   Hash Cond: (a.key1 = b.key1)
   ->  Seq Scan on test_opt_param1 a @"lt#0"
   ->  Hash
         ->  Seq Scan on test_opt_param2 b @"lt#0"
(5 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# explain select * from test_opt_param1 where key1=1;
                                         QUERY PLAN                          
 Index Scan using test_opt_param1_pkey on test_opt_param1  (cost=0.15..2.17 r
ows=1 width=8)
   Index Cond: (key1 = 1)
(2 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# explain select/*+ Set(random_page_cost 1000) */ * from test_opt_param1 where key1=1;
                               QUERY PLAN                               
 Seq Scan on test_opt_param1 @"lt#0"  (cost=0.00..38.25 rows=1 width=8)
   Filter: (key1 = 1)
(2 rows) Query block name

Use the qb_name hint to define a name for a query block. This name can then be used in another query block to hint tables appearing in the named query block. If two or more query blocks have the same name, or if the same query block is hinted twice with different names,all the names and the hints referencing them are ignored. Query blocks that are not named using this hint have unique system-generated names.

lightdb@postgres=# explain select/*+indexscan(t2@qb)*/ * from t1 ,(select /*+qb_name(qb)*/* from t2 where id >10) as tt;
LOG:  lt_hint_plan:
used hint:
not used hint:
duplication hint:
error hint:

                                QUERY PLAN                                
Nested Loop  (cost=0.13..3.21 rows=3 width=532)
->  Index Scan using idx_t2_id on t2  (cost=0.13..2.15 rows=1 width=8)
        Index Cond: (id > 10)
->  Seq Scan on t1  (cost=0.00..1.03 rows=3 width=524)
(4 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# explain select/*+indexscan(t2@qb) indexscan(t3@qb1)*/ * from t1 ,(select /*+qb_name(qb)*/* from t2 where id >10) as tt where exists (select/*+qb_name(qb1)*/ * from t3 where id>1);
                                    QUERY PLAN                                    

Result  (cost=2.28..5.35 rows=3 width=532)
One-Time Filter: $0
InitPlan 1 (returns $0)
    ->  Index Scan using idx_t3_id on t3 @qb1  (cost=0.13..2.15 rows=1 width=0)
        Index Cond: (id > 1)
->  Nested Loop  (cost=2.28..5.35 rows=3 width=532)
        ->  Index Scan using idx_t2_id on t2 @qb  (cost=0.13..2.15 rows=1 width=8)
            Index Cond: (id > 10)
        ->  Seq Scan on t1 @"lt#0"  (cost=0.00..1.03 rows=3 width=524)
(9 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# Other hints

Hints that cannot be classified into the above hints . Hint for no merge

This hint "NO_MERGE" instructs the optimizer not to combine the outer query and any inline view queries into a single query.

lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false) select * from t1, (select /*+no_merge*/t2.id from t2,t3) tt where t1.id=tt.id;
LOG:  lt_hint_plan:
used hint:
not used hint:
duplication hint:
error hint:

                QUERY PLAN                
Hash Join
Hash Cond: (t2.id = t1.id)
->  Nested Loop
        ->  Seq Scan on t2 @"lt#0"
        ->  Materialize
            ->  Seq Scan on t3 @"lt#0"
->  Hash
        ->  Seq Scan on t1 @"lt#1"
(8 rows)
lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false) select/*+ no_merge(tt)*/ * from t1, (select t2.id from t2,t3) tt where t1.id=tt.id;
LOG:  lt_hint_plan:
used hint:
not used hint:
duplication hint:
error hint:

            QUERY PLAN             
Hash Join
Hash Cond: (t2.id = t1.id)
->  Nested Loop
        ->  Seq Scan on t2
        ->  Materialize
            ->  Seq Scan on t3
->  Hash
        ->  Seq Scan on t1 @"lt#0"
(8 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false) select/*+ no_merge(@qb)*/ * from t1, (select/*+qb_name(qb)*/ t2.id from t2,t3) tt where t1.id=tt.id;
LOG:  lt_hint_plan:
used hint:
not used hint:
duplication hint:
error hint:

            QUERY PLAN              
Hash Join
Hash Cond: (t2.id = t1.id)
->  Nested Loop
        ->  Seq Scan on t2 @qb
        ->  Materialize
            ->  Seq Scan on t3 @qb
->  Hash
        ->  Seq Scan on t1 @"lt#0"
(8 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# Hints for group by method(hash/sort)

The hint "use_hash_aggregation" instructs the optimizer to use hash aggregation when group by. The hint "no_use_hash_aggregation" instructs the optimizer not to use hash aggregation when group by, then use sort.

There are two ways to use these hints. The first one has no parameters, specifying whether the current statement uses the hash algorithm, and the second one is combined with the query block name.

The following example shows the effect of the use_hash_aggregation hint.

lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false)  select max(id) from t1 where id>1 group by id order by id;
                QUERY PLAN                 
Group Key: id
->  Index Only Scan using t1_pkey on t1
        Index Cond: (id > 1)
(4 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false)  select/*+ use_hash_aggregation*/ max(id) from t1 where id>1 group by id order by id;
            QUERY PLAN             
Sort Key: id
->  HashAggregate
        Group Key: id
        ->  Seq Scan on t1 @"lt#0"
            Filter: (id > 1)
(6 rows)


The following example shows the effect of the no_use_hash_aggregation hint.

lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false)  select max(id) from t1 where id>1 group by id;
        QUERY PLAN        
Group Key: id
->  Seq Scan on t1
        Filter: (id > 1)
(4 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false)  select/*+ no_use_hash_aggregation*/ max(id) from t1 where id>1 group by id;
                    QUERY PLAN                     
Group Key: id
->  Index Only Scan using t1_pkey on t1 @"lt#0"
        Index Cond: (id > 1)
(4 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# Hints for special join(semijoin/antijoin)

Hints for semi-join are "semijoin", "hash_sj", "nl_sj", "merge_sj" and "no_semijoin", which are used to control whether to use semi-join or specify the algorithm for semi-join. Hints for anti-join are "hash_aj", "nl_aj", "merge_aj", which are used to specify the algorithm for anti-join.

There are two ways to use these hints. The first one has no parameter and must be placed in sublink, and the second one is combined with the query block name.

The following example shows the effect of the hints with semi-join.

lightdb@postgres=# create table test1 (key1 int primary key, key2 int);
lightdb@postgres=# create table test2 (key1 int primary key, key2 int);
lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false) select * from test1 where exists (select * from test2 where test1.key1=test2.key1);
                QUERY PLAN               
Hash Join
Hash Cond: (test1.key1 = test2.key1)
->  Seq Scan on test1
->  Hash
        ->  Seq Scan on test2
(5 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false) select * from test1 where exists (select /*+semijoin*/* from test2 where test1.key1=test2.key1);
                    QUERY PLAN                        
Merge Semi Join
Merge Cond: (test1.key1 = test2.key1)
->  Index Scan using test1_pkey on test1 @"lt#1"
->  Index Only Scan using test2_pkey on test2 @"lt#0"
(4 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false) select * from test1 where exists (select /*+hash_sj*/* from test2 where test1.key1=test2.key1);
            QUERY PLAN               
Hash Semi Join
Hash Cond: (test1.key1 = test2.key1)
->  Seq Scan on test1 @"lt#1"
->  Hash
        ->  Seq Scan on test2 @"lt#0"
(5 rows)


The following example shows the effect of the hints without semi-join.

lightdb@postgres=# create table tt1 (id int, t int, name varchar(255));
lightdb@postgres=# create table tt2 (id int , salary int);
lightdb@postgres=# create index idx_t1_id on tt1(id);
lightdb@postgres=# create index idx_t2_id on tt2(id);
lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false)  select * from tt1 where exists (select * from tt2 where tt1.id=tt2.id);
                QUERY PLAN                  
Nested Loop Semi Join
->  Seq Scan on tt1
->  Index Only Scan using idx_t2_id on tt2
        Index Cond: (id = tt1.id)
(4 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false)  select * from tt1 where exists (select /*+no_semijoin*/* from tt2 where tt1.id=tt2.id);
                QUERY PLAN                 
Hash Join
Hash Cond: (tt1.id = tt2.id)
->  Seq Scan on tt1 @"lt#1"
->  Hash
        ->  HashAggregate
            Group Key: tt2.id
            ->  Seq Scan on tt2 @"lt#0"
(7 rows)


The following example shows the effect of the hints with anti-join.

lightdb@postgres=# create table tt1 (id int, t int, name varchar(255));
lightdb@postgres=# create table tt2 (id int , salary int);
lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false) select * from test1 where not exists (select 1 from test2 where test1.key1=test2.key1);
            QUERY PLAN               
Hash Anti Join
Hash Cond: (test1.key1 = test2.key1)
->  Seq Scan on test1
->  Hash
        ->  Seq Scan on test2
(5 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false) select * from test1 where not exists (select/*+hash_aj*/ 1 from test2 where test1.key1=test2.key1);
            QUERY PLAN               
Hash Anti Join
Hash Cond: (test1.key1 = test2.key1)
->  Seq Scan on test1 @"lt#1"
->  Hash
        ->  Seq Scan on test2 @"lt#0"
(5 rows)
lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false) select * from test1 where not exists (select/*+nl_aj*/ 1 from test2 where test1.key1=test2.key1);
                    QUERY PLAN                        
Nested Loop Anti Join
->  Seq Scan on test1 @"lt#1"
->  Index Only Scan using test2_pkey on test2 @"lt#0"
        Index Cond: (key1 = test1.key1)
(4 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false) select * from test1 where not exists (select/*+merge_aj*/ 1 from test2 where test1.key1=test2.key1);
                    QUERY PLAN                        
Merge Anti Join
Merge Cond: (test1.key1 = test2.key1)
->  Index Scan using test1_pkey on test1 @"lt#1"
->  Index Only Scan using test2_pkey on test2 @"lt#0"
(4 rows)


"no_semijoin" doesn't prevent pulling up sublink, instead it dose not chooses semijoin paths when other paths can be chosen.

no_semijoin invalid:

lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false) select * from test1 where exists (select /*+no_semijoin*/* from test2 where test1.key1>test2.key2);
LOG:  lt_hint_plan:
used hint:
not used hint:
duplication hint:
error hint:

                QUERY PLAN                
Nested Loop Semi Join
Join Filter: (test1.key1 > test2.key2)
->  Seq Scan on test1 @"lt#1"
->  Materialize
        ->  Seq Scan on test2 @"lt#0"
(5 rows)


When used with join method hint, join method hint will be ignored. The following example shows it.

lightdb@postgres=# explain select/*+nestloop(test1 test2@qb)*/ * from test1 where exists (select /*+semijoin qb_name(qb)*/* from test2 where test1.key1=test2.key1);
INFO:  lt_hint_plan: join type hint is conflicted with special join hint,ignore join type hint 
DETAIL:  join type hint: NestLoop, special join hint: semijoin(@qb) 
LOG:  lt_hint_plan:
used hint:
not used hint:
duplication hint:
NestLoop(test1@lt#0 test2@qb)
error hint:

                                        QUERY PLAN                                 
Merge Semi Join  (cost=0.31..124.01 rows=2260 width=8)
Merge Cond: (test1.key1 = test2.key1)
->  Index Scan using test1_pkey on test1 @"lt#0"  (cost=0.15..45.06 rows=2260 wi
->  Index Only Scan using test2_pkey on test2 @qb  (cost=0.15..45.06 rows=2260 w
(4 rows)


When used with the leading hint, parts of the leading hint that conflict with these hints will be ignored, but this may still render these hints ineffective. When there are conflicts, the result may not be as you expected, so the best way is resolve the conflict. The following example shows the conflict.

lightdb@postgres=# explain select/*+leading(test2@qb test1 )*/ * from test1 where exists (select /*+semijoin qb_name(qb)*/* from test2 where test1.key1=test2.key1);
INFO:  lt_hint_plan: special join hint conflict with sub of leading hint, ignore sub of leading hint 
DETAIL:  use special join hint: semijoin(@qb), the sub of leading has 2 relation
LOG:  lt_hint_plan:
used hint:
Leading((test2@qb test1@lt#0))
not used hint:
duplication hint:
error hint:

                                        QUERY PLAN                                 
Merge Semi Join  (cost=0.31..124.01 rows=2260 width=8)
Merge Cond: (test1.key1 = test2.key1)
->  Index Scan using test1_pkey on test1 @"lt#0"  (cost=0.15..45.06 rows=2260 wi
->  Index Only Scan using test2_pkey on test2 @qb  (cost=0.15..45.06 rows=2260 w
(4 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# Hint for specify outer table of hashjoin

This hint "swap_join_inputs" specifies the outer table of hashjoin.

