42.8. Collections

42.8.1. Associative Arrays
42.8.2. Nested Tables
42.8.3. Collection Methods

In a collection, the internal components always have the same data type, and are called elements. You can access each element of a collection variable by its unique index, with this syntax: variable_name(index). To create a collection variable, you either define a collection type and then create a variable of that type or use %TYPE.

A collection type defined in a PL/oraSQL block is a local type. It is available only in the block, and is stored in the database only if the block is in a standalone or package subprogram.

A collection type defined at schema level is a standalone type. You create it with the "CREATE TYPE Statement". It is stored in the database until you drop it with the "DROP TYPE Statement".

A collection type defined in a package specification is a public item. You can reference it from outside the package by qualifying it with the package name (package_name.type_name). It is stored in the database until you drop the package.

42.8.1. Associative Arrays

An associative array is a set of key-value pairs. Each key is a unique index, used to locate the associated value with the syntax variable_name(index).

The data type of index can be either a string type (VARCHAR) or INTEGER. Indexes are stored in sort order, not creation order.

For example, defines a type of associative array indexed by string, declares a variable of that type, populates the variable with three elements, changes the value of one element, and prints the values (in sort order, not creation order).

  -- Associative array indexed by integer:
  TYPE population IS TABLE OF varchar  -- Associative array type
    INDEX BY integer;                  -- indexed by string

  city_population  population;        -- Associative array variable
  i                integer;
  -- Add elements (key-value pairs) to associative array:
  city_population('2')  := 'Smallville';
  city_population('5') := 'Midland';
  city_population('3')  := 'Megalopolis';

  FOR i IN 1..6 LOOP
      IF city_population.EXISTS(i) THEN
          dbms_output.put_line ('city_population(' || i || ')' || ' exists');
          dbms_output.put_line ('city_population(' || i || ')' || ' does not exist');
      END IF;


42.8.2. Nested Tables

In the database, a nested table is a column type that stores an unspecified number of rows in no particular order.

When you retrieve a nested table value from the database into a PL/oraSQL nested table variable, PL/oraSQL gives the rows consecutive indexes, starting at 1. Using these indexes, you can access the individual rows of the nested table variable. The syntax is variable_name(index). The indexes and row order of a nested table might not remain stable as you store and retrieve the nested table from the database.

The amount of memory that a nested table variable occupies can increase or decrease dynamically, as you add or delete elements.

Example: Nested Table of Local Type

TYPE Roster IS TABLE OF VARCHAR(15);  -- nested table type

-- nested table variable initialized with constructor: 
names2 Roster := Roster('D Caruso', 'J Hamil', 'D Piro', 'R Singh');

    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Initial Values:');
    FOR i IN names2.FIRST .. names2.LAST LOOP  -- For first to last element

    names2(5) := 'P Perez';  -- add one element
    FOR i IN names2.FIRST .. names2.LAST LOOP  -- For first to last element

Example: Nested Table of Standalone Type


  nt names2 ;
  nt(1) = 'D Caruso';
  nt(2) = 'J Hamil';
  nt(3) = 'R Singh';

42.8.3. Collection Methods

A collection method is a PL/oraSQL subprogram—either a function that returns information about a collection or a procedure that operates on a collection. Collection methods make collections easier to use and your applications easier to maintain.

Table 42.1 shows collection methods.

Table 42.1. Collection methods

DELETEDeletes elements from collection.
EXTENDAdds elements to end of nested table.
EXISTSReturns TRUE if and only if specified element of nested table exists.
FIRSTReturns first index in collection.
LASTReturns last index in collection.
COUNTReturns number of elements in collection.

The basic syntax of a collection method invocation is:
