The following mathematical functions are supported:
Convert numbers between different number bases.
conv( p_num text, p_from_base int4, p_to_base int4) RETURNS text
General rules
Converts numbers between different number bases.
Returns a string representation of the number N, converted from base from_base to base to_base. Returns NULL if any argument is NULL. The argument N is interpreted as an integer, but may be specified as an integer or a string.
The minimum base is 2 and the maximum base is 36. If from_base is a negative number, N is regarded as a signed number. Otherwise, N is treated as unsigned. CONV() works with 64-bit precision.
In the following example, '123456' converted from base 10 to base 16 is 1E240.
select conv('123456', 10, 16); conv ------- 1E240 (1 row)
return the base-10 logarithm of the argument.
log10(p1 numeric) RETURNS numeric log10(p1 double precision) RETURNS double precision
General rules
Returns the base-10 logarithm of p1. If X is less than or equal to 0.0E0, the function returns NULL and a warning “Invalid argument for logarithm” is reported.
In the following example, return the base-10 logarithm of the argument 2.
select log10(2); log10 -------------------- 0.3010299956639812 (1 row)
Return the base-2 logarithm of the argument.
log2(p_num numeric) RETURNS numeric
General rules
Returns the base-2 logarithm of p_num. If p_num is less than or equal to 0.0E0, the function returns NULL and a warning “Invalid argument for logarithm” is reported.
In the following example, return the base-2 logarithm of the argument 64.
select log2(64); log2 -------------------- 6.0000000000000000 (1 row)
Returns a random floating-point value v in the range 0 and 1.0.
rand(p_seed int default null) RETURNS double precision
General rules
With a constant initializer argument, the seed is initialized once when the statement is prepared, prior to execution.
With a nonconstant initializer argument (such as a column name), the seed is initialized with the value for each invocation of RAND().
One implication of this behavior is that for equal argument values, RAND(N) returns the same value each time, and thus produces a repeatable sequence of column values.
RAND() in a WHERE clause is evaluated for every row (when selecting from one table) or combination of rows (when selecting from a multiple-table join).
In the following example, the sequence of values produced by RAND(123) is the same both places it occurs.
select rand(123); rand --------------------- 0.05425240159967615 (1 row)
Truncate to specified number of decimal places.
General rules
Returns the number X, truncated to D decimal places.
If D is 0, the result has no decimal point or fractional part.
D can be negative to cause D digits left of the decimal point of the value X to become zero.
In the following example, the result of "1.223" truncated to 1 decimal places is returned.
SELECT TRUNCATE(1.223,1); truncate ---------- 1.2 (1 row)
The following string functions are supported:
Return string at index number.
elt(str_pos int, VARIADIC strlist text[]) RETURNS text
General rules
ELT() returns the str_posth element of the list of strings: str1 if str_pos = 1, str2 if str_pos = 2, and so on.
Returns NULL if N is less than 1 or greater than the number of arguments.
ELT() is the complement of FIELD().
In the following example,Return 'Bb' at 2.
select elt( 2, 'Aa', 'Bb', 'Cc', 'Dd', 'Ff'); elt ----- Bb (1 row)
Index (position) of first argument in subsequent arguments.
field(str text, VARIADIC strlist text[]) RETURNS bigint field(str numeric, VARIADIC strlist numeric[]) RETURNS bigint
General rules
Returns the index (position) of str in the str1, str2, str3, ... list. Returns 0 if str is not found.
If all arguments to FIELD() are strings, all arguments are compared as strings. If all arguments are numbers, they are compared as numbers. Otherwise, the arguments are compared as double.
If str is NULL, the return value is 0 because NULL fails equality comparison with any value. FIELD() is the complement of ELT().
In the following example,Index (position) of 'Bb' in 'Aa', 'Bb', 'Cc', 'Dd', 'Ff' 2 is returned.
select field('Bb', 'Aa', 'Bb', 'Cc', 'Dd', 'Ff'); field ------- 2 (1 row)
Index (position) of first argument within second argument.
FIND_IN_SET(str "any",strlist TEXT) returns INTEGER
General rules
Returns a value in the range of 1 to N if the string str is in the string list strlist consisting of N substrings. strlist is a string composed of substrings separated by , characters.
Returns 0 if str is not in strlist or if strlist is the empty string.
Returns NULL if either argument is NULL. This function does not work properly if the first argument contains a comma (,) character.
If first argument is not String Types,the first parameter will be converted to string.In other words,find_in_set(n,strlist) is equivalent to find_in_set(n::text,strlist)
The data type of the return value is integer.
In the following example,position of 'b' within 'a,b,c,d' is returned.
SELECT FIND_IN_SET('b','a,b,c,d'); find_in_set ------------- 2 (1 row)
Decode base64 encoded string and return result.
from_base64(p_str text) RETURNS text
General rules
Takes a string encoded with the base-64 encoded rules used by TO_BASE64() and returns the decoded result as a binary string.
The result is NULL if the argument is NULL or not a valid base-64 string.
See the description of TO_BASE64() for details about the encoding and decoding rules.
In the following example,Decode base64 encoded string 'YWJj' and return result 'abc'.
select from_base64('YWJj'); from_base64 ------------- abc (1 row)
Insert substring at specified position up to specified number of characters.
insert(p_source text, p_pos bigint, p_len bigint, p_replacement text) RETURNS text
General rules
Returns the string str, with the substring beginning at position pos and len characters long replaced by the string newstr.
Returns the original string if pos is not within the length of the string. Replaces the rest of the string from position pos if len is not within the length of the rest of the string.
Returns NULL if any argument is NULL.
In the following example,Insert substring 'What' at specified position 3 up to specified number 4 of characters.
select insert('Quadratic', 3, 4, 'What'); insert ----------- QuWhattic (1 row)
Get the first occurrence position of the substring.
instr(str text, patt text) RETURNS int
General rules
Get the first occurrence position of sub string patt in str, starting from 1.
If not found, return 0.
In the following example, the first occurrence of substring '4de' in string 'abc124deff4de' is 6.
select instr('abc124deff4de', '4de'); instr ------- 6 (1 row)
Synonym for LOWER().
lcase(p_source text) RETURNS text
General rules
LCASE() is a synonym for LOWER().
Returns the string str with all characters changed to lowercase according to the current character set mapping. The default is utf8mb4.
In the following example,Returns the string 'quadratic' with all characters changed to lowercase.
select lcase('QuadRatic'); lcase ----------- quadratic (1 row)
Return the position of the first occurrence of substring.
General rules
The first syntax returns the position of the first occurrence of substring substr in string str.
The second syntax returns the position of the first occurrence of substring substr in string str, starting at position pos.
Returns 0 if substr is not in str.
Returns NULL if any argument is NULL.
In the following example,position of 'bar' in 'foobarbar', starting at position 5. is returned.