The following example shows the effect of "swap_join_inputs".

lightdb@postgres=# create table test1 (key1 int primary key, key2 int);
lightdb@postgres=# create table test2 (key1 int primary key, key2 int);
lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false) select * from test1, test2 where test1.key1 = test2.key1;
            QUERY PLAN               
Hash Join
Hash Cond: (test1.key1 = test2.key1)
->  Seq Scan on test1
->  Hash
        ->  Seq Scan on test2
(5 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false) select /*+swap_join_inputs(test2)*/* from test1, test2 where test1.key1 = test2.key1;
LOG:  lt_hint_plan:
used hint:
not used hint:
duplication hint:
error hint:

            QUERY PLAN               
Hash Join
Hash Cond: (test2.key1 = test1.key1)
->  Seq Scan on test2 @"lt#0"
->  Hash
        ->  Seq Scan on test1 @"lt#0"
(5 rows)


Using this hint will enforce SQL to use hashjoin if possible. The following example shows it.

lightdb@postgres=# create table t_1(key1 int not null);
lightdb@postgres=# create table t_2(key1 int not null);
lightdb@postgres=# explain select /*swap_join_inputs(t_2)*/* from t_1,t_2 where t_1.key1=t_2.key1;
                            QUERY PLAN                             
Merge Join  (cost=359.57..860.00 rows=32512 width=8)
Merge Cond: (t_1.key1 = t_2.key1)
->  Sort  (cost=179.78..186.16 rows=2550 width=4)
        Sort Key: t_1.key1
        ->  Seq Scan on t_1  (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=2550 width=4)
->  Sort  (cost=179.78..186.16 rows=2550 width=4)
        Sort Key: t_2.key1
        ->  Seq Scan on t_2  (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=2550 width=4)
(8 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# explain select /*+swap_join_inputs(t_2)*/* from t_1,t_2 where t_1.key1=t_2.key1;
LOG:  lt_hint_plan:
used hint:
not used hint:
duplication hint:
error hint:

                                QUERY PLAN                                 
Hash Join  (cost=67.38..1247.18 rows=32512 width=8)
Hash Cond: (t_2.key1 = t_1.key1)
->  Seq Scan on t_2 @"lt#0"  (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=2550 width=4)
->  Hash  (cost=35.50..35.50 rows=2550 width=4)
        ->  Seq Scan on t_1 @"lt#0"  (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=2550 width=4)
(5 rows)


When used with the leading hint, parts of the leading hint that conflict with these hints will be ignored. The following example shows it.

lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false) select /*+ leading(test1 test2)  swap_join_inputs(test2)*/* from test1, test2 where test1.key1 = test2.key1;
INFO:  lt_hint_plan: leading hint conflict with swap_join_inputs hint, ignore leading hint 
DETAIL:  use swap_join_hint(test2@lt#0) 
LOG:  lt_hint_plan:
used hint:
Leading((test1@lt#0 test2@lt#0))
not used hint:
duplication hint:
error hint:

            QUERY PLAN               
Hash Join
Hash Cond: (test2.key1 = test1.key1)
->  Seq Scan on test2 @"lt#0"
->  Hash
        ->  Seq Scan on test1 @"lt#0"
(5 rows)


When used with the join method hint, this hint can't be used if the join method hint specifies a non-hashjoin method. The following example shows it.

lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false) select /*+ nestloop(test1 test2)  swap_join_inputs(test2)*/* from test1, test2 where test1.key1 = test2.key1;
LOG:  lt_hint_plan:
used hint:
NestLoop(test1@lt#0 test2@lt#0)
not used hint:
duplication hint:
error hint:

                    QUERY PLAN                     
Nested Loop
->  Seq Scan on test1 @"lt#0"
->  Index Scan using test2_pkey on test2 @"lt#0"
        Index Cond: (key1 = test1.key1)
(4 rows)


This hint shouldn't be used for semij-join and anti-join, becase semi-join and anti-join can't change outer table. When used with semi-join and anti-join hint, this hint will be ignored. The following example shows it.

lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false) select/*+swap_join_inputs(test2@qb)*/ * from test1 where exists ( select/*+semijoin qb_name(qb)*/ * from test2 where test1.key1 = test2.key1);
INFO:  lt_hint_plan: special join hint conflict with swap_join_inputs hint, ignore swap_join_inputs hint 
DETAIL:  ignore swap_join_hint(test2@qb), use semijoin(@qb) 
LOG:  lt_hint_plan:
used hint:
not used hint:
duplication hint:
error hint:

                    QUERY PLAN                      
Merge Semi Join
Merge Cond: (test1.key1 = test2.key1)
->  Index Scan using test1_pkey on test1 @"lt#0"
->  Index Only Scan using test2_pkey on test2 @qb
(4 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# Hint to preserve the order of predicate evaluation

This hint "ordered_predicates" forces the optimizer to preserve the order of predicate evaluation, except for predicates used as index keys. Use this hint for the WHERE clause of SELECT statements.

You can override these default evaluation rules using the ordered_predicates hint, and your WHERE clause items will then be evaluated in the order that they appear in the query. The ordered_predicates hint is commonly used in cases where a function is used in the WHERE clause of a query. It is also very useful in cases where you know the most restrictive predicates and you want Lightdb to evaluate these first.

The following example shows the effect of "ordered_predicates".

lightdb@postgres=# create table test1 (key1 int, key2 int);
lightdb@postgres=# create table test2 (key1 int, key2 int);
lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false) select * from test1 where mod(key1,10)=2 and key2=2;
                   QUERY PLAN                   
 Seq Scan on test1
   Filter: ((key2 = 2) AND (mod(key1, 10) = 2))
(2 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false) select /*+ordered_predicates*/* from test1 where mod(key1,10)=2 and key2=2;
                   QUERY PLAN                   
 Seq Scan on test1 @"lt#0"
   Filter: ((mod(key1, 10) = 2) AND (key2 = 2))
(2 rows)


This hint will not affect predicates that transitively generated by the optimizer.

In the following example, "b.key2 = 1" is regenerated by the optimizer, so it's order can't be reserved.

lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false) select * from test1 a left join test2 b on a.key1=b.key1 and a.key2=b.key2 where mod(b.key2, 10) = 2 and b.key2 = 1; 
                      QUERY PLAN                      
 Nested Loop
   Join Filter: (a.key1 = b.key1)
   ->  Seq Scan on test2 b
         Filter: ((key2 = 1) AND (mod(key2, 10) = 2))
   ->  Seq Scan on test1 a
         Filter: (key2 = 1)
(6 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false) select/*+ordered_predicates*/ * from test1 a left join test2 b on a.key1=b.key1 and a.key2=b.key2 where mod(b.key2, 10) = 2 and b.key2 = 1; 
                      QUERY PLAN                      
 Nested Loop
   Join Filter: (a.key1 = b.key1)
   ->  Seq Scan on test2 b @"lt#0"
         Filter: ((key2 = 1) AND (mod(key2, 10) = 2))
   ->  Seq Scan on test1 a @"lt#0"
         Filter: (key2 = 1)
(6 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# Hint to control optimization about pull up sublink

The optimization about pull up sublink is an RBO. it will pull up sublink if it is possible. So there is no need to implement "unnest" hint, we only support syntax here.

The "no_unnest" hint can be used to force to not pull up sublink.

The following example shows the effect of "no_unnest".

lightdb@postgres=# create table test1 (key1 int, key2 int);
lightdb@postgres=# create table test2 (key1 int, key2 int);
lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false) select * from test1 where exists(select * from test2 where test1.key1=test2.key1);
               QUERY PLAN               
 Hash Join
   Hash Cond: (test1.key1 = test2.key1)
   ->  Seq Scan on test1
   ->  Hash
         ->  HashAggregate
               Group Key: test2.key1
               ->  Seq Scan on test2
(7 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false) select * from test1 where exists(select/*+no_unnest*/ * from test2 where test1.key1=test2.key1);
                       QUERY PLAN                        
 Seq Scan on test1 @"lt#1"
   Filter: (alternatives: SubPlan 1 or hashed SubPlan 2)
   SubPlan 1
     ->  Seq Scan on test2 @"lt#0"
           Filter: (test1.key1 = key1)
   SubPlan 2
     ->  Seq Scan on test2 test2_1 @"lt#0"
(7 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# Hint to control parallel join mode

Now 'pq_distribute' hint is only use for parallel hash join, and only this usage ('pq_distribute(inner_table none broadcast)') works.

The usage ('pq_distribute(inner_table hash hash)') is supported, but not work.

When used with 'leading' hint, it will be used only if the specified table is the inner table after using 'leading' hint.

The following example shows the effect of "pq_distribute".

lightdb@postgres=# create table t1 (id int, val text);
lightdb@postgres=# create table t2 (id int, val text);
lightdb@lt_test=# /*+set(parallel_tuple_cost 0) set(parallel_setup_cost 0) set(min_parallel_table_scan_size 0) set(min_parallel_index_scan_size 0) set(max_parallel_workers_per_gather 8)*/
lightdb@lt_test-# EXPLAIN (COSTS false) SELECT /*+ leading(t1 t2) hashjoin(t1 t2)*/ * FROM t1 join t2 on t1.id=t2.id;
                    QUERY PLAN                     
   Workers Planned: 3
   ->  Parallel Hash Join
         Hash Cond: (t1.id = t2.id)
         ->  Parallel Seq Scan on t1 @"lt#0"
         ->  Parallel Hash
               ->  Parallel Seq Scan on t2 @"lt#0"
(7 rows)

lightdb@lt_test=# /*+set(parallel_tuple_cost 0) set(parallel_setup_cost 0) set(min_parallel_table_scan_size 0) set(min_parallel_index_scan_size 0) set(max_parallel_workers_per_gather 8)*/
lightdb@lt_test-# EXPLAIN (COSTS false) select/*+leading(t1 t2) hashjoin(t1 t2) pq_distribute(t2 none broadcast)*/ * from t1 join t2 on t1.id=t2.id;
                 QUERY PLAN                  
   Workers Planned: 3
   ->  Hash Join
         Hash Cond: (t1.id = t2.id)
         ->  Parallel Seq Scan on t1 @"lt#0"
         ->  Hash
               ->  Seq Scan on t2 @"lt#0"
(7 rows)


When used with 'swap_join_inputs' hint, it will always be used if 'swap_join_inputs' hint is used. It is different from oracle, in oracle, 'pq_distribute' will not work if the specified table is the inner table after using 'swap_join_inputs'.

lightdb@lt_test=# /*+set(parallel_tuple_cost 0) set(parallel_setup_cost 0) set(min_parallel_table_scan_size 0) set(min_parallel_index_scan_size 0) set(max_parallel_workers_per_gather 8)*/
EXPLAIN (COSTS false) select/*+leading(t1 t2) hashjoin(t1 t2) pq_distribute(t1 none broadcast)*/ * from t1 join t2 on t1.id=t2.id;
                    QUERY PLAN                     
   Workers Planned: 3
   ->  Parallel Hash Join
         Hash Cond: (t1.id = t2.id)
         ->  Parallel Seq Scan on t1 @"lt#0"
         ->  Parallel Hash
               ->  Parallel Seq Scan on t2 @"lt#0"
(7 rows)

lightdb@lt_test=# /*+set(parallel_tuple_cost 0) set(parallel_setup_cost 0) set(min_parallel_table_scan_size 0) set(min_parallel_index_scan_size 0) set(max_parallel_workers_per_gather 8)*/
EXPLAIN (COSTS false) select/*+leading(t1 t2) hashjoin(t1 t2) pq_distribute(t1 none broadcast) swap_join_inputs(t2)*/ * from t1 join t2 on t1.id=t2.id;
                 QUERY PLAN                  
   Workers Planned: 3
   ->  Hash Join
         Hash Cond: (t2.id = t1.id)
         ->  Parallel Seq Scan on t2 @"lt#0"
         ->  Hash
               ->  Seq Scan on t1 @"lt#0"
(7 rows)

lightdb@lt_test=# /*+set(parallel_tuple_cost 0) set(parallel_setup_cost 0) set(min_parallel_table_scan_size 0) set(min_parallel_index_scan_size 0) set(max_parallel_workers_per_gather 8)*/
EXPLAIN (COSTS false) select/*+leading(t1 t2) hashjoin(t1 t2) pq_distribute(t2 none broadcast) swap_join_inputs(t2)*/ * from t1 join t2 on t1.id=t2.id;
                 QUERY PLAN                  
   Workers Planned: 3
   ->  Hash Join
         Hash Cond: (t2.id = t1.id)
         ->  Parallel Seq Scan on t2 @"lt#0"
         ->  Hash
               ->  Seq Scan on t1 @"lt#0"
(7 rows)


