System Configuration
Requirements and best practices for system administrators who are configuring LightDB-A Database cluster hosts.
Configuration of the LightDB-A Database cluster is usually performed as root.
Configuring the Timezone
LightDB-A Database selects a timezone to use from a set of internally stored PostgreSQL timezones. The available PostgreSQL timezones are taken from the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) Time Zone Database, and LightDB-A Database updates its list of available timezones as necessary when the IANA database changes for PostgreSQL.
LightDB-A selects the timezone by matching a PostgreSQL timezone with the user specified time zone, or the host system time zone if no time zone is configured. For example, when selecting a default timezone, LightDB-A uses an algorithm to select a PostgreSQL timezone based on the host system timezone files. If the system timezone includes leap second information, LightDB-A Database cannot match the system timezone with a PostgreSQL timezone. In this case, LightDB-A Database calculates a “best match” with a PostgreSQL timezone based on information from the host system.
As a best practice, configure LightDB-A Database and the host systems to use a known, supported timezone. This sets the timezone for the LightDB-A Database coordinator and segment instances, and prevents LightDB-A Database from recalculating a “best match” timezone each time the cluster is restarted, using the current system timezone and LightDB-A timezone files (which may have been updated from the IANA database since the last restart). Use the gpconfig
utility to show and set the LightDB-A Database timezone. For example, these commands show the LightDB-A Database timezone and set the timezone to US/Pacific
# gpconfig -s TimeZone
# gpconfig -c TimeZone -v 'US/Pacific'
You must restart LightDB-A Database after changing the timezone. The command gpstop -ra
restarts LightDB-A Database. The catalog view pg_timezone_names
provides LightDB-A Database timezone information.
File System
XFS is the file system used for LightDB-A Database data directories. Use the mount options described in Configuring Your Systems.
Port Configuration
See the recommended OS parameter settings in the LightDB-A Database Installation Guide for further details.
Set up ip_local_port_range
so it does not conflict with the LightDB-A Database port ranges. For example, setting this range in /etc/sysctl.conf
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 10000 65535
you could set the LightDB-A Database base port numbers to these values.
PORT_BASE = 6000
See the Recommended OS Parameters Settings in the LightDB-A Database Installation Guide for further details.
I/O Configuration
Set the blockdev read-ahead size to 16384 on the devices that contain data directories. This command sets the read-ahead size for /dev/sdb
# /sbin/blockdev --setra 16384 /dev/sdb
This command returns the read-ahead size for /dev/sdb
# /sbin/blockdev --getra /dev/sdb
See the Recommended OS Parameters Settings in the LightDB-A Database Installation Guide for further details.
The deadline IO scheduler should be set for all data directory devices.
# cat /sys/block/sdb/queue/scheduler
noop anticipatory [deadline] cfq
The maximum number of OS files and processes should be increased in the /etc/security/limits.conf
* soft nofile 524288
* hard nofile 524288
* soft nproc 131072
* hard nproc 131072
OS Memory Configuration
The Linux sysctl vm.overcommit_memory
and vm.overcommit_ratio
variables affect how the operating system manages memory allocation. See the /etc/sysctl.conf
file parameters guidelines in the LightDB-A Datatabase Installation Guide for further details.
determines the method the OS uses for determining how much memory can be allocated to processes. This should be always set to 2, which is the only safe setting for the database.
Note For information on configuration of overcommit memory, refer to:
is the percent of RAM that is used for application processes. The default is 50 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. See Resource Queue Segment Memory Configuration for a formula to calculate an optimal value.
Do not enable huge pages in the operating system.
See also Memory and Resource Management with Resource Queues.
Shared Memory Settings
LightDB-A Database uses shared memory to communicate between postgres
processes that are part of the same postgres
instance. The following shared memory settings should be set in sysctl
and are rarely modified. See the sysctl.conf
file parameters in the LightDB-A Database Installation Guide for further details.
kernel.shmmax = 810810728448
kernel.shmmni = 4096
kernel.shmall = 197951838
See Setting the LightDB-A Recommended OS Parameters for more details.
Number of Segments per Host
Determining the number of segments to run on each segment host has immense impact on overall system performance. The segments share the host’s CPU cores, memory, and NICs with each other and with other processes running on the host. Over-estimating the number of segments a server can accommodate is a common cause of suboptimal performance.