SELECT LOCATE('bar', 'foobarbar', 5); locate -------- 7 (1 row)
Return a substring starting from the specified position.
mid(p_source text, p_pos bigint, p_len bigint) RETURNS text
General rules
The forms without a len argument return a substring from string str starting at position pos. The forms with a len argument return a substring len characters long from string str, starting at position pos.
It is also possible to use a negative value for pos. In this case, the beginning of the substring is pos characters from the end of the string, rather than the beginning. A negative value may be used for pos in any of the forms of this function. A value of 0 for pos returns an empty string.
In the following example, return a substring 'ongy' starting from the specified position 2.
select mid('Hongye', 2, 4); mid ------ ongy (1 row)
Return a string of the specified number of spaces.
space(p_num int) RETURNS text
General rules
Returns a string consisting of N space characters.
In the following example, return a string of the specified number of spaces.
select concat('|', space(11), '|'); concat --------------- | | (1 row)
Compare two strings.
strcmp(p1 text, p2 text) RETURNS int
General rules
STRCMP() returns 0 if the strings are the same, -1 if the first argument is smaller than the second according to the current sort order, and 1 otherwise.
In the following example, returns -1 the first argument is smaller than the second according to the current sort order.
select strcmp('text', 'text2'); strcmp -------- -1 (1 row)
Return the argument converted to a base-64 string.
to_base64(p_str text) RETURNS text
General rules
Converts the string argument to base-64 encoded form and returns the result as a character string with the connection character set and collation.
If the argument is not a string, it is converted to a string before conversion takes place. The result is NULL if the argument is NULL.
Base-64 encoded strings can be decoded using the FROM_BASE64() function.
In the following example, return the argument 'abc' converted to a base-64 string 'YWJj'.
select to_base64('abc'); to_base64 ----------- YWJj (1 row)
Synonym for UPPER().
ucase(p_source text) RETURNS text
General rules
Returns the string str with all characters changed to uppercase according to the current character set mapping. The default is utf8mb4.
In the following example, returns the string 'QUADRATIC' with all characters changed to uppercase according to the current character set mapping.
select ucase('QuadRatic'); ucase ----------- QUADRATIC (1 row)
Return the substring as specified
substr(str text, pos int) RETURNS text substr(str text, pos int, len int) RETURNS text
General rules
The forms without a len argument return a substring from string str starting at position pos. The forms with a len argument return a substring len characters long from string str, starting at position pos.
It is also possible to use a negative value for pos. In this case, the beginning of the substring is pos characters from the end of the string, rather than the beginning. A negative value may be used for pos in any of the forms of this function. A value of 0 for pos returns an empty string.
This function is multibyte safe. It returns NULL if any of its arguments are NULL.
If len is less than 1, the result is the empty string.
It is also possible for both pos and len to accept numeric type, if the fractional part of a input less than 0.5, round to integer part, otherwise round to floor of input + 0.5 for a positive input, floor of intput-0.5 would be applied if input is negative.
In the following example, the result is bc
select substr('abc',-2,2); substr -------- bc (1 row)
Return the substring as specified
substring(str text, pos int) RETURNS text substring(str text, pos int, len int) RETURNS text
General rules
substring is a synonym for substr
In the following example, the result is bc
select substring('abc',-2,2); substring -------- bc (1 row)
Return a substring from a string before the specified number of occurrences of the delimiter
substring_index(str varchar, delim varchar, count integer) RETURNS varchar
General rules
Returns the substring from string str before count occurrences of the delimiter delim.
If count is positive, everything to the left of the final delimiter (counting from the left) is returned.
If count is negative, everything to the right of the final delimiter (counting from the right) is returned.
SUBSTRING_INDEX() performs a case-sensitive match when searching for delim.
This function is multibyte safe.
SUBSTRING_INDEX() returns NULL if any of its arguments are NULL.
When delim is '' return ''(same with mysql).
lightdb@test_m=# SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX('', '.', 2); substring_index ----------------- www.mysql (1 row) lightdb@test_m=# SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX('', '.', -2); substring_index ----------------- (1 row)
The following date/time functions are supported:
Subtract two dates.
DATEDIFF(expr1 timestamp,expr2 timestamp) RETURN integer DATEDIFF(expr1 text,expr2 text) RETURN integer DATEDIFF(expr1 timestamptz,expr2 timestamptz) RETURN integer DATEDIFF(expr1 timestamptz,expr2 timestamp) RETURN integer DATEDIFF(expr1 timestamp,expr2 timestamptz) RETURN integer DATEDIFF(expr1 date, expr2 date) RETURN integer DATEDIFF(expr1 date, expr2 numeric) RETURN integer DATEDIFF(expr1 numeric, expr2 date) RETURN integer DATEDIFF(expr1 numeric, expr2 numeric) RETURN integer
General rules
expr1 − expr2 expressed as a value in days from one date to the other. expr1 and expr2 are date or date-and-time expressions. Only the date parts of the values are used in the calculation.
Returns NULL if any argument is NULL.
Parameter can't be time type(mysql can be time type).
In the following example, 1 is returned because '2007-12-31' minus '2007-12-30' equals 1
SELECT DATEDIFF('2007-12-31 23:59:59','2007-12-30'); datediff ---------- 1 (1 row) SELECT DATEDIFF(cast('2007-12-31 23:59:59' as datetime),cast('2007-12-30' as datetime)); datediff ---------- 1 (1 row) SELECT DATEDIFF(cast('2007-12-31 23:59:59' as date),cast('2007-12-30' as date)); datediff ---------- 1 (1 row)
Date addition.
DATE_ADD(expr1 timestamptz, expr2 interval) RETURN date DATE_ADD(expr1 text, expr2 interval) RETURN date
General rules
Returns the date type after adding interval (year / month / day) to the expr1 date parameter
The second parameter expr2 only support interval (year / month / day)
In the following example, '2020-01-02' is returned because '20200101' add 1 day
select date_add('20200101', interval 1 day); date_add ------------ 2020-01-02 (1 row)
Date format display.
DATE_FORMAT(expr1 timestamp, expr2 text) RETURN text DATE_FORMAT(expr1 timestamptz, expr2 text) RETURN text DATE_FORMAT(expr1 text, expr2 text) RETURN text
General rules
Return expr1 time parameter, display and output in expr2 format
In the following example, '2021/12/01 11,59,59' is returned because expr2is in '%Y/%m/%d %h,%i,%s' format
select date_format('20211201 11:59:59','%Y/%m/%d %h,%i,%s'); date_format --------------------- 2021/12/01 11,59,59 (1 row)
Table 10.104 shows the template patterns available for formatting date_format values.
Table 10.104. Template Patterns for date_format Formatting
Pattern | Description |
%a | Abbreviated week name |
%b | Abbreviated month name |
%c | Month, value |
%D | Day of the month with English prefix |
%d | Day of month, value (00-31) |
%e | Day of month, value (0-31) |
%f | Microsecond |
%H | Hours (00-23) |
%h | Hours (01-12) |
%I | Hours (01-12) |
%i | Minute, value (00-59) |
%j | Day of year (001-366) |
%k | Hours (0-23) |
%l | Hours (1-12) |
%M | Month Name |
%m | Month, value (00-12) |
%p | AM or PM |
%r | Time, 12 hours (hh: mm: ss AM or PM) |
%S | Seconds (00-59) |
%s | Seconds (00-59) |
%T | Time, 24 hours (hh: mm: ss) |
%W | Week Name |
%Y | Year, 4 digits |
%y | Year, 2 digits |
Date subtraction.
DATE_SUB(expr1 timestamptz, expr2 interval) RETURN date DATE_SUB(expr1 text, expr2 interval) RETURN date
General rules
Returns the date type after the expr1 date parameter minus the interval (year / month / day)
The second parameter expr2 only support interval (year / month / day)
In the following example, '2019-12-31' is returned because '20200101' minus 1 day
select date_sub('20200101', interval 1 day); date_sub ------------ 2019-12-31 (1 row)
Return month date.
DAY(expr1 text) RETURN int2 DAY(expr1 timestamptz) RETURN int4
General rules
Returns the date part of a given expr1 date month
Only month and day parameters are not supported, such as' 0101 ', 0704
In the following example, '1' is returned because 2011/12/01's date is 1
select day('2011/12/01'); day ----- 1 (1 row)
Return to the day of the week.
DAYOFWEEK(expr1 text) RETURN int4 DAYOFWEEK(expr1 timestamptz) RETURN int4
General rules
Returns the day of the week according to the expr1 date parameter. The return value is 1 ~ 7, and Sunday is 1
At least include the complete time format, such as 20200202, 200202. Parameters less than 6 bits are not supported
In the following example, '4' is returned because 20200101 is Wednesday
select dayofweek(20200101); dayofweek ----------- 4 (1 row)
Return time format according to UNIX timestamp.
FROM_UNIXTIME(expr1 text) RETURN timestamp FROM_UNIXTIME(expr1 int8) RETURN timestamp FROM_UNIXTIME(expr1 text, expr2 text) RETURN text FROM_UNIXTIME(expr1 int8, expr2 text) RETURN text
General rules
Return time format according to expr1 parameter UNIX timestamp. The date format can be specified according to the expr2 parameter
In the following example, timestamp is returned according to UNIX timestamp 20220910
select from_unixtime(20220910); from_unixtime --------------------- 1970-08-23 08:55:10 (1 row) select from_unixtime(20220910, '%Y/%m/%d %h,%i,%s'); from_unixtime --------------------- 1970/08/23 08,55,10 (1 row)
Table 10.105 shows the template patterns available for formatting from_unixtime values.
Table 10.105. Template Patterns for from_unixtime Formatting
Pattern | Description |
%a | Abbreviated week name |
%b | Abbreviated month name |
%c | Month, value |
%D | Day of the month with English prefix |
%d | Day of month, value (00-31) |
%e | Day of month, value (0-31) |
%f | Microsecond |
%H | Hours (00-23) |
%h | Hours (01-12) |
%I | Hours (01-12) |
%i | Minute, value (00-59) |
%j | Day of year (001-366) |
%k | Hours (0-23) |
%l | Hours (1-12) |
%M | Month Name |
%m | Month, value (00-12) |
%p | AM or PM |
%r | Time, 12 hours (hh: mm: ss AM or PM) |
%S | Seconds (00-59) |
%s | Seconds (00-59) |
%T | Time, 24 hours (hh: mm: ss) |
%W | Week Name |
%Y | Year, 4 digits |
%y | Year, 2 digits |
Converts seconds to 'hh:mm:ss' format.
sec_to_time(p_secs int) RETURNS interval
General rules
Returns the seconds argument, converted to hours, minutes, and seconds, as a TIME value.
The range of the result is constrained to that of the TIME data type. A warning occurs if the argument corresponds to a value outside that range.
In the following example, Converts seconds 80580 to 'hh:mm:ss' format 22:23:00.
select mysql.sec_to_time(80580); sec_to_time ------------- 22:23:00 (1 row)
Convert string to time value. This is the inverse of the DATE_FORMAT() function. It takes a string str and a format string format. STR_TO_DATE() returns a DATETIME value if the format string contains both date and time parts, or a DATE or TIME value if the string contains only date or time parts. If the date,time, or datetime value extracted from str is illegal, STR_TO_DATE() returns error.
STR_TO_DATE(datetime_str text, datetime_format text) RETURN datetime STR_TO_DATE(date_str text, date_format text) RETURN date STR_TO_DATE(time_str text, time_format text) RETURN time
General rules
Convert string str parameter and format format parameter to time value
If the NO_ZERO_DATE SQL mode is enabled, zero dates are disallowed. In that case, STR_TO_DATE() returns NULL.
In the following example, '2022-09-10 11:13:13' is returned according to timestamp '2022/09/10 11,13,13' and format '%Y/%m/%d %h,%i,%s'. It returns a DATETIME value if the format string contains both date and time parts.
select str_to_date('2022/09/10 11,13,13', '%Y/%m/%d %h,%i,%s'); str_to_date --------------------- 2022-09-10 11:13:13 (1 row)
In the following example, returns a DATE value because of the format string contains only date parts.
select str_to_date('2022/09/10', '%Y/%m/%d'); str_to_date --------------------- 2022-09-10 (1 row)
In the following example, returns a TIME value because of the format string contains only time parts.
select str_to_date('09:00:59', '%h:%i:%s'); str_to_date --------------------- 09:00:59 (1 row)
If the NO_ZERO_DATE SQL mode is enabled, zero dates are disallowed. In that case, STR_TO_DATE() return NULL:
set lightdb_sql_mode = 'no_zero_date'; select str_to_date('2022/09/0', '%Y/%m/%d'); str_to_date ------------- (1 row)
Table 10.106 shows the template patterns available for formatting str_to_date values.
Table 10.106. Template Patterns for str_to_date Formatting
Pattern | Description |
%a | Abbreviated week name |
%b | Abbreviated month name |
%c | Month, value |
%D | Day of the month with English prefix |
%d | Day of month, value (00-31) |
%e | Day of month, value (0-31) |
%f | Microsecond |
%H | Hours (00-23) |
%h | Hours (01-12) |
%I | Hours (01-12) |
%i | Minute, value (00-59) |
%j | Day of year (001-366) |
%k | Hours (0-23) |
%l | Hours (1-12) |
%M | Month Name |
%m | Month, value (00-12) |
%p | AM or PM |
%r | Time, 12 hours (hh: mm: ss AM or PM) |
%S | Seconds (00-59) |
%s | Seconds (00-59) |
%T | Time, 24 hours (hh: mm: ss) |
%W | Week Name |
%Y | Year, 4 digits |
%y | Year, 2 digits |
Return the time at which the function executes.
sysdate() RETURNS timestamp(0)
General rules
Returns the time at which it executes, it is nondeterministic.