Without specifying the order of join, 'pq_distribute' hint might be used but doesn't work, beacuse it can only work when the specified table is the inner table and the join is an parallel hash join. If the cost of another path which the specified table is the outer table is lower, the optimizer will choose another path.

lightdb@lt_test=# /*+set(parallel_tuple_cost 0) set(parallel_setup_cost 0) set(min_parallel_table_scan_size 0) set(min_parallel_index_scan_size 0) set(max_parallel_workers_per_gather 8)*/
EXPLAIN (COSTS false) select/*+hashjoin(t1 t2)pq_distribute(t2 none broadcast)*/ * from t1 join t2 on t1.id=t2.id;
                    QUERY PLAN                     
   Workers Planned: 3
   ->  Parallel Hash Join
         Hash Cond: (t2.id = t1.id)
         ->  Parallel Seq Scan on t2 @"lt#0"
         ->  Parallel Hash
               ->  Parallel Seq Scan on t1 @"lt#0"
(7 rows)

lightdb@lt_test=# /*+set(parallel_tuple_cost 0) set(parallel_setup_cost 0) set(min_parallel_table_scan_size 0) set(min_parallel_index_scan_size 0) set(max_parallel_workers_per_gather 8)*/
EXPLAIN (COSTS false) select/*+hashjoin(t1 t2)pq_distribute(t1 none broadcast)*/ * from t1 join t2 on t1.id=t2.id;
                    QUERY PLAN                     
   Workers Planned: 3
   ->  Parallel Hash Join
         Hash Cond: (t1.id = t2.id)
         ->  Parallel Seq Scan on t1 @"lt#0"
         ->  Parallel Hash
               ->  Parallel Seq Scan on t2 @"lt#0"
(7 rows)

lightdb@lt_test=# /*+set(parallel_tuple_cost 0) set(parallel_setup_cost 0) set(min_parallel_table_scan_size 0) set(min_parallel_index_scan_size 0) set(max_parallel_workers_per_gather 8)*/
EXPLAIN (COSTS false) select/*+hashjoin(t1 t2)pq_distribute(t1 none broadcast) pq_distribute(t2 none broadcast)*/ * from t1 join t2 on t1.id=t2.id;
                 QUERY PLAN                  
   Workers Planned: 3
   ->  Hash Join
         Hash Cond: (t1.id = t2.id)
         ->  Parallel Seq Scan on t1 @"lt#0"
         ->  Hash
               ->  Seq Scan on t2 @"lt#0"
(7 rows)

lightdb@lt_test=# Hint about pushing down clauses with sublink

In LightDB, the optimization about pushing down clauses with sublink is an RBO. it will push down clauses with sublink if it is possible.

The "no_push_subq" hint can be used to force to not push down clauses with sublink.

The "push_subq" hint can be used to force to push down clauses with sublink. But because LightDB will push down clauses with sublink if it is possible, there is no need to use it. if you use it, it will be marked used when it can be used.

The following example shows the effect of "no_push_subq". The "push_subq" hint's usage is similar to "no_push_subq".

create table test_no_push_subq1 as select * from pg_class order by oid limit 100;
create table test_no_push_subq2 as select * from pg_class order by oid limit 100;
create table test_no_push_subq3 as select * from pg_class order by oid limit 100;
create table test_no_push_subq4 as select * from pg_class order by oid limit 100;
lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false)
lightdb@postgres-# select a.oid from test_no_push_subq1 a join test_no_push_subq3 b on a.reltype =b.reltype and a.oid = b.oid
lightdb@postgres-# where a.oid = (select max(oid) from test_no_push_subq2);
                  QUERY PLAN                  
 Nested Loop
   Join Filter: (a.reltype = b.reltype)
   InitPlan 1 (returns $0)
     ->  Aggregate
           ->  Seq Scan on test_no_push_subq2
   ->  Seq Scan on test_no_push_subq1 a
         Filter: (oid = $0)
   ->  Materialize
         ->  Seq Scan on test_no_push_subq3 b
               Filter: (oid = $0)
(10 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false)
lightdb@postgres-# select a.oid from test_no_push_subq1 a join test_no_push_subq3 b on a.reltype =b.reltype and a.oid = b.oid
lightdb@postgres-# where a.oid = (select/*+no_push_subq*/ max(oid) from test_no_push_subq2);
                         QUERY PLAN                         
 Hash Join
   Hash Cond: ((a.reltype = b.reltype) AND (a.oid = b.oid))
   Join Filter: (a.oid = $0)
   InitPlan 1 (returns $0)
     ->  Aggregate
           ->  Seq Scan on test_no_push_subq2 @"lt#0"
   ->  Seq Scan on test_no_push_subq1 a @"lt#1"
   ->  Hash
         ->  Seq Scan on test_no_push_subq3 b @"lt#1"
(9 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false)
lightdb@postgres-# select a.oid from test_no_push_subq1 a join test_no_push_subq3 b on a.reltype =b.reltype and a.oid = b.oid
lightdb@postgres-# where a.oid = (select max(oid) from test_no_push_subq2 c where a.oid = c.oid);
                                    QUERY PLAN                                     
 Nested Loop
   Join Filter: ((a.reltype = b.reltype) AND (a.oid = b.oid))
   ->  Seq Scan on test_no_push_subq3 b
   ->  Materialize
         ->  Seq Scan on test_no_push_subq1 a
               Filter: (oid = (SubPlan 2))
               SubPlan 2
                 ->  Result
                       InitPlan 1 (returns $1)
                         ->  Limit
                               ->  Seq Scan on test_no_push_subq2 c
                                     Filter: ((oid IS NOT NULL) AND (a.oid = oid))
(12 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false)
lightdb@postgres-# select a.oid from test_no_push_subq1 a join test_no_push_subq3 b on a.reltype =b.reltype and a.oid = b.oid
lightdb@postgres-# where a.oid = (select/*+no_push_subq*/  max(oid) from test_no_push_subq2 c where a.oid = c.oid);
                              QUERY PLAN                               
 Hash Join
   Hash Cond: ((a.reltype = b.reltype) AND (a.oid = b.oid))
   Join Filter: (a.oid = (SubPlan 2))
   ->  Seq Scan on test_no_push_subq1 a @"lt#1"
   ->  Hash
         ->  Seq Scan on test_no_push_subq3 b @"lt#1"
   SubPlan 2
     ->  Result
           InitPlan 1 (returns $1)
             ->  Limit
                   ->  Seq Scan on test_no_push_subq2 c @"lt#0"
                         Filter: ((oid IS NOT NULL) AND (a.oid = oid))
(12 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false)
lightdb@postgres-# select * from test_no_push_subq1 a join test_no_push_subq3 b on a.reltype =b.reltype
lightdb@postgres-# where (select oid from test_no_push_subq2 c where c.oid=a.oid) = (select oid from test_no_push_subq3 d where d.oid=a.oid);
                      QUERY PLAN                      
 Nested Loop
   Join Filter: (a.reltype = b.reltype)
   ->  Seq Scan on test_no_push_subq3 b
   ->  Materialize
         ->  Seq Scan on test_no_push_subq1 a
               Filter: ((SubPlan 1) = (SubPlan 2))
               SubPlan 1
                 ->  Seq Scan on test_no_push_subq2 c
                       Filter: (oid = a.oid)
               SubPlan 2
                 ->  Seq Scan on test_no_push_subq3 d
                       Filter: (oid = a.oid)
(12 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false)
lightdb@postgres-# select * from test_no_push_subq1 a join test_no_push_subq3 b on a.reltype =b.reltype
lightdb@postgres-# where (select/*+no_push_subq*/ oid from test_no_push_subq2 c where c.oid=a.oid) = (select oid from test_no_push_subq3 d where d.oid=a.oid);
                      QUERY PLAN                      
 Hash Join
   Hash Cond: (a.reltype = b.reltype)
   Join Filter: ((SubPlan 1) = (SubPlan 2))
   ->  Seq Scan on test_no_push_subq1 a @"lt#2"
   ->  Hash
         ->  Seq Scan on test_no_push_subq3 b @"lt#2"
   SubPlan 1
     ->  Seq Scan on test_no_push_subq2 c @"lt#0"
           Filter: (oid = a.oid)
   SubPlan 2
     ->  Seq Scan on test_no_push_subq3 d @"lt#1"
           Filter: (oid = a.oid)
(12 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false)
lightdb@postgres-# select a.oid from test_no_push_subq1 a join test_no_push_subq3 b on a.reltype =b.reltype and a.oid = b.oid
lightdb@postgres-# where a.oid > all (select oid from test_no_push_subq2 c where c.oid =a.oid);
                         QUERY PLAN                         
 Hash Join
   Hash Cond: ((a.reltype = b.reltype) AND (a.oid = b.oid))
   ->  Seq Scan on test_no_push_subq1 a
         Filter: (SubPlan 1)
         SubPlan 1
           ->  Seq Scan on test_no_push_subq2 c
                 Filter: (oid = a.oid)
   ->  Hash
         ->  Seq Scan on test_no_push_subq3 b
(9 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false)
lightdb@postgres-# select a.oid from test_no_push_subq1 a join test_no_push_subq3 b on a.reltype =b.reltype and a.oid = b.oid
lightdb@postgres-# where a.oid > all (select/*+ no_push_subq*/ oid from test_no_push_subq2 c where c.oid =a.oid);
                         QUERY PLAN                         
 Hash Join
   Hash Cond: ((a.reltype = b.reltype) AND (a.oid = b.oid))
   Join Filter: (SubPlan 1)
   ->  Seq Scan on test_no_push_subq1 a @"lt#1"
   ->  Hash
         ->  Seq Scan on test_no_push_subq3 b @"lt#1"
   SubPlan 1
     ->  Seq Scan on test_no_push_subq2 c @"lt#0"
           Filter: (oid = a.oid)
(9 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false)
lightdb@postgres-# select a.oid from test_no_push_subq1 a join test_no_push_subq3 b on a.reltype =b.reltype and a.oid = b.oid
lightdb@postgres-# where exists(select/*+no_unnest*/ * from test_no_push_subq2 c where a.oid = c.oid and c.oid=2691);
                          QUERY PLAN                           
 Hash Join
   Hash Cond: ((a.reltype = b.reltype) AND (a.oid = b.oid))
   ->  Seq Scan on test_no_push_subq1 a @"lt#1"
         Filter: (alternatives: SubPlan 1 or hashed SubPlan 2)
         SubPlan 1
           ->  Result
                 One-Time Filter: (a.oid = '2691'::oid)
                 ->  Seq Scan on test_no_push_subq2 c @"lt#0"
                       Filter: (oid = '2691'::oid)
         SubPlan 2
           ->  Seq Scan on test_no_push_subq2 c_1 @"lt#0"
                 Filter: (oid = '2691'::oid)
   ->  Hash
         ->  Seq Scan on test_no_push_subq3 b @"lt#1"
(14 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false)
lightdb@postgres-# select a.oid from test_no_push_subq1 a join test_no_push_subq3 b on a.reltype =b.reltype and a.oid = b.oid
lightdb@postgres-# where exists(select/*+no_unnest no_push_subq*/ * from test_no_push_subq2 c where a.oid = c.oid and c.oid=2691);
                          QUERY PLAN                          
 Hash Join
   Hash Cond: ((a.reltype = b.reltype) AND (a.oid = b.oid))
   Join Filter: (alternatives: SubPlan 1 or hashed SubPlan 2)
   ->  Seq Scan on test_no_push_subq1 a @"lt#1"
   ->  Hash
         ->  Seq Scan on test_no_push_subq3 b @"lt#1"
   SubPlan 1
     ->  Result
           One-Time Filter: (a.oid = '2691'::oid)
           ->  Seq Scan on test_no_push_subq2 c @"lt#0"
                 Filter: (oid = '2691'::oid)
   SubPlan 2
     ->  Seq Scan on test_no_push_subq2 c_1 @"lt#0"
           Filter: (oid = '2691'::oid)
(14 rows)


Note that "no_push_subq" is not used when "push_subq" and "no_push_subq" are not applied to the same sublink, but to the same filter (same with oracle). for example("no_push_subq" on subplan2 is not used):

select * from test_push_subq1 a join test_push_subq3 b on a.reltype =b.reltype
where ((select/*+no_push_subq*/ relname from test_push_subq2 c where c.oid=a.oid), (select/*+push_subq*/ reltype from test_push_subq2  c where c.oid=a.oid)) = (select/*+no_push_subq*/ relname, reltype from test_push_subq2);
LOG:  lt_hint_plan:
used hint:
not used hint:
duplication hint:
error hint:

                      QUERY PLAN                       
 Hash Join
   Hash Cond: (a.reltype = b.reltype)
   Join Filter: ((SubPlan 1) = $2)
   InitPlan 3 (returns $2,$3)
     ->  Seq Scan on test_push_subq2 @"lt#0"
   ->  Seq Scan on test_push_subq1 a @"lt#3"
         Filter: ((SubPlan 2) = $3)
         SubPlan 2
           ->  Seq Scan on test_push_subq2 c_1 @"lt#2"
                 Filter: (oid = a.oid)
   ->  Hash
         ->  Seq Scan on test_push_subq3 b @"lt#3"
   SubPlan 1
     ->  Seq Scan on test_push_subq2 c @"lt#1"
           Filter: (oid = a.oid)
(15 rows) Hint to ignore a unique key violation

The "ignore_row_on_dupkey_index" hint can be used to ignore a unique key violation for a specified set of columns or for a specified index. Currently using this hint is the same as using 'on conflict do nothing' clause. If you specify this hint when inserting data with DML error logging enabled, then the unique key violation is not logged and does not cause statement termination.

The semantic effect of this hint results in error messages if specific rules are violated:

  • You must specify exactly one index. If you specify no index, then the statement causes LT008(oracle is ORA-38912). If you specify more than one index, then the statement causes LT010(oracle is ORA-38915).

  • If you specify index, then the index must exist and be unique. Otherwise, the statement causes LT009(oracle is ORA-38913).

  • The IGNORE_ROW_ON_DUPKEY_INDEX hint applies only to single-table INSERT operations. It is not supported for UPDATE, DELETE, MERGE(do not support hint yet, will ignore), or multitable insert operations, and will report LT011(oracle is ORA-38917).

  • If the specified columns have more than one index, then the statement causes LT010(oracle does not have this because you cannot have more than one index on the same field).

  • Cannot be used with an on conflict clause and will result in an LT011 error (oracle does not have an on conflict clause).

The following example shows the effect of the "ignore_row_on_dupkey_index" hint:

create table test_ignore_dupkey(key1 int, key2 int, key3 int, key4 int);
create unique index test_ignore_dupkey_ui1 on test_ignore_dupkey(key1, key2);
create unique index test_ignore_dupkey_ui2 on test_ignore_dupkey(key3, key4);
create index test_ignore_dupkey_i on test_ignore_dupkey(key3);

lightdb@postgres=# insert into test_ignore_dupkey values(1, 1, 1, 1);
lightdb@postgres=# insert into test_ignore_dupkey values(1, 1, 1, 1);
ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "test_ignore_dupkey_ui1"
DETAIL:  Key (key1, key2)=(1, 1) already exists.
lightdb@postgres=# insert/*+IGNORE_ROW_ON_DUPKEY_INDEX(test_ignore_dupkey  test_ignore_dupkey_ui1) */ into test_ignore_dupkey values(1, 1, 1, 2);
lightdb@postgres=# insert/*+IGNORE_ROW_ON_DUPKEY_INDEX(test_ignore_dupkey(key1, key2)) */ into test_ignore_dupkey values(1, 1, 1, 2);
lightdb@postgres=# insert/*+IGNORE_ROW_ON_DUPKEY_INDEX(test_ignore_dupkey) */ into test_ignore_dupkey values(1, 1, 1, 2);
ERROR:  An index must be specified in the index hint
lightdb@postgres=# insert/*+IGNORE_ROW_ON_DUPKEY_INDEX(test_ignore_dupkey test_ignore_dupkey_ui3) */ into test_ignore_dupkey values(1, 1, 1, 2);
ERROR:  Index specified in the index hint is invalid
lightdb@postgres=# insert/*+IGNORE_ROW_ON_DUPKEY_INDEX(test_ignore_dupkey test_ignore_dupkey_i) */ into test_ignore_dupkey values(1, 1, 1, 2);
ERROR:  Index specified in the index hint is invalid
lightdb@postgres=# insert/*+IGNORE_ROW_ON_DUPKEY_INDEX(test_ignore_dupkey test_ignore_dupkey_ui1 test_ignore_dupkey_ui2) */ into test_ignore_dupkey values(1, 1, 1, 2);
ERROR:  Multiple indexes in ignore duplicate key hint
lightdb@postgres=# update/*+IGNORE_ROW_ON_DUPKEY_INDEX(test_ignore_dupkey  test_ignore_dupkey_ui1) */ test_ignore_dupkey set key2 = 2 where key1 = 1;
ERROR:  IGNORE_ROW_ON_DUPKEY_INDEX hint disallowed for this operation
lightdb@postgres=# create unique index test_ignore_dupkey_ui3 on test_ignore_dupkey(key3, key4);
lightdb@postgres=# insert/*+IGNORE_ROW_ON_DUPKEY_INDEX(test_ignore_dupkey(key3, key4)) */ into test_ignore_dupkey values(1, 2, 1, 1);
ERROR:  Multiple indexes in ignore duplicate key hint
DETAIL:  find multiple indexes by fields
lightdb@postgres=# insert/*+IGNORE_ROW_ON_DUPKEY_INDEX(test_ignore_dupkey  test_ignore_dupkey_ui1) */ into test_ignore_dupkey values(1, 1, 1, 2)
lightdb@postgres-# on conflict (key1, key2) do nothing;
ERROR:  IGNORE_ROW_ON_DUPKEY_INDEX hint disallowed for this operation
DETAIL:  insert operation with on confict clause is not supported

The "ignore_row_on_dupkey_index" hint can work in canopy, but only for insert select statement, it is not supported for insert values statement.

create table test_ignore_dupkey(key1 int, key2 int, key3 int, key4 int);
SELECT create_distributed_table('test_ignore_dupkey', 'key1');
create unique index test_ignore_dupkey_ui1 on test_ignore_dupkey(key1, key2);
create unique index test_ignore_dupkey_ui2 on test_ignore_dupkey(key1, key3);
create index test_ignore_dupkey_i on test_ignore_dupkey(key3);

lightdb@postgres=# insert into test_ignore_dupkey values(1, 1, 1, 1);
lightdb@postgres=# insert into test_ignore_dupkey values(1, 1, 1, 1);
ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "test_ignore_dupkey_ui1_102045"
DETAIL:  Key (key1, key2)=(1, 1) already exists.
lightdb@postgres=# insert/*+IGNORE_ROW_ON_DUPKEY_INDEX(test_ignore_dupkey  test_ignore_dupkey_ui1) */ into test_ignore_dupkey values(1, 1, 2, 1);
ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "test_ignore_dupkey_ui1_102045"
DETAIL:  Key (key1, key2)=(1, 1) already exists.

create table test_ignore_dupkey1(key1 int, key2 int, key3 int, key4 int);
insert into test_ignore_dupkey1 values(1, 1, 1, 1);
insert into test_ignore_dupkey1 values(1, 1, 1, 1);
insert into test_ignore_dupkey1 values(1, 2, 1, 1);
insert into test_ignore_dupkey1 values(1, 2, 1, 1);
insert into test_ignore_dupkey1 values(1, 1, 1, 2);
insert into test_ignore_dupkey1 values(1, 1, 1, 2);
insert into test_ignore_dupkey1 values(1, 3, 1, 3);

lightdb@postgres=# insert into test_ignore_dupkey select * from test_ignore_dupkey1;
ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "test_ignore_dupkey_ui1_102045"
DETAIL:  Key (key1, key2)=(1, 1) already exists.
CONTEXT:  COPY test_ignore_dupkey_102045, line 2
lightdb@postgres=# insert/*+IGNORE_ROW_ON_DUPKEY_INDEX(test_ignore_dupkey(key1, key3)) */ into test_ignore_dupkey select * from test_ignore_dupkey1;
ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "test_ignore_dupkey_ui1_102045"
DETAIL:  Key (key1, key2)=(1, 1) already exists.
CONTEXT:  COPY test_ignore_dupkey_102045, line 2
lightdb@postgres=# SELECT create_distributed_table('test_ignore_dupkey1', 'key1');
NOTICE:  Copying data from local table...
NOTICE:  copying the data has completed
DETAIL:  The local data in the table is no longer visible, but is still on disk.
HINT:  To remove the local data, run: SELECT truncate_local_data_after_distributing_table($$public.test_ignore_dupkey1$$)
(1 row)

lightdb@postgres=# insert/*+IGNORE_ROW_ON_DUPKEY_INDEX(test_ignore_dupkey(key1, key3)) */ into test_ignore_dupkey select * from test_ignore_dupkey1;
lightdb@postgres=# select * from test_ignore_dupkey;
 key1 | key2 | key3 | key4 
    1 |    1 |    1 |    1
(1 row) Hint about pushing pred to subquery

If you have a non-mergeable view or subquery(possible because of a no_merge hint) in your query, how should you operate the join from other tables? should you create one large view result and join it once (no_push_pred) or should you push the join predicate down into the view definition and recreate the view result set for every driving row from another table (push_pred and must be nestloop).

The "no_push_pred" hint instructs the optimizer not to push a join predicate into the view.

LightDB does not support to push a join predicate into the view yet. Now this is only supported for Oracle compatibility. So if you use "no_push_pred" hint, it will always work.

The following example shows the usage of the "no_push_pred" hint:

create table test_no_push_pred1 (key1 int primary key, key2 int);
create table test_no_push_pred2 (key1 int primary key, key2 int);
create table test_no_push_pred3 (key1 int primary key, key2 int);

set enable_hashjoin to off;
set enable_mergejoin to off;

lightdb@test_o=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false)
lightdb@test_o-# select /*+leading(a)*/* from test_no_push_pred1 a join (select * from test_no_push_pred2 order by key1 limit 1) b on a.key1 =b.key2;
                                    QUERY PLAN                              
 Nested Loop
   Join Filter: (a.key1 = test_no_push_pred2.key2)
   ->  Seq Scan on test_no_push_pred1 a @"lt#1"
   ->  Materialize
         ->  Limit
               ->  Index Scan using test_no_push_pred2_pkey on test_no_push_pred2
(6 rows)

lightdb@test_o=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false)
lightdb@test_o-# select /*+leading(a) no_push_pred(b)*/* from test_no_push_pred1 a join (select * from test_no_push_pred2 order by key1 limit 1) b on a.key1 =b.key2;
                                    QUERY PLAN                              
 Nested Loop
   Join Filter: (a.key1 = test_no_push_pred2.key2)
   ->  Seq Scan on test_no_push_pred1 a @"lt#1"
   ->  Materialize
         ->  Limit
               ->  Index Scan using test_no_push_pred2_pkey on test_no_push_pred2
(6 rows)

lightdb@test_o=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false)
lightdb@test_o-# select /*+leading(a) no_push_pred(@qb)*/* from test_no_push_pred1 a join (select/*+ qb_name(qb)*/ * from test_no_push_pred2 order by key1 limit 1) b on a.key1 =b.key2;
                                      QUERY PLAN                            
 Nested Loop
   Join Filter: (a.key1 = test_no_push_pred2.key2)
   ->  Seq Scan on test_no_push_pred1 a @"lt#0"
   ->  Materialize
         ->  Limit
               ->  Index Scan using test_no_push_pred2_pkey on test_no_push_pred2 @qb
(6 rows)

lightdb@test_o=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false)
lightdb@test_o-# select /*+leading(a) */* from test_no_push_pred1 a join (select/*+ no_push_pred*/ * from test_no_push_pred2 order by key1 limit 1) b on a.key1 =b.key2;
                                        QUERY PLAN                          
 Nested Loop
   Join Filter: (a.key1 = test_no_push_pred2.key2)
   ->  Seq Scan on test_no_push_pred1 a @"lt#1"
   ->  Materialize
         ->  Limit
               ->  Index Scan using test_no_push_pred2_pkey on test_no_push_pred2 @"lt#0"
(6 rows) Hint about star transformation

Star transformation is an optimizer transformation that avoids full table scans of fact tables in a star schema(star schema divides data into facts and dimensions). In joins of fact and dimension tables, a star transformation can avoid a full scan of a fact table. The star transformation improves performance by fetching only relevant fact rows that join to the constraint dimension rows. In some cases, queries have restrictive filters on other columns of the dimension tables. The combination of filters can dramatically reduce the data set that the database processes from the fact table.

The "no_star_transformation" hint instructs the optimizer not to perform star query transformation.

LightDB does not support star transformation yet. Now "no_star_transformation" hint is only supported for Oracle compatibility. So if you use "no_star_transformation" hint, it will always work.

The following example shows the usage of the "no_star_transformation" hint:



  calendar_quarter_desc VARCHAR2(20)


CREATE TABLE customers (


  cust_city VARCHAR2(20),

  cust_state_province VARCHAR2(20)


CREATE TABLE channels (

  channel_id NUMBER PRIMARY KEY,

  channel_class VARCHAR2(20),

  channel_desc VARCHAR2(20)



  time_id NUMBER REFERENCES times(time_id),

  cust_id NUMBER REFERENCES customers(cust_id),

  channel_id NUMBER REFERENCES channels(channel_id),

  amount_sold NUMBER


lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false) SELECT/*+no_star_transformation*/ ch.channel_class, c.cust_city, t.calendar_quarter_desc,
       SUM(s.amount_sold) sales_amount
    FROM sales s, times t, customers c, channels ch
    WHERE s.time_id = t.time_id
    AND s.cust_id = c.cust_id
    AND s.channel_id = ch.channel_id
    AND c.cust_state_province = 'CA'
    AND ch.channel_desc in ('Internet','Catalog')
    AND t.calendar_quarter_desc IN ('1999-Q1','1999-Q2')
    GROUP BY ch.channel_class, c.cust_city, t.calendar_quarter_desc;
LOG:  lt_hint_plan:
used hint:
not used hint:
duplication hint:
error hint:

                                              QUERY PLAN                    
   Group Key: ch.channel_class, c.cust_city, t.calendar_quarter_desc
   ->  Sort
         Sort Key: ch.channel_class, c.cust_city, t.calendar_quarter_desc
         ->  Nested Loop
               ->  Nested Loop
                     ->  Hash Join
                           Hash Cond: (s.cust_id = c.cust_id)
                           ->  Seq Scan on sales s @"lt#0"
                           ->  Hash
                                 ->  Seq Scan on customers c @"lt#0"
                                       Filter: ((cust_state_province)::text 
= 'CA'::text)
                     ->  Index Scan using times_pkey on times t @"lt#0"
                           Index Cond: (time_id = s.time_id)
                           Filter: ((calendar_quarter_desc)::text = ANY ('{1
               ->  Index Scan using channels_pkey on channels ch @"lt#0"
                     Index Cond: (channel_id = s.channel_id)
                     Filter: ((channel_desc)::text = ANY ('{Internet,Catalog
(18 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false) 
select/*+no_star_transformation(@qb)*/ * from (SELECT/*+qb_name(qb)*/ ch.channel_class, c.cust_city, t.calendar_quarter_desc,
       SUM(s.amount_sold) sales_amount
    FROM sales s, times t, customers c, channels ch
    WHERE s.time_id = t.time_id
    AND s.cust_id = c.cust_id
    AND s.channel_id = ch.channel_id
    AND c.cust_state_province = 'CA'
    AND ch.channel_desc in ('Internet','Catalog')
    AND t.calendar_quarter_desc IN ('1999-Q1','1999-Q2')
    GROUP BY ch.channel_class, c.cust_city, t.calendar_quarter_desc);
LOG:  lt_hint_plan:
used hint:
not used hint:
duplication hint:
error hint:

                                              QUERY PLAN                    
   Group Key: ch.channel_class, c.cust_city, t.calendar_quarter_desc
   ->  Sort
         Sort Key: ch.channel_class, c.cust_city, t.calendar_quarter_desc
         ->  Nested Loop
               ->  Nested Loop
                     ->  Hash Join
                           Hash Cond: (s.cust_id = c.cust_id)
                           ->  Seq Scan on sales s @qb
                           ->  Hash
                                 ->  Seq Scan on customers c @qb
                                       Filter: ((cust_state_province)::text 
= 'CA'::text)
                     ->  Index Scan using times_pkey on times t @qb
                           Index Cond: (time_id = s.time_id)
                           Filter: ((calendar_quarter_desc)::text = ANY ('{1
               ->  Index Scan using channels_pkey on channels ch @qb
                     Index Cond: (channel_id = s.channel_id)
                     Filter: ((channel_desc)::text = ANY ('{Internet,Catalog
(18 rows) Hint about direct-path insert

During direct-path INSERT operations, the database appends the inserted data after existing data in the table. Data is written directly into data files, bypassing the buffer cache. Free space in the table is not reused, and referential integrity constraints are ignored. Direct-path INSERT can perform significantly better than conventional insert.

The "append" hint instructs the optimizer to use direct-path INSERT with the subquery syntax of the INSERT statement.

LightDB does not support direct-path INSERT yet. Now "append" hint is only supported for Oracle compatibility. So if you use "append" hint, it will always be unused.

The following example shows the usage of the "append" hint:

create table test_append(key1 int, key2 int, key3 int, key4 int);
create table test_append1(key1 int, key2 int, key3 int, key4 int);

insert into test_append1 values(1,2,3,4);
insert into test_append1 values(11,21,31,41);
insert into test_append1 values(111,211,311,411);

lightdb@test_oracle_lt_hint_plan=# EXPLAIN (COSTS FALSE) insert/*+append */ into test_append select 1, 1, 1, 2 from dual;
LOG:  lt_hint_plan:
used hint:
not used hint:
duplication hint:
error hint:

          QUERY PLAN           
 Insert on test_append @"lt#1"
   ->  Result
(2 rows)

lightdb@test_oracle_lt_hint_plan=# EXPLAIN (COSTS FALSE) insert/*+append */ into test_append select * from test_append1;
LOG:  lt_hint_plan:
used hint:
not used hint:
duplication hint:
error hint:

           QUERY PLAN           
 Insert on test_append @"lt#1"
   ->  Seq Scan on test_append1
(2 rows) Hint about OR-expansion

In Oracle, OR-expansion's key feature is that the optimizer can take a single query block having OR conditions or IN-lists in the WHERE clause and transform it into a UNION ALL of 2 or more query blocks which can then be optimized and run separately.

The "no_expand" hint instructs the optimizer not to consider OR-expansion for queries having OR conditions or IN-lists in the WHERE clause.

In LightDB, OR-expansion is not supported yet. Therefore, the effect of "no_expand" hint is the default behavior. If you use "no_expand" hint, it will always work.

The following example shows the usage of the "no_expand" hint:

create table t_no_expand1(key1 int, key2 int);
create table t_no_expand2(key1 int, key2 int);

lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false) select * from t_no_expand1 where exists (select * from t_no_expand2 where key1= 1 or key2=1) or key1 =10;
                  QUERY PLAN                  
 Seq Scan on t_no_expand1
   Filter: ($0 OR (key1 = 10))
   InitPlan 1 (returns $0)
     ->  Seq Scan on t_no_expand2
           Filter: ((key1 = 1) OR (key2 = 1))
(5 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false) select /*+no_expand*/ * from t_no_expand1 where exists (select * from t_no_expand2 where key1= 1 or key2=1) or key1 =10;
LOG:  lt_hint_plan:
used hint:
not used hint:
duplication hint:
error hint:

                  QUERY PLAN                  
 Seq Scan on t_no_expand1 @"lt#0"
   Filter: ($0 OR (key1 = 10))
   InitPlan 1 (returns $0)
     ->  Seq Scan on t_no_expand2
           Filter: ((key1 = 1) OR (key2 = 1))
(5 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false) select * from t_no_expand1 where exists (select /*+no_expand*/ * from t_no_expand2 where key1= 1 or key2=1) or key1 =10;
LOG:  lt_hint_plan:
used hint:
not used hint:
duplication hint:
error hint:

                  QUERY PLAN                  
 Seq Scan on t_no_expand1 @"lt#1"
   Filter: ($0 OR (key1 = 10))
   InitPlan 1 (returns $0)
     ->  Seq Scan on t_no_expand2 @"lt#0"
           Filter: ((key1 = 1) OR (key2 = 1))
(5 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false) select /*+no_expand(@qb)*/ * from t_no_expand1 where exists (select/*+qb_name(qb)*/ * from t_no_expand2 where key1= 1 or key2=1) or key1 =10;
LOG:  lt_hint_plan:
used hint:
not used hint:
duplication hint:
error hint:

                  QUERY PLAN                  
 Seq Scan on t_no_expand1 @"lt#0"
   Filter: ($0 OR (key1 = 10))
   InitPlan 1 (returns $0)
     ->  Seq Scan on t_no_expand2 @qb
           Filter: ((key1 = 1) OR (key2 = 1))
(5 rows) Hint about pushdown query to remote server

The "driving_site" hint instructs the optimizer pushdown the whole query to remote server asap. especially for query involving aggregation and group by. the performance improvement will be obviously.

Limitations: 1. cannot pushdown anti join to remote server. 2. the result field must be int or varchar/text datatype, query involving other data type will degrade to traditional mechanism. 3. not support dml 4. not support with cte 5. sql must can be run on remote server, or will execute failed. 6. pushdown on statement level, not query block. set such as union/intersect/minus are pushdown as whole unit. 7. query involves unsupport feature will be stopped with error or degrade to traditional oracle_fdw behavior. the bottom is query failed, not effect the lightdb instance.

