F.24. lt_cheat_funcs

F.24.1. Functions
F.24.2. Encoding Conversions
F.24.3. Configuration Parameters

This extension provides cheat (but useful) functions on LightDB.

F.24.1. Functions

Note that CREATE EXTENSION lt_cheat_funcs needs to be executed in all the databases that you want to execute the functions that this extension provides.

=# CREATE EXTENSION lt_cheat_funcs;

F.24.1.1. SETOF record pg_stat_get_memory_context()

Return statistics about all memory contexts. This function returns a record, shown in the table below.

Column Name Data Type Description
name text context name
parent text name of parent context
level integer distance from TopMemoryContext in context tree
total_bytes bigint total bytes requested from malloc
total_nblocks bigint total number of malloc blocks
free_bytes bigint free space in bytes
free_chunks bigint number of free chunks
used_bytes bigint used space in bytes

This function is restricted to superusers by default, but other users can be granted EXECUTE to run the function.

F.24.1.2. void pg_stat_print_memory_context()

Cause statistics about all memory contexts to be logged. The format of log message for each memory context is:

[name]: [total_bytes] total in [total_nblocks] blocks; [free_bytes] free ([free_chunks] chunks); [used_bytes] used

For descriptions of the above fields, please see pg_stat_get_memory_context().

This function is restricted to superusers by default, but other users can be granted EXECUTE to run the function.

F.24.1.3. record pg_cached_plan_source(stmt text)

Return information about cached plan source of the specified prepared statement. This function returns a record, shown in the table below.

Column Name Data Type Description
generic_cost double precision cost of generic plan, or -1 if not known
total_custom_cost double precision total cost of custom plans so far
num_custom_plans integer number of plans included in total
force_generic boolean force use of generic plan?
force_custom boolean force use of custom plan?

F.24.1.4. void pg_signal_process(pid int, signame text)

Send a signal to LightDB server process. This function can signal to only postmaster, backend, walsender and walreceiver process. Valid signal names are HUP, INT, QUIT, ABRT, KILL, TERM, USR1, USR2, CONT, and STOP. This function is restricted to superusers by default, but other users can be granted EXECUTE to run the function.

For example, terminate walreceiver process:

=# SELECT pg_signal_process(pid, 'TERM') FROM pg_stat_wal_receiver;

F.24.1.5. integer pg_get_priority(pid int)

Return the scheduling priority (nice) of the specified LightDB server process. This function can get the priority of only postmaster, backend, walsender and walreceiver process. See getpriority(2) man page for details about a scheduling priority. This function is restricted to superusers by default, but other users can be granted EXECUTE to run the function.

F.24.1.6. void pg_set_priority(pid int, priority int)

Set the scheduling priority (nice) of the specified LightDB server process to the specified value. This function can change the priority of only postmaster, backend, walsender and walreceiver process. See getpriority(2) man page for details about a scheduling priority. This function is restricted to superusers by default, but other users can be granted EXECUTE to run the function.

F.24.1.7. void pg_segmentation_fault(treat_fatal_as_error boolean)

Cause segmentation fault. If lt_cheat_funcs.exit_on_segv is enabled and treat_fatal_as_error is true, segmentation fault that this function causes will lead to ERROR instead of FATAL error. This is intended mainly for testing. This function is restricted to superusers by default, but other users can be granted EXECUTE to run the function.

F.24.1.8. void pg_process_config_file()

Read and process the configuration file. Note that, if an error occurs, it’s logged with DEBUG2 level. This function is restricted to superusers by default, but other users can be granted EXECUTE to run the function.

F.24.1.9. text pg_xlogfile_name(location pg_lsn, recovery boolean)

Convert transaction log location string to file name. This function is almost the same as pg_xlogfile_name() which LightDB core provides. The difference of them is whether there is a second parameter of type boolean. If false, this function always fails with an error during recovery. This is the same behavior as the core version of pg_xlogfile_name(). If true, this function can be executed even during recovery. But note that the first 8 digits of returned WAL filename (which represents the timeline ID) can be completely incorrect. That is, this function can return bogus WAL file name. For details of this conversion, please see Section 9.27.3.

F.24.1.10. SETOF record pg_stat_get_syncrep_waiters()

Return statistics about all server processes waiting for synchronous replication. This function returns a record per server process waiting for synchronous replication, shown in the table below.

Column Name Data Type Description
pid integer Process ID of a server process
wait_lsn pg_lsn Transaction log position to wait for
wait_mode text Wait mode of this server process

Possible values of wait_mode are write, flush and apply.