The return value affacted by timezone setting.
Available since version 23.2
Examples as below:
select sysdate; sysdate --------------------- 2023-05-06 16:06:59 (1 row)
Return the argument converted to seconds.
time_to_sec(p_time time) RETURNS int
General rules
Returns the time argument, converted to seconds.
In the following example, returns the time argument '22:23:00' converted to seconds 80580.
select time_to_sec('22:23:00'); time_to_sec ------------- 80580 (1 row)
Subtract time.
timediff(p_date1 timestamptz, p_date2 timestamptz) RETURNS interval
General rules
TIMEDIFF() returns expr1 − expr2 expressed as a time value. expr1 and expr2 are time or date-and-time expressions, but both must be of the same type.
The result returned by TIMEDIFF() is limited to the range allowed for TIME values. Alternatively, you can use either of the functions TIMESTAMPDIFF() and UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), both of which return integers.
In the following example, returns '2000-01-01 00:00:00' − '2000-01-01 00:00:00.000001' expressed as a time value.
select mysql.timediff('2000-01-01 00:00:00', '2000-01-01 00:00:00.000001'); timediff ------------------ -00:00:00.000001 (1 row)
Subtract an interval from a datetime expression.
timestampdiff( p_unit text, p_ts1 text, p_ts2 text) RETURNS bigint timestampdiff( p_unit text, p_ts1 text, p_ts2 timestamptz) RETURNS bigint timestampdiff( p_unit text, p_ts1 timestamptz, p_ts2 text) RETURNS bigint timestampdiff( p_unit text, p_ts1 timestamptz, p_ts2 timestamptz) RETURNS bigint
General rules
Returns datetime_expr2 − datetime_expr1, where datetime_expr1 and datetime_expr2 are date or datetime expressions.
One expression may be a date and the other a datetime; a date value is treated as a datetime having the time part '00:00:00' where necessary.
The unit for the result (an integer) is given by the unit argument. The unit parameters support MICROSECOND
and YEAR
, with or without quotes.
In the following example, Returns '1911-11-11 11:23:45.123456' − '2021-12-12 12:12:12.654321'::timestamp, the result (an integer) is given by MICROSECOND.
select timestampdiff ('MICROSECOND', '1911-11-11 11:23:45.123456'::timestamp, '2021-12-12 12:12:12.654321'::timestamp); timestampdiff ------------------ 3474060507530865 (1 row) select timestampdiff (MICROSECOND, '1911-11-11 11:23:45.123456'::timestamp, '2021-12-12 12:12:12.654321'::timestamp); timestampdiff ------------------ 3474060507530865 (1 row)
Return the date argument converted to days.
to_days(p_date timestamp) RETURNS bigint to_days(p_date timestamptz) RETURNS bigint to_days( p_date text) RETURNS bigint to_days( p_date text, p_format text) RETURNS bigint to_days(p_date bigint) RETURNS bigint
General rules
Given a date date, returns a day number (the number of days since year 0).
TO_DAYS() is not intended for use with values that precede the advent of the Gregorian calendar (1582), because it does not take into account the days that were lost when the calendar was changed. For dates before 1582 (and possibly a later year in other locales), results from this function are not reliable.
In the following example, return the date argument '1111-11-11' converted to days 406098.
select to_days('1111-11-11'); to_days --------- 406098 (1 row)
Return the date or datetime argument converted to seconds since Year 0.
to_seconds(p_date timestamp) RETURNS bigint to_seconds(p_date timestamptz) RETURNS bigint
General rules
Given a date or datetime expr, returns the number of seconds since the year 0. If expr is not a valid date or datetime value, returns NULL.
Like TO_DAYS(), TO_SECONDS() is not intended for use with values that precede the advent of the Gregorian calendar (1582), because it does not take into account the days that were lost when the calendar was changed. For dates before 1582 (and possibly a later year in other locales), results from this function are not reliable.
In the following example, Return the date or datetime argument '2009-11-29' converted to seconds 63426672000 since Year 0.
select to_seconds('2009-11-29'::timestamp); to_seconds ------------- 63426672000 (1 row)
Return UNIX timestamp according to time format.
General rules
Returns the UNIX timestamp according to the expr1 parameter time format. If there is no parameter, returns the current UNIX timestamp
Expr1 parameter contains at least the complete log format, such as 20200101
In the following example, Return the unix timestamp '1577808000' corresponding parameter 20200101.
select unix_timestamp(20200101); unix_timestamp ---------------- 1577808000 (1 row) select unix_timestamp(); unix_timestamp ---------------- 1663051334 (1 row)
According to the time, return to the week within a year.
WEEKOFYEAR(expr1 timestamptz) RETURN int4 WEEKOFYEAR(expr1 text) RETURN int4
General rules
According to the time expr1 parameter, return to the week within a year
At least include the complete time format, such as 20200202, 200202. Parameters less than 6 bits are not supported
In the following example, '36' is returned because '20220910' is the 36th week of the year
select weekofyear('20220910'); weekofyear ------------ 36 (1 row)
Returns the year of the date.
YEAR(expr1 timestamptz) RETURN int4 YEAR(expr1 text) RETURN int4
General rules
Returns the year according to the expr1 parameter date
It supports complete month, day and month time parameters, such as' 20200101 'and' 200101 '. It does not support only including month and day parameters, such as' 0101' and '0704'
In the following example, '2020' is returned because the year of '20200101' is 2020
select year(20200101); year ------ 2020 (1 row) select year('200101'); year ------ 2020 (1 row)
Returns the quarter of the year for date, in the range 1 to 4.
QUARTER(timestamp) RETURN int4
General rules
NULL if date is NULL.
It one supports the timestamp type, and any type that can be implicitly converted to a timestamp type now(like date type).
In the following example, '4' is returned because the quarter of '20201001' is 4
select quarter(cast('20201001'as date)); quarter --------- 4 (1 row) select quarter(cast('20201001'as datetime)); quarter --------- 4 (1 row) select quarter('20201001'); quarter --------- 4 (1 row)
Returns the corresponding value for the last day of the month.
LAST_DAY(date) RETURN date LAST_DAY(text) RETURN date
General rules
Returns NULL if the argument is NULL.
Error if the argument is invalid.
It only supports date and text type(also includes any data type that can be implicitly converted to either type) now.
In the following example, last day of the month is returned if parameter is valid:
lightdb@test_m=# SELECT LAST_DAY('2003-02-05'); last_day ------------ 2003-02-28 (1 row) lightdb@test_m=# SELECT LAST_DAY('2004-02-05'); last_day ------------ 2004-02-29 (1 row) lightdb@test_m=# SELECT LAST_DAY('2004-01-01 01:01:01'); last_day ------------ 2004-01-31 (1 row) lightdb@test_m=# SELECT LAST_DAY('2003-03-32'); ERROR: date/time field value out of range: "2003-03-32" HINT: Perhaps you need a different "datestyle" setting. CONTEXT: SQL function "last_day" statement 1 lightdb@test_m=#
Returns the current date as a value in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format.