The following example shows the usage of the "driving_site" hint:

-- oracle test table
CREATE TABLE test_dblink(id int,v1 varchar2(100),v2 varchar2(100));
ALTER TABLE test_dblink ADD date1 DATE;
ALTER TABLE test_dblink ADD timestamp1 timestamp;
ALTER TABLE test_dblink ADD number1 NUMBER(10,2);
ALTER TABLE test_dblink ADD number0 NUMBER(10,0);
ALTER TABLE test_dblink ADD number_null NUMBER;
TRUNCATE TABLE test_dblink;
INSERT INTO test_dblink(id,v1,v2) SELECT LEVEL,sys_guid(),sys_guid() FROM dual CONNECT BY LEVEL < 1000001;
UPDATE test_dblink SET date1=sysdate,timestamp1=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,number1=10.1,number0=10,number_null=0;

CREATE SERVER oracle_server_fdw FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER oracle_fdw 
OPTIONS (dbserver '//');

CREATE USER MAPPING FOR lightdb server oracle_server_fdw 
OPTIONS(user 'SYSTEM', password 'oracle');


  id INT NULL,
  v1 varchar(100) NULL,
  v2 varchar(100) NULL,
  date1 date NULL,
  timestamp1 timestamp NULL,
  number1 number(10,2) NULL,
  number0 number(10,0) NULL,
  number_null number NULL
  SERVER oracle_server_fdw 

-- 3 tables, oracle_fdw not support
lightdb@oradb=# select /*+ driving_site */to_char(a.date1),to_char(a.number1),to_char(count(1)) from test_dblink a, test_dblink b,test_dblink c where a.id=b.id and a.id=c.id and a.v1=b.v1 group by a.date1,a.number1
        to_char         | to_char | to_char 
 2024-08-29 15:46:26 AD | 10.1    | 1000000
(1 row)

Time: 1645.442 ms (00:01.645)
-- 3 table not driving site
lightdb@oradb=# select /*+ driving_sit */to_char(a.date1),to_char(a.number1),to_char(count(1)) from test_dblink a, test_dblink b,test_dblink c where a.id=b.id and a.id=c.id and a.v1=b.v1 group by a.date1,a.number1

Time: 39174.644 ms (00:39.175)

lightdb@oradb=# explain analyze with cte as (select id,v1 from test_dblink a, dual b group by a.id,v1 order by 2,1) select /*+ driving_site */a.id,count(2)/3 || '        1' from cte a where v1 <> 'abc' group by a.id;
INFO:  lt_hint_plan: hint syntax error at or near " "
DETAIL:  driving_site hint can only be used in select without cte.

lightdb@oradb=# explain with cte as (select id,v1 from test_dblink a, dual b group by a.id,v1 order by 2,1) select /*+ driving_site */a.id,count(2)/3 || '        1' from cte a where v1 <> 'abc' group by a.id;
INFO:  lt_hint_plan: hint syntax error at or near " "
DETAIL:  driving_site hint can only be used in select without cte.
                                                                             QUERY PLAN                                                                             
 GroupAggregate  (cost=20066.97..20072.97 rows=200 width=48)
   Group Key: a.id
   ->  Sort  (cost=20066.97..20067.47 rows=200 width=16)
         Sort Key: a.id
         ->  Subquery Scan on a @"lt#1"  (cost=20049.83..20059.33 rows=200 width=16)
               ->  Group  (cost=20049.83..20057.33 rows=200 width=48)
                     Group Key: a_1.v1, a_1.id
                     ->  Sort  (cost=20049.83..20052.33 rows=1000 width=48)
                           Sort Key: a_1.v1, a_1.id
                           ->  Foreign Scan on test_dblink a_1  (cost=10000.00..20000.00 rows=1000 width=48)
                                 Oracle query: SELECT /*b3fb4b42537fa9e0ecc6d8f132642068*/ r1."ID", r1."V1" FROM "SYSTEM"."TEST_DBLINK" r1 WHERE (r1."V1" <> 'abc')
(11 rows)

lightdb@oradb=# explain select /*+ driving_site */a.id,'2',to_char(count(1)) from test_dblink a, test_dblink b where a.id=b.id and a.v1=b.v1 group by a.id,a.v1,a.v2;
INFO:  lt_hint_plan: hint syntax error at or near ""
DETAIL:  Unrecognized hint keyword "", ignored
                                                                    QUERY PLAN                                                                     
 Foreign Scan  (cost=0.00..0.00 rows=0 width=0)
   Oracle query: select /*+ driving_site */a.id,'2',to_char(count(1)) from test_dblink a, test_dblink b where a.id=b.id and a.v1=b.v1 group by a.id,a.v1,a.v2
(2 rows)

lightdb@oradb=# select /*+ driving_sie */a.id,to_char(rank() over(order by v1 desc)) from test_dblink a where a.id in (1,2,3) and exists(select 1 from test_dblink b where v1=a.v2) order by 2;
 id | to_char 
(0 rows)

Time: 277.320 ms
lightdb@oradb=# select /*+ driving_sie */a.id,to_char(rank() over(order by v1 desc)) from test_dblink a where a.id in (1,2,3) and exists(select 1 from test_dblink b where v1=a.v1) order by 2;
 id | to_char 
  3 | 1
  2 | 2
  1 | 3
(3 rows)

-- not pushdown
lightdb@oradb=# select a.id,to_char(rank() over(order by v1 desc)) from test_dblink a where a.id in (1,2,3) and exists(select 1 from test_dblink b where v1=a.v2) order by 2;
 id | to_char 
(0 rows)

Time: 269.802 ms

-- group by pushdown 
lightdb@oradb=# select /*+ driving_site */to_char(2),to_char(count(1)) from test_dblink a, test_dblink b where a.id=b.id and a.v1=b.v1 group by substr(a.v1,1,2),substr(a.v2,2,2);
 to_char | to_char 
 2       | 1000000
(1 row)

Time: 443.039 ms

-- group by not pushdown
lightdb@oradb=# select /*+ driving_sit */to_char(2),to_char(count(1)) from test_dblink a, test_dblink b where a.id=b.id and a.v1=b.v1 group by substr(a.v1,1,2),substr(a.v2,2,2);
 to_char | to_char 
 2       | 1000000
(1 row)

Time: 17352.163 ms (00:17.352)

-- join with remote table
lightdb@oradb=# explain select /*+ driving_site */a.id,to_char(rank() over(order by v1 desc)) from test_dblink a where a.id in (1,2,3) and exists(select 1 from unique_t b where v1=a.v1) order by 2;
INFO:  lt_hint_plan: hint syntax error at or near ""
DETAIL:  Unrecognized hint keyword "", ignored
                                                                                          QUERY PLAN                                                                                          
 Foreign Scan  (cost=0.00..0.00 rows=0 width=0)
   Oracle query: select /*+ driving_site */a.id,to_char(rank() over(order by v1 desc)) from test_dblink a where a.id in (1,2,3) and exists(select 1 from unique_t b where v1=a.v1) order by 2
(2 rows)

-- join with remote table not exists
lightdb@oradb=# select /*+ driving_site */a.id,to_char(rank() over(order by v1 desc)) from test_dblink a where a.id in (1,2,3) and exists(select 1 from unique_t b where v1=a.v1) order by 2;
ERROR:  error executing query: OCIStmtExecute failed to execute remote query. file: oracle_utils.c, line: 2197
DETAIL:  ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

-- oracle has table t
lightdb@oradb=# select /*+ driving_site */to_char(a.int1),to_char(rank() over(order by v1 desc)) from test_dblink a where a.id in (1,2,3) and not exists(select 1 from t b where v1=a.v1) order by 2;
 to_char | to_char 
(0 rows)

-- lightdb has table t
lightdb@oradb=# select /*+ driving_sit */to_char(a.int1),to_char(rank() over(order by v1 desc)) from test_dblink a where a.id in (1,2,3) and not exists(select 1 from t b where v1=a.v1) order by 2;
 to_char | to_char 
         | 1
         | 2
         | 3
(3 rows) GUC parameters for lt_hint_plan

GUC parameters below affect the behavior of lt_hint_plan.

Table 15.2. GUC parameters for lt_hint_plan

Parameter namedescriptionDefault
lt_hint_plan.enable_hint True enbles lt_hint_plan. on
lt_hint_plan.enable_hint_table True enbles hinting by table. true or false. off
lt_hint_plan.parse_messages Specifies the log level of hint parse error. Valid values are error, warning, notice, info, log, debug. INFO
lt_hint_plan.debug_print Controls debug print and verbosity. Valid vaiues are off, on, detailed and verbose. off
lt_hint_plan.message_level Specifies message level of debug print. Valid values are error, warning, notice, info, log, debug. INFO
lt_hint_plan.show_qb_name_info Show qb name info in debug print. on

15.9.3. Details in hinting Syntax and placement

For global level hint, lt_hint_plan reads only the first block comment at sql head(before first character of sql)

lightdb@postgres=# /*+ indexscan(b)*/ explain select * from ltbench_accounts b where b.aid>10;
                                        QUERY PLAN                          
Index Scan using ltbench_accounts_pkey on ltbench_accounts b  (cost=0.29..3666.12 
rows=99990 width=97)
Index Cond: (aid > 10)
(2 rows)


For stmt level hint, lt_hint_plan reads hints from only the first block comment after select, update, delete, insert keyword (if the keyword is followed by more than one comment, hint needs to be the first one ). hint only works on current query block without using qb_name. In the following example HashJoin(a b) and SeqScan(a) are parsed as hints but IndexScan(a) and IndexScan(b) are not.

lightdb@postgres=# /*+
lightdb@postgres*#    HashJoin(a b) 
lightdb@postgres*#  */
lightdb@postgres-# /*+ IndexScan(a) */
lightdb@postgres-# EXPLAIN SELECT /*+ SeqScan(a) */ *
lightdb@postgres-#    FROM /*+ IndexScan(b) */ltbench_branches b
lightdb@postgres-#    JOIN ltbench_accounts a ON b.bid = a.bid
lightdb@postgres-#   ORDER BY a.aid;
                                        QUERY PLAN
Sort  (cost=24236.84..24486.84 rows=100000 width=461)
Sort Key: a.aid
->  Hash Join  (cost=1.02..4016.02 rows=100000 width=461)
        Hash Cond: (a.bid = b.bid)
        ->  Seq Scan on ltbench_accounts a  (cost=0.00..2640.00 rows=100000 width=
        ->  Hash  (cost=1.01..1.01 rows=1 width=364)
            ->  Seq Scan on ltbench_branches b  (cost=0.00..1.01 rows=1 width=36
(7 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# Using with PL/pgSQL

lt_hint_plan works for queries in PL/pgSQL scripts with some restrictions.

  • Hints affect only on the following kind of queires.

    • Queries that returns one row. (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE)

    • Queries that returns multiple rows. (RETURN QUERY)

    • Dynamic SQL statements. (EXECUTE)

    • Cursor open. (OPEN)

    • Loop over result of a query (FOR)

  • A hint comment have to be placed after the first word in a query as the following since preceding comments are not sent as a part of the query.

lightdb@postgres=# CREATE FUNCTION hints_func(integer) RETURNS integer AS $$
lightdb@postgres$# DECLARE
lightdb@postgres$#     id  integer;
lightdb@postgres$#     cnt integer;
lightdb@postgres$# BEGIN
lightdb@postgres$#     SELECT /*+ NoIndexScan(a) */ aid
lightdb@postgres$#         INTO id FROM ltbench_accounts a WHERE aid = $1;
lightdb@postgres$#     SELECT /*+ SeqScan(a) */ count(*)
lightdb@postgres$#         INTO cnt FROM ltbench_accounts a;
lightdb@postgres$#     RETURN id + cnt;
lightdb@postgres$# END;
lightdb@postgres$# $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; Letter case in the object names

Like the way LightDB handles object names, lt_hint_plan will convert object names to lowercase. Therefore an object name TBL in a hint matches TBL, tbl or Tbl in database. With quotes, lt_hint_plan will not convert object names to lowercase. Therefore an object name "TBL" in a hint matches only "TBL" in database and does not match any unquoted names like TBL, tbl or Tbl. Escaping special chacaters in object names

The objects as the hint parameter should be enclosed by double quotes if they includes parentheses, double quotes and white spaces. The escaping rule is the same as LightDB. Distinction between multiple occurances of a table

lt_hint_plan identifies the target object by using aliases if exists. This behavior is usable to point a specific occurance among multiple occurances of one table.

lightdb@postgres=# /*+ HashJoin(t1 t1) */
lightdb@postgres-# EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM s1.t1
lightdb@postgres-# JOIN public.t1 ON (s1.t1.id=public.t1.id);
INFO:  hint syntax error at or near "HashJoin(t1 t1)"
DETAIL:  Relation name "t1" is ambiguous.
lightdb@postgres=# /*+ HashJoin(pt st) */
lightdb@postgres-# EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM s1.t1 st
lightdb@postgres-# JOIN public.t1 pt ON (st.id=pt.id);
                                QUERY PLAN
    Hash Join  (cost=64.00..1112.00 rows=28800 width=8)
    Hash Cond: (st.id = pt.id)
    ->  Seq Scan on t1 st  (cost=0.00..34.00 rows=2400 width=4)
    ->  Hash  (cost=34.00..34.00 rows=2400 width=4)
            ->  Seq Scan on t1 pt  (cost=0.00..34.00 rows=2400 width=4) Underlying tables of views or rules

Hints are applicable on views itself, and they can affect the queries within if the object names match the object names in the expanded query on the view when used as global level hint. but for stmt level hint, it need use qb_name hint to manipulate talbes in view.

create view test_v as select/*+qb_name(qb)*/ * from t1 where id >10;
EXPLAIN (COSTS false) select/*+indexscan(t1)*/ * from test_v;
LOG:  lt_hint_plan:
used hint:
not used hint:
duplication hint:
error hint:

    QUERY PLAN      
Seq Scan on t1 @qb
Filter: (id > 10)
(2 rows)

EXPLAIN (COSTS false) select/*+indexscan(t1@qb)*/ * from test_v;
LOG:  lt_hint_plan:
used hint:
not used hint:
duplication hint:
error hint:

            QUERY PLAN             
Index Scan using t1_pkey on t1 @qb
Index Cond: (id > 10)
(2 rows)

EXPLAIN (COSTS false) select * from test_v;
LOG:  lt_hint_plan:
used hint:
not used hint:
duplication hint:
error hint:

            QUERY PLAN             
Index Scan using t1_pkey on t1 @qb
Index Cond: (id > 10)
(2 rows) Inheritance tables

Hints can point only the parent of an inheritance tables and the hint affect all the inheritance. Hints simultaneously point directly to children are not in effect. Hinting on multistatements

For global level hint, one multistatement can have exactly one hint comment and the hints affects all of the individual statement in the multistatement. Notice that the seemingly multistatement on the interactive interface of ltsql is internally a sequence of single statements so hints affects only on the statement just following. For stmt level hint, it is same with single statement. VALUES expressions

VALUES expressions in FROM clause are named as *VALUES* internally so it is hintable if it is the only VALUES in a query. Two or more VALUES expressions in a query seems distinguishable looking its explain result. But in reality it is mere a cosmetic and they are not distinguisable.

lightdb@postgres=# /*+ MergeJoin(*VALUES*_1 *VALUES*) */
        EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM (VALUES (1, 1), (2, 2)) v (a, b)
        JOIN (VALUES (1, 5), (2, 8), (3, 4)) w (a, c) ON v.a = w.a;
INFO:  lt_hint_plan: hint syntax error at or near "MergeJoin(*VALUES*_1 *VALUES*) "
DETAIL:  Relation name "*VALUES*" is ambiguous.
                                QUERY PLAN
    Hash Join  (cost=0.05..0.12 rows=2 width=16)
    Hash Cond: ("*VALUES*_1".column1 = "*VALUES*".column1)
    ->  Values Scan on "*VALUES*_1"  (cost=0.00..0.04 rows=3 width=8)
    ->  Hash  (cost=0.03..0.03 rows=2 width=8)
            ->  Values Scan on "*VALUES*"  (cost=0.00..0.03 rows=2 width=8) Cost value in explain may wrong

lt_hint_plan makes the execution plan choose the desired path by increasing the cost of the undesired path (cost += disable_cost, disable_cost=1.0e10).

Sometimes even if hint is used, sql will not execute as hinted because the desired path is not available, such as using indexscan hint on a table without index. In this case the cost in explain is not accurate.

The actual cost can be obtained by subtracting the disable_cost.

lightdb@postgres=# create table test(id int);
lightdb@postgres=# explain select * from test where id=1;
                    QUERY PLAN                      
Seq Scan on test  (cost=0.00..41.88 rows=13 width=4)
Filter: (id = 1)
(2 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# explain select /*+indexscan(test)*/* from test where id=1;
                                QUERY PLAN                                    
Seq Scan on test @"lt#0"  (cost=10000000000.00..10000000041.88 rows=13 width=4)
Filter: (id = 1)
(2 rows)


15.9.4. Subqueries

Subqueries in the following context occasionally can be hinted using the name "ANY_subquery".

IN (SELECT ... {LIMIT | OFFSET ...} ...)
= ANY (SELECT ... {LIMIT | OFFSET ...} ...)
= SOME (SELECT ... {LIMIT | OFFSET ...} ...)

For these syntaxes, planner internally assigns the name to the subquery when planning joins on tables including it, so join hints are applicable on such joins using the implicit name as the following.

lightdb@postgres=# /*+HashJoin(a1 ANY_subquery)*/
lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN SELECT *
lightdb@postgres=#    FROM ltbench_accounts a1
lightdb@postgres=#   WHERE aid IN (SELECT bid FROM ltbench_accounts a2 LIMIT 10);
                                            QUERY PLAN

    Hash Semi Join  (cost=0.49..2903.00 rows=1 width=97)
    Hash Cond: (a1.aid = a2.bid)
    ->  Seq Scan on ltbench_accounts a1  (cost=0.00..2640.00 rows=100000 width=97)
    ->  Hash  (cost=0.36..0.36 rows=10 width=4)
            ->  Limit  (cost=0.00..0.26 rows=10 width=4)
                ->  Seq Scan on ltbench_accounts a2  (cost=0.00..2640.00 rows=100000 width=4) Using IndexOnlyScan hint

Index scan may unexpectedly performed on another index when the index specifed in IndexOnlyScan hint cannot perform index only scan. Behavior of NoIndexScan

NoIndexScan hint involes NoIndexOnlyScan. Parallel hint and UNION

A UNION can run in parallel only when all underlying subqueries are parallel-safe. Conversely enforcing parallel on any of the subqueries let a parallel-executable UNION run in parallel. Meanwhile, a parallel hint with zero workers hinhibits a scan from executed in parallel. Setting lt_hint_plan parameters by Set hints

lt_hint_plan paramters change the behavior of itself so some parameters doesn't work as expected.

  • Hints to change enable_hint, enable_hint_tables are ignored even though they are reported as "used hints" in debug logs.

  • Setting debug_print and message_level works from midst of the processing of the target query. Scan and Join Hints on Subqueries

Scan hints, join hints(include join method and join order hints) and rows hint on referenced subquery(Mergeable) are ignored unless the subquery contains a single table. If the subquery contains a single table, the scan path hint or join hint on it applies to the table inside the subquery.

lightdb@postgres=# create table test1(id int primary key, value int);
lightdb@postgres=# create table test2(id int primary key, value int);
lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false) select * from test1,(select * from (select * from test2) x) y where test1.id=y.id;
            QUERY PLAN             
Hash Join
Hash Cond: (test1.id = test2.id)
->  Seq Scan on test1
->  Hash
        ->  Seq Scan on test2
(5 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# EXPLAIN (COSTS false) select /*+indexscan(y)*/* from test1,(select * from (select * from test2) x) y where test1.id=y.id;
                    QUERY PLAN                     
Hash Join
Hash Cond: (test2.id = test1.id)
->  Index Scan using test2_pkey on test2 @"lt#2"
->  Hash
        ->  Seq Scan on test1 @"lt#0"
(5 rows)


15.9.5. Compatible with canopy

Now lt_hint_plan is compatible with canopy, it can be used to control execution plan involving Distributed Tables and Reference Tables. Hint state

To view the usage state of hints on data nodes, first you need to turn on debug_print on datanode, then set canopy.log_remote_commands to on, and finally set canopy.worker_min_messages to 'log' and client_min_messages to 'log' or set lt_hint_plan.message_level to 'notice'. The following example shows it.

lightdb@postgres=# CREATE TABLE t1 (id int PRIMARY KEY, val int);
lightdb@postgres=# SELECT create_distributed_table('t1', 'id');

(1 row)

lightdb@postgres=# set lt_hint_plan.message_level = 'notice';
lightdb@postgres=# set canopy.log_remote_commands=on;
lightdb@postgres=# explain select /*+indexscan(t1)*/* from t1 where id=10;
NOTICE:  lt_hint_plan:
used hint:
not used hint:
duplication hint:
error hint:

NOTICE:  issuing BEGIN TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED;SELECT assign_distributed_transaction_id(0, 24, '2022-03-14 15:49:45.634614+08');
DETAIL:  on server lightdb@ connectionId: 2
NOTICE:  issuing SAVEPOINT canopy_explain_savepoint
DETAIL:  on server lightdb@ connectionId: 2
DETAIL:  on server lightdb@ connectionId: 2
NOTICE:  lt_hint_plan:
used hint:
not used hint:
duplication hint:
error hint:
DETAIL:  from
NOTICE:  issuing ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT canopy_explain_savepoint
DETAIL:  on server lightdb@ connectionId: 2
DETAIL:  on server lightdb@ connectionId: 2
                                        QUERY PLAN                               
Custom Scan (Canopy Adaptive)  (cost=0.00..0.00 rows=0 width=0)
Task Count: 1
Tasks Shown: All
->  Task
        Node: host= port=6432 dbname=postgres
        ->  Index Scan using t1_pkey_102044 on t1_102044 t1  (cost=0.15..2.17 rows
=1 width=8)
            Index Cond: (id = 10)
(7 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# Limitations

CTEs and subqueries that cannot be pushed down and do not contain references to the outer query are planned by recursively calling the planner function with the subquery as the parse tree. The resulting plan are executed independently, and SQL statement has been splited. Therefore hints that act on both out query and subquery, and no_merge, semijoin/antijoin hints that act on subqueries will have no effect. The following example shows it.

lightdb@postgres=# CREATE TABLE t1 (id int PRIMARY KEY, val int);
lightdb@postgres=# CREATE TABLE t2 (id int PRIMARY KEY, val int);
lightdb@postgres=# SELECT create_distributed_table('t1', 'id');

(1 row)

lightdb@postgres=# SELECT create_distributed_table('t2', 'id');

(1 row)

lightdb@postgres=# explain select /*+indexscan(t2@qb) hashjoin(t1 t2@qb)*/* from t1, (select/*+qb_name(qb)*/ * from t2 where t2.id >11) x where t1.id=10;
INFO:  lt_hint_plan: disable hint after spliting sql , hint: "HashJoin" 
DETAIL:  it is invalid because of split SQL, defined at "hashjoin(t1 t2@qb)"
NOTICE:  lt_hint_plan:
used hint:
not used hint:
duplication hint:
error hint:

NOTICE:  lt_hint_plan:
used hint:
HashJoin(t1@lt#0 t2@qb)
not used hint:
duplication hint:
error hint:

NOTICE:  issuing BEGIN TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED;SELECT assign_distributed_transaction_id(0, 36, '2022-03-14 16:06:20.313852+08');
DETAIL:  on server lightdb@ connectionId: 3
NOTICE:  issuing SAVEPOINT canopy_explain_savepoint
DETAIL:  on server lightdb@ connectionId: 3
DETAIL:  on server lightdb@ connectionId: 3
NOTICE:  lt_hint_plan:
used hint:
not used hint:
duplication hint:
error hint:
DETAIL:  from
NOTICE:  issuing ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT canopy_explain_savepoint
DETAIL:  on server lightdb@ connectionId: 3
NOTICE:  issuing SAVEPOINT canopy_explain_savepoint
DETAIL:  on server lightdb@ connectionId: 3
NOTICE:  issuing EXPLAIN (ANALYZE FALSE, VERBOSE FALSE, COSTS TRUE, BUFFERS FALSE, WAL FALSE, TIMING FALSE, SUMMARY FALSE, FORMAT TEXT) SELECT t1.id, t1.val, x.id, x.val FROM public.t1_102108 t1, (SELECT intermediate_result.id, intermediate_result.val FROM read_intermediate_result('11_1'::text, 'binary'::canopy_copy_format) intermediate_result(id integer, val integer)) x WHERE (t1.id OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) 10)
DETAIL:  on server lightdb@ connectionId: 3
NOTICE:  issuing ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT canopy_explain_savepoint
DETAIL:  on server lightdb@ connectionId: 3
DETAIL:  on server lightdb@ connectionId: 3
                                                    QUERY PLAN                   
Custom Scan (Canopy Adaptive)  (cost=0.00..0.00 rows=0 width=0)
->  Distributed Subplan 11_1
        ->  Custom Scan (Canopy Adaptive)  (cost=0.00..0.00 rows=100000 width=8)
            Task Count: 32
            Tasks Shown: One of 32
            ->  Task
                    Node: host= port=6432 dbname=postgres
                    ->  Index Scan using t2_pkey_102136 on t2_102136 t2  (cost=0.1
5..24.33 rows=753 width=8)
                        Index Cond: (id > 11)
Task Count: 1
Tasks Shown: All
->  Task
        Node: host= port=6432 dbname=postgres
        ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.16..22.17 rows=1000 width=16)
            ->  Index Scan using t1_pkey_102108 on t1_102108 t1  (cost=0.15..2.1
7 rows=1 width=8)
                    Index Cond: (id = 10)
            ->  Function Scan on read_intermediate_result intermediate_result  (
cost=0.00..10.00 rows=1000 width=8)
(17 rows)