This function is restricted to superusers by default, but other users can be granted EXECUTE to run the function.

F.24.1.11. void pg_wait_syncrep(location pg_lsn)

Wait for synchronous replication. This function waits until the given transaction log location is acknowledged by synchronous standbys, based on the setting of synchronous_commit.

This function is restricted to superusers by default, but other users can be granted EXECUTE to run the function.

F.24.1.12. xid pg_set_next_xid(transactionid xid)

Set and return the next transaction ID. Note that this function doesn’t check if it’s safe to assign the given transaction ID to the next one. The caller must carefully choose the safe transaction ID, e.g., which doesn’t cause a transaction ID wraparound problem. This function is restricted to superusers by default, but other users can be granted EXECUTE to run the function.

F.24.1.13. SETOF record pg_xid_assignment()

Return information about transaction ID assignment state. This function returns a record, shown in the table below.

Column Name Data Type Description
next_xid xid next transaction ID to assign
oldest_xid xid cluster-wide minimum datfrozenxid
xid_vac_limit xid start forcing autovacuums here
xid_warn_limit xid start complaining here
xid_stop_limit xid refuse to advance next transaction ID beyond here
xid_wrap_limit xid where the world ends
oldest_xid_db oid database with minimum datfrozenxid

This function is restricted to superusers by default, but other users can be granted EXECUTE to run the function.

F.24.1.14. xid pg_set_next_oid(objectid oid)

Set and return the next object ID (OID). Note that the next OID is set to 16384 (FirstNormalObjectId) when the given OID is less than that number. This function is restricted to superusers by default, but other users can be granted EXECUTE to run the function.

F.24.1.15. SETOF record pg_oid_assignment()

Return information about object ID (OID) assignment state. This function returns a record, shown in the table below.

Column Name Data Type Description
next_oid oid next object ID to assign
oid_count integer OIDs available before must do WAL work

This function is restricted to superusers by default, but other users can be granted EXECUTE to run the function.

F.24.1.16. integer pg_advance_vacuum_cleanup_age(integer)

Specify the number of transactions by which VACUUM and HOT updates will advance cleanup of dead row versions. vacuum_defer_cleanup_age in the session calling this function is set to the negative value of that specified number. If the argument is omitted or NULL is specified, vacuum_defer_cleanup_age is reset to its original setting value specified in the configuration file. This function returns the vacuum cleanup age.

By advancing the cleanup age, VACUUM and HOT updates can clean up even dead tuples that were produced since oldest transaction had started. So this function is helpful to prevent the database from bloating due to unremovable dead tuples while long transaction is running.

Note that this is extremely dangerous function and can easily corrupt the database. Any important data may disappear and data consistency may be lost completely. This function must not be used for a purpose other than debug.

This function is restricted to superusers by default, but other users can be granted EXECUTE to run the function.

F.24.1.17. void pg_checkpoint(fast bool, wait bool, force bool)

Perform a checkpoint. If fast is true (default), a checkpoint will finish as soon as possible. Otherwise, I/O required for a checkpoint will be spread out over a period of time, to minimize the impact on query processing. If wait is true (default), this function waits for a checkpoint to complete before returning. Otherwise, it just signals checkpointer to do it and returns. If force is true (default), this function forces a checkpoint even if no WAL activity has occurred since the last one. This function is restricted to superusers by default, but other users can be granted EXECUTE to run the function.

F.24.1.18. SETOF record pg_recovery_settings()

Return information about all parameter settings in recovery.conf. This function returns a record, shown in the table below.

Column Name Data Type Description
name text configuration parameter name
setting text value of the parameter

This function is restricted to superusers by default, but other users can be granted EXECUTE to run the function.

F.24.1.19. text pg_show_primary_conninfo()

Return the current value of primary_conninfo recovery parameter. If it’s not set yet, NULL is returned. This function is restricted to superusers by default, but other users can be granted EXECUTE to run the function. For details of primary_conninfo parameter, please see primary_conninfo.

F.24.1.20. integer pg_postmaster_pid()

Return the Process ID of the postmaster process.

F.24.1.21. timestamp with time zone pg_backend_start_time()

Return the time when the server process attached to the current session was started.

F.24.1.22. SETOF text pg_list_relation_filepath(relation regclass)

List the file path names of the specified relation.

F.24.1.23. text pg_tablespace_version_direcotry()

Return the name of major-version-specific tablespace subdirectory.

F.24.1.24. bigint pg_file_write_binary(filepath text, data bytea)

Write bytea data to the file. This function creates the file if it does not exist, and truncates it to zero length otherwise. Then this function writes the bytea data from the beginning of the file, and returns the number of bytes written. This function is restricted to superusers by default, but other users can be granted EXECUTE to run the function.

F.24.1.25. void pg_file_fsync(filepath text)

Try to fsync the file or directory. This function is restricted to superusers by default, but other users can be granted EXECUTE to run the function.

F.24.1.26. text to_octal(integer or bigint)

Convert number to its equivalent octal representation.

F.24.1.27. text pg_text_to_hex(str text)

Convert text to its equivalent hexadecimal representation.

Here is an example of the conversion from text to hex:

=# SELECT pg_text_to_hex('LightDB');
(1 row)

F.24.1.28. text pg_hex_to_text(hex text)

Convert hexadecimal representation to its equivalent text.

Here is an example of the conversion from hex to text:

=# SELECT pg_hex_to_text('4c696768744442');
(1 row)

F.24.1.29. text pg_chr(code integer)

Return the character with the given code. This function is almost the same as chr() which LightDB core provides. The difference of them is that this function returns NULL instead of throwing an error when the requested character is too large or not valid. Note that valid Unicode code point stops at U+10FFFF (1114111), even though 4-byte UTF8 sequences can hold values up to U+1FFFFF. Therefore this function returns NULL whenever the given code is larger than 1114111.

F.24.1.30. text pg_utf8(code integer)

Alias of pg_chr(code integer). function.

F.24.1.31. SETOF record pg_all_utf8()

Return all valid UTF-8 characters. This function returns a record, shown in the table below.

Column Name Data Type Description
code text code of character
utf8 text UTF-8 character

This function can be executed only under UTF-8 database encoding.

F.24.1.32. text pg_eucjp(code1 bit(8), code2 bit(8), code3 bit(8))

Return EUC_JP character with the given codes. The following table shows the valid combination of the codes.

code1 code2 code3
x00 - x7f - -
x8e xa1 - xdf -
xa1 - xfe xa1 - xfe -
x8f xa1 - xfe xa1 - xfe

For example, return EUC_JP character with a1fa (BLACK STAR):

=# SELECT pg_eucjp('xa1', 'xfa');

This function returns NULL when the requested character is invalid for EUC_JP. This function can be executed only under EUC_JP database encoding.

F.24.1.33. SETOF record pg_all_eucjp()

Return all valid EUC_JP characters. This function returns a record, shown in the table below.

Column Name Data Type Description
code1 text first byte of character
code2 text second byte of character (x00 means non-existence of this byte)
code3 text third byte of character (x00 means non-existence of this byte)
eucjp text EUC_JP character

This function can be executed only under EUC_JP database encoding.

F.24.1.34. bytea pglz_compress(data text)

Create and return a compressed version of text data. This function uses PGLZ (an implementation of LZ compression for LightDB) for the compression. If the compression fails (e.g., the compressed result is actually bigger than the original), this function returns the original data. Note that the return data may be 4-bytes bigger than the original even when the compression fails because 4-bytes extra information like the length of original data is always stored in it. The bytea data that this function returns needs to be decompressed by using pg_lz_decompress() to obtain the original text data.

F.24.1.35. bytea pglz_compress_bytea(data bytea)

Create and return a compressed version of bytea data. This function uses PGLZ (an implementation of LZ compression for LightDB) for the compression. If the compression fails (e.g., the compressed result is actually bigger than the original), this function returns the original data. Note that the return data may be 4-bytes bigger than the original even when the compression fails because 4-bytes extra information like the length of original data is always stored in it. The bytea data that this function returns needs to be decompressed by using pg_lz_decompress_bytea() to obtain the original bytea data.

F.24.1.36. text pglz_decompress(data bytea)

Decompress a compressed version of bytea data into text. Note that the input of this function must be the bytea data that pg_lz_compress() or pg_lz_compress_bytea() returned. Otherwise this function may return a corrupted data.

F.24.1.37. bytea pglz_decompress_bytea(data bytea)

Decompress a compressed version of bytea data into bytea. Note that the input of this function must be the bytea data that pg_lz_compress() or pg_lz_compress_bytea() returned. Otherwise this function may return a corrupted data.

F.24.1.38. text pg_saslprep(input text)

Normalize an input string with SASLprep. SASLprep normalization is basically used to process a user-supplied password into canonical form for SCRAM authentication. Note that an error is raised if the input is not a valid UTF-8 string or the normalized string contains characters prohibited by the SASLprep profile.