General rules
Cannot return YYYYMMDD format like mysql yet, therefore, multiplication and division are not supported, addition and subtraction results are different from mysqls. Mysql will Returns the current date as a value in 'YYYY-MM-DD' or YYYYMMDD format, depending on whether the function is used in string or numeric context.
lightdb@test_m=# select curdate(); curdate ------------ 2023-12-06 (1 row) lightdb@test_m=# select curdate()+1; ?column? ------------ 2023-12-07 (1 row) lightdb@test_m=# select curdate()/2; ERROR: operator does not exist: date / integer LINE 1: select curdate()/2; ^ HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts. lightdb@test_m=# select curdate()*2; ERROR: operator does not exist: date * integer LINE 1: select curdate()*2; ^ HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts. lightdb@test_m=# select curdate()-2; ?column? ------------ 2023-12-04 (1 row)
The following json functions are supported:
Evaluates a (possibly empty) list of values and returns a JSON array containing those values.
General rules
Returns a JSON array, the data type is jsonb
SELECT JSON_ARRAY(1, 'abc', NULL, TRUE, NOW()); json_array ------------------------------------------------------------ [1, "abc", null, true, "2023-05-31T19:44:44.881055+08:00"] (1 row)
Evaluates a (possibly empty) list of key-value pairs and returns a JSON object containing those pairs.
General rules
Returns a JSON object, the data type is jsonb
An error occurs if any key name is NULL or the number of arguments is odd.
SELECT JSON_OBJECT('id', 87, 'name', 'carrot'); json_object ------------------------------ {"id": 87, "name": "carrot"} (1 row) SELECT JSON_OBJECT('id', 87, 'name', 'carrot', 'id', 99); json_object ------------------------------ {"id": 99, "name": "carrot"} (1 row)
Returns data from a JSON document, selected from the parts of the document matched by the path arguments.
JSON_EXTRACT(json_doc jsonb, path jsonpath) RETURNS jsonb
General rules
The return value consists of all values matched by the path
arguments, the data type is jsonb
If it is possible that those arguments could return multiple values,
the matched values are autowrapped as an array, in the order
corresponding to the paths that produced them. Otherwise,
the return value is the single matched value.
Returns NULL if any argument is NULL or no paths locate a value in the document.
An error occurs if the json_doc argument is not a valid JSON document or any path argument is not a valid path expression.
SELECT JSON_EXTRACT('{"k1":11,"k2":22,"k2 2":33}','$.k1'); json_extract -------------- 11 (1 row) SELECT JSON_EXTRACT('{"k1":11,"k2":22,"k2 2":33}','$."k2 2"'); json_extract -------------- 33 (1 row) SELECT JSON_EXTRACT('{"a":{"c":20, "d":{"b":{"b":30, "c":40}, "e":{"b":50}}}, "c":{"b":60, "c":70}, "b":80}','$.a.c'); json_extract -------------- 20 (1 row) SELECT JSON_EXTRACT('[10,"str", null, true]','$[1]'); json_extract -------------- "str" (1 row) SELECT JSON_EXTRACT('[10,"str", null, true]','$[last]'); json_extract -------------- true (1 row) SELECT JSON_EXTRACT('[10,"str", null, true]','$[last-2]'); json_extract -------------- "str" (1 row)
In the following example, multiple values matched, they are autowrapped as an array.
SELECT JSON_EXTRACT('[10,"str", null, true]','$[1 to 3]'); json_extract --------------------- ["str", null, true] (1 row) SELECT JSON_EXTRACT('[10,"str", null, true]','$[*]'); json_extract ------------------------- [10, "str", null, true] (1 row) SELECT JSON_EXTRACT('[10]','$[*]'); json_extract -------------- [10] (1 row) SELECT JSON_EXTRACT('{"k1":1,"k2":"22","k2 2":[3,33]}','$.*'); json_extract -------------------- [1, "22", [3, 33]] (1 row)
Indicates by returning true or false whether a given candidate JSON document is contained within a target JSON document.
JSON_CONTAINS(json_doc jsonb, json_val jsonb, path jsonpath) RETURNS bool
General rules
Returns NULL if any argument is NULL, or if the path argument does not identify a section of the target document.
An error occurs if target or candidate is not a valid JSON document.
To check only whether any data exists at the path, use JSON_CONTAINS_PATH() instead.
SELECT JSON_CONTAINS('{"a": 111, "b": 222, "c": {"d": 4444}}', '111', '$.a'); json_contains --------------- t (1 row) SELECT JSON_CONTAINS('{"a": "111", "b": 222, "c": {"d": 4444}}', '111', '$.a'); json_contains --------------- f (1 row) SELECT JSON_CONTAINS('{"a": "111", "b": 222, "c": {"d": 4444}}', '" 111"', '$.a'); json_contains --------------- f (1 row) SELECT JSON_CONTAINS('{"a": 111, "b": 222, "c": {"d": 4444}}', '{"d" : 4444 }', '$.c'); json_contains --------------- t (1 row)
Returns true or false to indicate whether a JSON document contains data at a given path or paths.
JSON_CONTAINS_PATH(json_doc jsonb, one_or_all text, variadic jsonpath[]) RETURNS bool
General rules
The return value is false if no specified path exists within the document. Otherwise, the return value depends on the one_or_all argument:
: true if at least one path exists within the document, false otherwise.
: true if all paths exist within the document, false otherwise.
An error occurs if the json_doc argument is not a valid JSON document, any path argument is not a valid path expression, or one_or_all is not 'one' or 'all'.
To check for a specific value at a path, use JSON_CONTAINS() instead.
SELECT JSON_CONTAINS_PATH('{"a": 111, "b": 222, "c": {"d": 4444}}', 'one', '$.a', '$.z'); json_contains_path -------------------- t (1 row) SELECT JSON_CONTAINS_PATH('{"a": 111, "b": 222, "c": {"d": 4444}}', 'one', '$.d'); json_contains_path -------------------- f (1 row) SELECT JSON_CONTAINS_PATH('{"a": 111, "b": 222, "c": {"d": 4444}}', 'all', '$a', '$.b', '$.c'); json_contains_path -------------------- t (1 row) SELECT JSON_CONTAINS_PATH('{"a": 111, "b": 222, "c": {"d": 4444}}', 'all', '$a', '$.b', '$.d'); json_contains_path -------------------- f (1 row)
Provides pretty-printing of JSON values similar to that implemented in PHP and by other languages and database systems.
JSON_PRETTY(json_doc jsonb) RETURNS text
General rules
The data type of return value is text
The value supplied must be a JSON value or a valid string representation of a JSON value. Extraneous whitespaces and newlines present in this value have no effect on the output.