15.9.6. Errors

lt_hint_plan ignores invalid hint and continues to find next valid hint. When it finds an invalid hint, the error will be reported but only when it is an explain SQL. Followings are the typical errors. Syntax errors

Any syntactical errors or wrong hint names are reported as an syntax error. These errors are reported in the server log with the message level which specified by lt_hint_plan.message_level if lt_hint_plan.debug_print is on and aboves. Keyword that started with digit will not be a hint name, it will not be reported as an syntax error, but will be ignored. Object misspecifications

Object misspecifications results silent ingorance of the hints. This kind of error is reported as "not used hints" in the server log by the same condtion to syntax errors. Redundant or conflicting hints

For same query block, one hint will be active when redundant hints, no hint will be active when hints conflicting with each other. For diffent query block, when redundant hints or hints conflicting with each other, only sub query's hint will be active. No matter when redundant hints or hints conflicting with each other, This kind of error is reported as "duplication hints" in the server log by the same condition to syntax errors. if qb_name hint conflict , both will be ignored. Nested comments

For global level hint, hint comment cannot include another block comment within. If lt_hint_plan finds it, differently from other erros, it stops parsing and abandans all hints already parsed. This kind of error is reported in the same manner as other errors. For stmt level hint, hint comment cannot include another block comment within. it will ignore '/*' in hint comment. if report error, it only affect current query block's hint.

lightdb@postgres=# explain select * from t1 ,(select * from t2 where id >10) as tt where exists (select /*+ /*+seqscan(t1)*/*/* from t3 where id>1);;
INFO:  lt_hint_plan: hint syntax error at or near "+seqscan(t1)"
DETAIL:  Unrecognized hint keyword "+seqscan".
                            QUERY PLAN                               
Result  (cost=1.04..3.13 rows=3 width=532)
One-Time Filter: $0
InitPlan 1 (returns $0)
    ->  Seq Scan on t3 @"lt#0"  (cost=0.00..1.04 rows=1 width=0)
        Filter: (id > 1)
->  Nested Loop  (cost=1.04..3.13 rows=3 width=532)
        ->  Seq Scan on t2  (cost=0.00..1.04 rows=1 width=8)
            Filter: (id > 10)
        ->  Seq Scan on t1 @"lt#1"  (cost=0.00..1.03 rows=3 width=524)
(9 rows)

lightdb@postgres=# explain select * from t1 ,(select * from t2 where id >10) as tt where exists (select /*+ /*seqscan(t1)*/*/* from t3 where id>1);;
LOG:  lt_hint_plan:
used hint:
not used hint:
duplication hint:
error hint:

                            QUERY PLAN                               
Result  (cost=1.04..3.13 rows=3 width=532)
One-Time Filter: $0
InitPlan 1 (returns $0)
    ->  Seq Scan on t3 @"lt#0"  (cost=0.00..1.04 rows=1 width=0)
        Filter: (id > 1)
->  Nested Loop  (cost=1.04..3.13 rows=3 width=532)
        ->  Seq Scan on t2  (cost=0.00..1.04 rows=1 width=8)
            Filter: (id > 10)
        ->  Seq Scan on t1 @"lt#1"  (cost=0.00..1.03 rows=3 width=524)
(9 rows)


15.9.7. Functional limitations Influences of some of planner GUC parameters

The planner does not try to consider joining order for FROM clause entries more than from_collapse_limit. lt_hint_plan cannot affect joining order as expected for the case. Hints trying to enforce unexecutable plans

Planner chooses any executable plans when the enforced plan cannot be executed.

  • FULL OUTER JOIN to use nested loop

  • To use indexes that does not have columns used in quals

  • To do TID scans for queries without ctid conditions Queries in ECPG(Oracle Pro*c Compatible)

ECPG(Oracle Pro*c Compatible) removes comments in queries written as embedded SQLs so hints cannot be passed form those queries. The only exception is that EXECUTE command passes given string unmodifed. Please consider hint tables in the case. Work with lt_stat_statements

lt_stat_statements generates a query id ignoring comments. As the result the identical queires with different hints are summerized as the same query.

15.9.8. Limitations on the LightDB

  • The use of comments after non-dml select, update, delete, insert keywords is not supported since version 21.3, e.g. 'select fro update/*dsd*/;' is not supported. Since version 24.1.6, comments are not supported after update only in 'on update current_timestamp' and 'with update current_timestamp'.

15.9.9. Hint list

The available hints are listed below.

Table 15.3. Hints list

Scan methodSeqScan(table) full(table)Forces sequential scan on the table
TidScan(table)Forces TID scan on the table.
IndexScan(table[ index...]) index(table[ index...])Forces index scan on the table. Restricts to specified indexes if any.
IndexOnlyScan(table[ index...]) Forces index only scan on the table. Rstricts to specfied indexes if any. Index scan may be used if index only scan is not available.
BitmapScan(table[ index...]) Forces bitmap scan on the table. Restoricts to specfied indexes if any.
IndexScanRegexp(table[ POSIX Regexp...]) IndexOnlyScanRegexp(table[ POSIX Regexp...]) BitmapScanRegexp(table[ POSIX Regexp...]) Forces index scan or index only scan or bitmap scan on the table. Restricts to indexes that matches the specified POSIX regular expression pattern
NoSeqScan(table)Forces not to do sequential scan on the table.
NoTidScan(table)Forces not to do TID scan on the table.
NoIndexScan(table)Forces not to do index scan and index only scan on the table.
NoIndexOnlyScan(table)Forces not to do index only scan on the table.
NoBitmapScan(table)Forces not to do bitmap scan on the table.
Join methodNestLoop(table table[ table...]) use_nl(table table[ table...])Forces nested loop for the joins consist of the specifiled tables.
HashJoin(table table[ table...]) use_hash(table table[ table...])Forces hash join for the joins consist of the specifiled tables.
MergeJoin(table table[ table...]) use_merge(table table[ table...])Forces merge join for the joins consist of the specifiled tables.
NoNestLoop(table table[ table...]) no_use_nl(table table[ table...])Forces not to do nested loop for the joins consist of the specifiled tables.
NoHashJoin(table table[ table...]) no_use_hash(table table[ table...])Forces not to do hash join for the joins consist of the specifiled tables.
NoMergeJoin(table table[ table...]) no_use_merge(table table[ table...]) Forces not to do merge join for the joins consist of the specifiled tables.
Join method(oracle mode)NestLoop(table [ table...]) use_nl(table[ table...])Forces nested loop for the joins that the specifiled table is the inner table.
HashJoin(table[ table...]) use_hash(table[ table...])Forces hash join for the joins that the specifiled table is the inner table.
MergeJoin(table[ table...]) use_merge(table[ table...])Forces merge join for the joins that the specifiled table is the inner table.
NoNestLoop(table[ table...]) no_use_nl(table[ table...])Forces not to do nested loop for the joins that the specifiled table is the inner table.
NoHashJoin(table[ table...]) no_use_hash(table[ table...])Forces not to do hash join for the joins that the specifiled table is the inner table.
NoMergeJoin(table[ table...]) no_use_merge(table[ table...]) Forces not to do merge join for the joins that the specifiled table is the inner table.
Join order Leading(table table[ table...]) Ordered(table table[ table...]) Forces join order and directions as specified.
Leading([join pair]) Ordered([join pair]) Forces join order and directions as specified. A join pair is a pair of tables and/or other join pairs enclosed by parentheses, which can make a nested structure.
Ordered Leading Forces to join tables in the order in which they appear in the FROM clause.
Leading(table) Ordered(table) Forces to join tables using the specified table as the first table of the join execution plan.
Row number correction Rows(table [ table...] correction) cardinality(table [ table...] correction) Corrects row number of a result of the joins consist of the specfied tables or a table or a result of subquery. The available correction methods are absolute (#[n] or [n]), addition (+[n]), subtract (-[n]) and multiplication (*[n]). [n] should be a string that strtod() can read.
Parallel query configuration Parallel(table [# of workers] [soft|hard]) Enforce or inhibit parallel execution of specfied table. [# of workers] is the desired number of parallel workers, where zero means inhibiting parallel execution. If the third parameter is soft , it just changes max_parallel_workers_per_gather and leave everything else to planner. Hard(default) means enforcing the specified number of workers.
Parallel([# of workers] [soft|hard]) Enforce or inhibit parallel execution of tables at current query block. [# of workers] is the desired number of parallel workers, where zero means inhibiting parallel execution. If the second parameter is soft , it just changes max_parallel_workers_per_gather and leave everything else to planner. Hard(default) means enforcing the specified number of workers.
GUCSet(GUC-param value)Set the GUC parameter to the value while planner is running.
Opt_param('GUC-param' value)Set the GUC parameter to the value while planner is running.
Query block nameqb_name(name)Set the query block name, then tables in this query block can be hint in outer query block. can't use for GUC.
No mergeno_merge[(sub query name)] no_merge(@queryblock_name)Forces not to pull up subquery. Priority is higher than Join method and Join order
Group by method use_hash_aggregation Forces hash aggregation method for group by.
no_use_hash_aggregation Forces not to use hash method for group by, then use sort method.
Semijoin(specail join) semijoin Forces to transforms a correlated EXISTS subquery into a semi-join to access the specified table.
hash_sj Forces to transforms a correlated EXISTS subquery into a hash semi-join to access the specified table.
nl_sj Forces to transforms a correlated EXISTS subquery into a nestloop semi-join to access the specified table.
merge_sj Forces to transforms a correlated EXISTS subquery into a merge semi-join to access the specified table.
no_semijoin Forces not to use semi-join if possible, rather than not to pull up sublink
Antijoin(specail join) hash_aj Forces to transforms a correlated NOT EXISTS subquery into a hash anti-join to access the specified table.
nl_aj Forces to transforms a correlated NOT EXISTS subquery into a nestloop anti-join to access the specified table.
merge_aj Forces to transforms a correlated NOT EXISTS subquery into a merge anti-join to access the specified table.
Swap_join_inputsswap_join_input(table)Forces to use the table as outer table when hashjoin
Ordered predicatesordered_predicatesForces the optimizer to preserve the order of predicate evaluation
UnnestunnestPull up sublink is an RBO, so only syntax is supported
No unnestno_unnestForces the optimizer to not pull up sublink
Pq_distributepq_distribute(inner_table outer_distribution inner_distribution) The pq_distribute hint instructs the optimizer how to execute parallel join, inner_table is the inner table of the join, outer_distribution is the distribution for the outer table and inner_distribution is the distribution for the inner table. Now only 'none broadcast' and 'hash hash' is supported, and only 'none broadcast' can work.
No_push_subqno_push_subqinstructs the optimizer to evaluate nested sublinks as the last step in the execution plan.
Push_subqpush_subqinstructs the optimizer to evaluate nested sublinks at the earliest possible step in the execution plan(it is default in LightDB).
Ignore_row_on_dupkey_indexignore_row_on_dupkey_index(table_name indexname) ignore_row_on_dupkey_index(table_name (colname[, colname...]))Forces to ignore a unique key violation for a specified set of columns or for a specified index.
No_push_predno_push_pred[(sub query name)] no_push_pred(@queryblock_name)Instructs the optimizer not to push a join predicate into the view or subquery.
No_star_transformationno_star_transformationInstructs the optimizer not to perform star query transformation.
AppendappendInstructs the optimizer to use direct-path INSERT with the subquery syntax of the INSERT statement.
No_expandno_expandinstructs the optimizer not to consider OR-expansion for queries having OR conditions or IN-lists in the WHERE clause.
driving sitedriving_siteForce sql pushdown to remote oracle server executing. currently only support select without cte, and all sql must can be run on both target oracle and lightdb. secondly, currently, only support varchar2 and number data type.