F.24.1.39. pg_advisory_xact_unlock (bigint)

Release a previously-acquired exclusive transaction-level advisory lock. Return true if the lock is successfully released. If the lock was not held, false is returned, and in addition, an SQL warning will be reported by the server.

F.24.1.40. pg_advisory_xact_unlock_shared (bigint)

Release a previously-acquired shared transaction-level advisory lock. Return true if the lock is successfully released. If the lock was not held, false is returned, and in addition, an SQL warning will be reported by the server.

F.24.1.41. pg_advisory_xact_unlock (integer, integer)

Same as pg_advisory_xact_unlock(bigint).

F.24.1.42. pg_advisory_xact_unlock_shared (integer, integer)

Same as pg_advisory_xact_unlock_shared(bigint).

F.24.2. Encoding Conversions

F.24.2.1. pg_euc_jp_to_utf8

This is an encoding conversion from EUC_JP to UTF-8. It uses two conversion maps; ordinary map and extra map. They are defined in conv/euc_jp_to_utf8.map and conv/euc_jp_to_utf8.extra, respectively. For each character, ordinary map is consulted first. If no match is found, extra map is consulted next. If still no match, an error is raised.

The content of ordinary map is the same as the map that euc_jp_to_utf8 (default conversion map from EUC_JP to UTF-8 that LightDB provides) uses. The extra map contains some mappings (e.g., the following mappings for Roman numerals and full-width symbols) that ordinary map doesn’t have.

EUC_JP UTF-8 Description
fcf1 e285b0 (U+2170) SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE
fcf2 e285b1 (U+2171) SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL TWO
fcf3 e285b2 (U+2172) SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL THREE
fcf4 e285b3 (U+2173) SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL FOUR
fcf5 e285b4 (U+2174) SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL FIVE
fcf6 e285b5 (U+2175) SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL SIX
fcf7 e285b6 (U+2176) SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL SEVEN
fcf8 e285b7 (U+2177) SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL EIGHT
fcf9 e285b8 (U+2178) SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL NINE
fcfa e285b9 (U+2179) SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL TEN

In order to use pg_euc_jp_to_utf8 as the default conversion from EUC_JP to UTF-8, its pg_conversion.condefault needs to be enabled. Also condefault for euc_jp_to_utf8 (built-in conversion from EUC_JP to UTF-8) needs to be disabled. Here is an example of these catalog updates:

=# UPDATE pg_conversion SET condefault = 'f' WHERE conname = 'euc_jp_to_utf8';
=# UPDATE pg_conversion SET condefault = 't' WHERE conname = 'pg_euc_jp_to_utf8';

It’s possible to use the customized conversion map by modifying the map files directly and rebuilding lt_cheat_funcs module. Note that entries in a map file must be sorted in ascending order.

F.24.3. Configuration Parameters

Note that shared_preload_libraries or session_preload_libraries must be set to lt_cheat_funcs in lightdb.conf if you want to use the configuration parameters which this extension provides.

F.24.3.1. lt_cheat_funcs.log_memory_context (boolean)

Cause statistics about the memory contexts to be logged at the end of query execution. For details of log format, please see pg_stat_print_memory_context() This parameter is off by default. Only superusers can change this setting.

F.24.3.2. lt_cheat_funcs.hide_appname (boolean)

If true, client’s application_name is ignored and its setting value is stored in lt_cheat_funcs.hidden_appname parameter. By default, this is set to false, so that the string that client specifies will be used as application_name. This parameter can only be set in the lightdb.conf file or on the server command line.

F.24.3.3. lt_cheat_funcs.hidden_appname (string)

Report client’s application_name hidden from view. The default is an empty string. Any users can change this setting.

F.24.3.4. lt_cheat_funcs.log_session_start_options (boolean)

Log options sent to the server at connection start. This parameter is off by default. Only superusers can change this parameter at session start, and it cannot be changed at all within a session.

F.24.3.5. lt_cheat_funcs.scheduling_priority (integer)

Specify the scheduling priority (nice) of LightDB server process. Valid values are between -20 and 19. Lower values cause more favorable scheduling. The default value is zero. Any users can change this setting. See getpriority(2) man page for details about a scheduling priority.

F.24.3.6. lt_cheat_funcs.exit_on_segv (boolean)

If off, which is the default, segmentation fault will lead to the server crash. If on, only the current session causing segmentation fault will be terminated. Any users can change this setting.