For a NULL value, the function returns NULL. If the value is not a JSON document, or if it cannot be parsed as one, the function fails with an error.
SELECT JSON_PRETTY('{"a":{"b":{"z":1},"c":[5,{"z":2}],"z":3}, "z":4}'); json_pretty ------------------------ { + "a": { + "b": { + "z": 1 + }, + "c": [ + 5, + { + "z": 2+ } + ], + "z": 3 + }, + "z": 4 + } (1 row)
Removes data from a JSON document and returns the result.
JSON_REMOVE(jsonb, jsonpath) RETURNS jsonb
General rules
Removes data from a JSON document and returns the result. Returns NULL if any argument is NULL.
An error occurs if the jsonb argument is not a valid JSON document or any path argument is not a valid path expression or is $ or contains a * or ** wildcard.
It is not an error if the element to be removed does not exist in the document; in that case, the path does not affect the document.
SELECT JSON_REMOVE('{"a": 1, "b": [1,2,3], "c": {"d": 4}}', '$.c.d'); json_remove ----------------------------------- {"a": 1, "b": [1, 2, 3], "c": {}} (1 row) SELECT JSON_REMOVE('{"a": 1, "b": [1,2,3], "c": {"d": 4}}', '$.b[last]'); json_remove -------------------------------------- {"a": 1, "b": [1, 2], "c": {"d": 4}} (1 row) SELECT JSON_REMOVE('{"a": 1, "b": [1,2,3], "c": {"d": 4}}', '$.c.z'); json_remove ----------------------------------------- {"a": 1, "b": [1, 2, 3], "c": {"d": 4}} (1 row)
Different from MySQL, when accessing a JSON object through period
, if the object name is not enclosed in double
quotes and lt is an valid ECMAScript identifier name with some special
characters (like $), LightDB will prompt an error.
SELECT JSON_REMOVE('{"a": 1, "b": [1,2,3], "c": {"d": 4}}', '$.$z');
Inserts data into a JSON document and returns the result.
JSON_INSERT(jsonb, jsonpath, anyelement) RETURNS jsonb JSON_INSERT(jsonb, jsonpath, text) RETURNS jsonb
General rules
Inserts data into a JSON document and returns the result. Returns NULL if any argument is NULL.
An error occurs if the jsonb argument is not a valid JSON document or any path argument is not a valid path expression or contains a * or ** wildcard.
A path-value pair for an existing path in the document is ignored and does not overwrite the existing document value. A path-value pair for a nonexisting path in the document adds the value to the document.
SELECT JSON_INSERT('{ "a": 1, "b": [2, 3]}', '$.a', 10); json_insert ----------------------- {"a": 1, "b": [2, 3]} (1 row) SELECT JSON_INSERT('{ "a": 1, "b": [2, 3]}', '$.c', 200); json_insert --------------------------------- {"a": 1, "b": [2, 3], "c": 200} (1 row)
Replaces existing values in a JSON document and returns the result.
JSON_REPLACE(jsonb, jsonpath, anyelement) RETURNS jsonb JSON_REPLACE(jsonb, jsonpath, text) RETURNS jsonb
General rules
Replaces existing values in a JSON document and returns the result. Returns NULL if any argument is NULL.
An error occurs if the jsonb argument is not a valid JSON document or any path argument is not a valid path expression or contains a * or ** wildcard.
A path-value pair for an existing path in the document overwrites the existing document value with the new value. A path-value pair for a nonexisting path in the document is ignored and has no effect.
SELECT JSON_REPLACE('{ "a": 1, "b": [2, 3]}', '$.a', 10); json_replace ------------------------ {"a": 10, "b": [2, 3]} (1 row) SELECT JSON_REPLACE('{ "a": 1, "b": [2, 3]}', '$.c', 'null'); json_replace ---------------------------- {"a": 1, "b": [2, 3]} (1 row) SELECT JSON_REPLACE('100', '$','{ "a": 1, "b": [2, 3]}'::jsonb); json_replace ----------------------- {"a": 1, "b": [2, 3]} (1 row)
Different from MySQL, when accessing a JSON object through period
, if the object name is not enclosed in double
quotes and lt is an illegal ECMAScript identifier name, LightDB will
not prompt an error but return the original value.
SELECT JSON_REPLACE('{ "a": 1, "b": [2, 3]}', '$.b.2z', 4); json_replace ----------------------- {"a": 1, "b": [2, 3]} (1 row)
Inserts or updates data in a JSON document and returns the result.
JSON_SET(jsonb, jsonpath, anyelement) RETURNS jsonb JSON_SET(jsonb, jsonpath, text) RETURNS jsonb
General rules
Inserts or updates data in a JSON document and returns the result. Returns NULL if json_doc or path is NULL.
An error occurs if the jsonb argument is not a valid JSON document or any path argument is not a valid path expression or contains a * or ** wildcard.
A path-value pair for an existing path in the document overwrites the existing document value with the new value. A path-value pair for a nonexisting path in the document adds the value to the document.
SELECT JSON_SET('{ "a": 1, "b": [2, 3]}', '$.a', 10); json_set ------------------------ {"a": 10, "b": [2, 3]} (1 row) SELECT JSON_SET('{ "a": 1, "b": [2, 3]}', '$.c', '[true, false]'); json_set --------------------------------------------- {"a": 1, "b": [2, 3], "c": "[true, false]"} (1 row) SELECT JSON_SET('{ "a": 1, "b": [2, 3]}', '$.b.z', 4); json_set ----------------------- {"a": 1, "b": [2, 3]} (1 row)
The following functions for making comparisons are supported:
If expr1 is TRUE, IF() returns expr2. Otherwise, it returns expr3.
General rules
If only one of expr2 or expr3 is explicitly NULL, the result type of the IF() function is "text".
If one of expr2 and expr3 is a string, the result type of the IF() function is "text", otherwise it is "numeric".
The following data types can be used in expr2 and expr3:
In the following example, 3 is returned because the value of 1 > 2 is false.
SELECT IF(1>2,2,3); if ---- 3 (1 row)
The following aggregation functions are supported:
For compatibility with MySQL mode non ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY syntax behavior of group by in by mode.
General rules
This function is useful for in MySQL compatible GROUP BY queries when the ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY SQL mode is enabled, for cases when MySQL rejects a query that you know is valid for reasons that MySQL cannot determine, Default ANY_VALUE will return the first line causing ambiguity. The function return value and type are the same as the return value and type of its argument.
Note that this behavior is only a nonstandard syntax compatible with MySQL. It is used to ensure that the execution in LightDB will not report errors, but the results cannot be guaranteed to be completely consistent with MySQL. It is not recommended to use this feature. Please use the standard syntax format.
In the following example, if id is a nonindexed column, the following query fails:
select co1, co2, max(co3) from t1 group by id; ERROR: column "t1.co1" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function LINE 1: select co1, co2, max(co3) from t1 group by id; ^
Use ANY_VALUE() to refer to co1 and co2:
select any_value(co1) as co1, any_value(co2) as co2, max(co3) from t1 group by id; co1 | co2 | max -----+-----+----- 6 | 9 | 30 4 | 5 | 5 3 | 3 | 4 2 | 3 | 4 (4 rows)
Returns a concatenated, delimited list of string values.
GROUP_CONCAT( [DISTINCT] column_name1 [ORDER BY {unsigned_integer | column_name2 | expr} [ASC | DESC] [SEPARATOR delimiter TEXT]) returns TEXT
General rules
This function returns a string result with the concatenated non-NULL values from a group.
It returns NULL if there are no non-NULL values.
To sort values in the result, use the ORDER BY clause.To sort in reverse order, add the DESC (descending) keyword to the name of the column you are sorting by in the ORDER BY clause. The default is ascending order; this may be specified explicitly using the ASC keyword.
To eliminate duplicate values, use the DISTINCT clause.
The default separator between values in a group is comma (,). To specify a separator explicitly, use SEPARATOR followed by the string literal value that should be inserted between group values. To eliminate the separator altogether, specify SEPARATOR ''.
In the following example, the result with values of column col1 in table t delimited by ':' is returned.
select GROUP_CONCAT(col1 separator ':') from (values('BBBB',1),('AAAA',1),('CCCC',2)) as t(col1 ,col2) group by col2; group_concat -------------- BBBB:AAAA CCCC (2 rows)
The following System Information functions are supported:
Synonym for current_schema(). The concept of schema is similar to that of database in MySQL. You can specify the current schema by setting the search_path.
General rules
Returns the name of the schema that is first in the search path (or a null value if the search path is empty).
Like mysql,This is the schema that will be used for any tables or other named objects that are created without specifying a target schema.
In the following example, current schema is lightdb.
select database(); database ---------- lighdb (1 row)
The following Miscellaneous Functions are supported:
Convert binary UUID to string.
bin_to_uuid(p_uuid bytea, swap_flag int4 default 0) RETURNS uuid
General rules
BIN_TO_UUID() is the inverse of UUID_TO_BIN(). It converts a binary UUID to a string UUID and returns the result. The binary value should be a UUID as a VARBINARY(16) value.
The return value is a utf8 string of five hexadecimal numbers separated by dashes. (For details about this format, see the UUID() function description.) If the UUID argument is NULL, the return value is NULL. If any argument is invalid, an error occurs.
In the following example, Convert binary UUID '\x0768a47dd355372b4926ee668b6cb443' to string '0768a47d-d355-372b-4926-ee668b6cb443'.
select bin_to_uuid('\x0768a47dd355372b4926ee668b6cb443'); bin_to_uuid -------------------------------------- 0768a47d-d355-372b-4926-ee668b6cb443 (1 row)
Compress string and return binary data.
COMPRESS(expr1 text) RETURN bytea
General rules
Compress string expr1 parameter and return binary data. The corresponding decompression function is UNCOMPRESS
In the following example, compress 'abc123' into binary data '\x06000000616263313233'.
select compress('abc123'); compress ------------------------ \x06000000616263313233 (1 row)
Decompress the binary data compressed by compress() and restore the original string.
UNCOMPRESS(expr1 bytea) RETURN text
General rules
Decompress the binary data expr1 parameter compressed by compress() and restore the original string
In the following example, decompress binary data '\x06000000616263313233' into bCompress 'abc123'
select uncompress(compress('abc123')); uncompress ------------ abc123 (1 row)
returns a randomly generated UUID, as a string of 36 characters.
uuid() RETURNS text
General rules
UUID() returns a value that conforms to UUID version 4 as described in RFC 4122. The value is a 128-bit number represented as a utf8 string of five hexadecimal numbers in aaaaaaaa-bbbbcccc- dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee format.
In the following example, generate random UUID.
select uuid(); uuid -------------------------------------- f31f29e5-481f-4666-aa74-8cee3aa44545 (1 row)
Convert string UUID to binary.
uuid_to_bin(p_uuid uuid, swap_flag int4 default 0) RETURNS bytea
General rules
Converts a string UUID to a binary UUID and returns the result. (The IS_UUID() function description lists the permitted string UUID formats.)
The return binary UUID is a VARBINARY(16) value. If the UUID argument is NULL, the return value is NULL. If any argument is invalid, an error occurs.
In the following example, Convert string UUID '0768a47d-d355-372b-4926-ee668b6cb443' to binary '\x0768a47dd355372b4926ee668b6cb443'.
select uuid_to_bin('0768a47d-d355-372b-4926-ee668b6cb443'::uuid)::text; uuid_to_bin ------------------------------------ \x0768a47dd355372b4926ee668b6cb443 (1 row)
The following Operators are supported:
The corresponding value is returned according to whether the parameter is empty.
IFNULL(expr1 anycompatible, expr2 anycompatible) RETURNS anycompatible IFNULL(expr1 text, expr2 text) RETURNS text
General rules
Judge whether the first parameter is null. If it is null, the value of the second parameter will be returned. If it is not null, the value of the first parameter will be returned
The two input parameters must belong to the same category, and the typcategory
field of pg_type
can be determined
In the following example, when the first parameter is null, the second parameter 15 is returned; otherwise, the first parameter 1 is returned
select ifnull(1, 15); ifnull -------- 1 (1 row) select ifnull(null, 15); ifnull -------- 15 (1 row)
Test whether the argument is NULL
isnull(text) RETURNS bool isnull(numeric) RETURNS bool isnull(timestamptz) RETURNS bool
General rules
If expr is NULL, ISNULL() returns true, otherwise it returns false.
In the following example, expr is not NULL, ISNULL() returns false.
select isnull(0)::text; isnull -------- false (1 row)
The following arithmetic operator are supported:
Division operator. Division by zero produces a NULL result, reported a warning log.
Division operator examples. Division by zero produces a NULL result, reported a warning log.
select 2 / 4; ?column? ------------------------ 0.50000000000000000000 (1 row) select 1.0 / 2; ?column? ------------------------ 0.50000000000000000000 (1 row) select 2 / 0; WARNING: division by zero ?column? ---------- (1 row)
The following compare operators are supported:
Equal operator, support for varchar with bool or text. Got true for equality and false for non-equality.
select '1'::varchar = true; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select '1'::varchar = '1'::text; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) create table a(b varchar(5), c int); insert into a values(true, 1); insert into a values('true', 2); select * from a; b | c ------+--- 1 | 1 true | 2 (2 rows) select * from a where b = true; b | c ---+--- 1 | 1 (1 row) select * from a where b = 'true'; b | c ------+--- true | 2 (1 row)
Non-equal operator, support for varchar with bool or text. Got true for non-equality and false for equality.
select '1' != true; ?column? ---------- f (1 row) select '1'::varchar != '1'::text; ?column? ---------- f (1 row) create table a(b varchar(5), c int); insert into a values(true, 1); insert into a values('true', 2); select * from a; b | c ------+--- 1 | 1 true | 2 (2 rows) select * from a where b != true; b | c ------+--- true | 2 (1 row) select * from a where b != 'true'; b | c ---+--- 1 | 1 (1 row)
Previously, bool type would transform to varchar kept invarient as aspect, like true to 'true' or false to 'false'. Myfce changes the rules above, transform bool type true to string '1' and false to string '0' for compatible with mysql.
create table tb (a varchar(5), b int); insert into tb values('true', 2); -- insert text 'true' as expected insert into tb values(true, 1); -- insert true of bool type, expected to insert text '1' instead insert into tb values(1, 3); -- insert numeric 1, expected to insert text '1' instead insert into tb values('1', 4); -- insert text '1' as expected insert into tb values(false, 5); -- insert false of bool type, expected to insert text '0' insert into tb values('false', 6); -- insert text 'false' as expected insert into tb values(0, 7); -- insert numeric 0, expected to insert text '0' instead insert into tb values('0', 8); -- insert text '0' as expected select * from tb; a | b -------+--- true | 2 1 | 1 1 | 3 1 | 4 0 | 5 false | 6 0 | 7 0 | 8 (8 rows)
transform expr to unsigned bigint value.
General rules
Return type is numeric type. It is different from mysql, mysql is unsigned bigint type.
Expr of Date/Time types is not supported to cast yet. See examples for details.
Floating-point number in character types is not truncated when cast like mysql('1.9' truncate to 1). See examples for details.
Negative floating-point constant is not truncated when cast like mysql8.0, but mysql5.7 truncate it (floating-point number in col is not truncated). See examples for details.
Negative constant is truncated to 9223372036854775808 when overflowed like mysql8.0(mysql5.7 is 0). See examples for details.
Support casting strings in scientific notation format to unsigned, like '2e2' to 200(it is different from mysql, mysql is 2 after cast). See examples for details.
lightdb@test_m=# select cast(123 as unsigned) as unsigned; unsigned ---------- 123 (1 row) lightdb@test_m=# select cast(-123 as unsigned) as unsigned; unsigned ---------------------- 18446744073709551493 (1 row) lightdb@test_m=# select cast(18446744073709551615 as unsigned) as unsigned; unsigned ---------------------- 18446744073709551615 (1 row) lightdb@test_m=# select cast(18446744073709551616 as unsigned) as unsigned; WARNING: unsigned bigint out of range, Truncated unsigned ---------------------- 18446744073709551615 (1 row) lightdb@test_m=# select cast(-9223372036854775808 as unsigned) as unsigned; unsigned --------------------- 9223372036854775808 (1 row) -- mysql5.7为 0 ,mysql8.0: 9223372036854775808 lightdb@test_m=# select cast(-9223372036854775809 as unsigned) as unsigned; WARNING: unsigned bigint out of range, Truncated unsigned --------------------- 9223372036854775808 (1 row) lightdb@test_m=# select cast(1.4 as unsigned) as unsigned; unsigned ---------- 1 (1 row) lightdb@test_m=# select cast(1.5 as unsigned) as unsigned; unsigned ---------- 2 (1 row) lightdb@test_m=# select cast(1.9 as unsigned) as unsigned; unsigned ---------- 2 (1 row) -- mysql5.7: 0 mysql8.0: 18446744073709551614 lightdb@test_m=# select cast(-1.9 as unsigned) as unsigned; unsigned ---------------------- 18446744073709551614 (1 row) -- mysql5.7: 0 mysql8.0: 18446744073709551614 lightdb@test_m=# select cast(-1.5 as unsigned) as unsigned; unsigned ---------------------- 18446744073709551614 (1 row) -- mysql5.7: 0 mysql8.0: 18446744073709551615 lightdb@test_m=# select cast(-1.4 as unsigned) as unsigned; unsigned ---------------------- 18446744073709551615 (1 row) -- mysql: 1 lightdb@test_m=# select cast('1.4' as unsigned) as unsigned; unsigned ---------- 1 (1 row) -- mysql: 1 lightdb@test_m=# select cast('1.5' as unsigned) as unsigned; unsigned ---------- 2 (1 row) -- mysql: 1 lightdb@test_m=# select cast('1.9' as unsigned) as unsigned; unsigned ---------- 2 (1 row) -- mysql: 18446744073709551615 lightdb@test_m=# select cast('-1.4' as unsigned) as unsigned; unsigned ---------------------- 18446744073709551615 (1 row) -- mysql: 18446744073709551615 lightdb@test_m=# select cast('-1.5' as unsigned) as unsigned; unsigned ---------------------- 18446744073709551614 (1 row) -- mysql: 18446744073709551615 lightdb@test_m=# select cast('-1.9' as unsigned) as unsigned; unsigned ---------------------- 18446744073709551614 (1 row) lightdb@test_m=# select cast(2e2 as unsigned) as unsigned; unsigned ---------- 200 (1 row) lightdb@test_m=# select cast('2e2' as unsigned) as unsigned; unsigned ---------- 200 (1 row) lightdb@test_m=# create table test_c(key1 float4); CREATE TABLE lightdb@test_m=# insert into test_c values('-1.6'); INSERT 0 1 lightdb@test_m=# insert into test_c values('-1.4'); INSERT 0 1 lightdb@test_m=# insert into test_c values('-1.5'); INSERT 0 1 lightdb@test_m=# select cast(key1 as unsigned) , key1 from test_c; numeric2unsigned | key1 ----------------------+------ 18446744073709551614 | -1.6 18446744073709551615 | -1.4 18446744073709551614 | -1.5 (3 rows) lightdb@test_m=# select cast(cast('20121212' as date) as unsigned); ERROR: cannot cast type date to numeric LINE 1: select cast(cast('20121212' as date) as unsigned); ^ lightdb@test_m=#
The following AES encryption and decryption and hexadecimal conversion operators are supported:
The hex function converts bytea data to text.
hex(data bytea) returns text
select hex('\x0123456789abcdef'); hex ------------------ 0123456789abcdef (1 row)
The unhex function converts varchar data to bytea.
unhex(data varchar) returns bytea
select unhex('0123456789abcdef'); unhex -------------------- \x0123456789abcdef (1 row)
AES encryption function.
aes_encrypt(data bytea, key bytea) returns bytea aes_encrypt(data varchar, key varchar) returns bytea
select aes_encrypt('world', '123456'); aes_encrypt ------------------------------------ \x85400d3bbeeeb51259f497fcb4bee03e (1 row)
AES decryption function.
aes_decrypt(data bytea, key bytea) returns bytea aes_decrypt(data varchar, key varchar) returns bytea aes_decrypt(data bytea, key varchar) returns bytea
select aes_decrypt(aes_encrypt('world', '123456'), '123456'); aes_decrypt -------------- \x776f726c64 (1 row)