The factors that must be considered when choosing how many segments to run per host include the following:
- Number of cores
- Amount of physical RAM installed in the server
- Number of NICs
- Amount of storage attached to server
- Mixture of primary and mirror segments
- ETL processes that will run on the hosts
- Non-LightDB-A processes running on the hosts
Resource Queue Segment Memory Configuration
The gp_vmem_protect_limit
server configuration parameter specifies the amount of memory that all active postgres processes for a single segment can consume at any given time. Queries that exceed this amount will fail. Use the following calculations to estimate a safe value for gp_vmem_protect_limit
, the host memory available to LightDB-A Database.If the total system memory is less than 256 GB, use this formula:
gp_vmem = ((SWAP + RAM) – (7.5GB + 0.05 * RAM)) / 1.7
- If the total system memory is equal to or greater than 256 GB, use this formula:
gp_vmem = ((SWAP + RAM) – (7.5GB + 0.05 * RAM)) / 1.17
where `SWAP` is the host's swap space in GB and `RAM` is the RAM installed on the host in GB.
- Calculate
. This is the maximum number of primary segments that can be running on a host when mirror segments are activated due to a segment or host failure on another host in the cluster. With mirrors arranged in a 4-host block with 8 primary segments per host, for example, a single segment host failure would activate two or three mirror segments on each remaining host in the failed host’s block. Themax_acting_primary_segments
value for this configuration is 11 (8 primary segments plus 3 mirrors activated on failure). Calculate
by dividing the total LightDB-A Database memory by the maximum number of acting primaries:gp_vmem_protect_limit = gp_vmem / max_acting_primary_segments
Convert to megabytes to find the value to set for the
system configuration parameter.
For scenarios where a large number of workfiles are generated, adjust the calculation for gp_vmem
to account for the workfiles.
If the total system memory is less than 256 GB:
gp_vmem = ((SWAP + RAM) – (7.5GB + 0.05 * RAM - (300KB * total_#_workfiles))) / 1.7
If the total system memory is equal to or greater than 256 GB:
gp_vmem = ((SWAP + RAM) – (7.5GB + 0.05 * RAM - (300KB * total_#_workfiles))) / 1.17
For information about monitoring and managing workfile usage, see the LightDB-A Database Administrator Guide.
You can calculate the value of the vm.overcommit_ratio
operating system parameter from the value of gp_vmem
vm.overcommit_ratio = (RAM - 0.026 * gp_vmem) / RAM
See OS Memory Configuration for more about about vm.overcommit_ratio
See also Memory and Resource Management with Resource Queues.
Resource Queue Statement Memory Configuration
The statement_mem
server configuration parameter is the amount of memory to be allocated to any single query in a segment database. If a statement requires additional memory it will spill to disk. Calculate the value for statement_mem
with the following formula:
(gp_vmem_protect_limit * .9) / max_expected_concurrent_queries
For example, for 40 concurrent queries with gp_vmem_protect_limit
set to 8GB (8192MB), the calculation for statement_mem
would be:
(8192MB * .9) / 40 = 184MB
Each query would be allowed 184MB of memory before it must spill to disk.
To increase statement_mem
safely you must either increase gp_vmem_protect_limit
or reduce the number of concurrent queries. To increase gp_vmem_protect_limit
, you must add physical RAM and/or swap space, or reduce the number of segments per host.
Note that adding segment hosts to the cluster cannot help out-of-memory errors unless you use the additional hosts to decrease the number of segments per host.
Spill files are created when there is not enough memory to fit all the mapper output, usually when 80% of the buffer space is occupied.
Also, see Resource Management for best practices for managing query memory using resource queues.
Resource Queue Spill File Configuration
LightDB-A Database creates spill files (also called workfiles) on disk if a query is allocated insufficient memory to run in memory. A single query can create no more than 100,000 spill files, by default, which is sufficient for the majority of queries.
You can control the maximum number of spill files created per query and per segment with the configuration parameter gp_workfile_limit_files_per_query
. Set the parameter to 0 to allow queries to create an unlimited number of spill files. Limiting the number of spill files permitted prevents run-away queries from disrupting the system.
A query could generate a large number of spill files if not enough memory is allocated to it or if data skew is present in the queried data. If a query creates more than the specified number of spill files, LightDB-A Database returns this error:
ERROR: number of workfiles per query limit exceeded
Before raising the gp_workfile_limit_files_per_query
, try reducing the number of spill files by changing the query, changing the data distribution, or changing the memory configuration.
The gp_toolkit
schema includes views that allow you to see information about all the queries that are currently using spill files. This information can be used for troubleshooting and for tuning queries:
- The
view contains one row for each operator using disk space for workfiles on a segment at the current time. See How to Read Explain Plans for information about operators. - The
view contains one row for each query using disk space for workfiles on a segment at the current time. - The
view contains one row for each segment. Each row displays the total amount of disk space used for workfiles on the segment at the current time.
See the LightDB-A Database Reference Guide for descriptions of the columns in these views.
The gp_workfile_compression
configuration parameter specifies whether the spill files are compressed. It is off
by default. Enabling compression can improve performance when spill files are used.
Parent topic: LightDB-A Database Best Practices