ltcluster node service

ltcluster node service — show or execute the system service command to stop/start/restart/reload/promote a node


Shows or executes the system service command to stop/start/restart/reload a node.

This command is mainly meant for internal ltcluster usage, but is useful for confirming the command configuration.



Log the steps which would be taken, including displaying the command which would be executed.


The action to perform. One of start, stop, restart, reload or promote.

If the parameter --list-actions is provided together with --action, the command which would be executed will be printed.


List all configured commands.

If the parameter --action is provided together with --list-actions, the command which would be executed for that particular action will be printed.


Issue a CHECKPOINT before stopping or restarting the node.

Note that a superuser connection is required to be able to execute the CHECKPOINT command.


Connect as the named superuser instead of the normal ltcluster user.

Exit codes

One of the following exit codes will be emitted by ltcluster node service:


No issues were detected.


Execution of the system service command failed.


See what action would be taken for a restart:

[lightdb@node1 ~]$ ltcluster -f /etc/ltcluster/12/ltcluster.conf node service --action=restart --checkpoint --dry-run
INFO: a CHECKPOINT would be issued here
INFO: would execute server command "sudo service lightdb-12 restart"

Restart the LightDB instance:

[lightdb@node1 ~]$ ltcluster -f /etc/ltcluster/12/ltcluster.conf node service --action=restart --checkpoint
DETAIL: executing server command "sudo service lightdb-12 restart"
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart lightdb-12.service

List all commands:

[lightdb@node1 ~]$ ltcluster -f /etc/ltcluster/12/ltcluster.conf node service --list-actions
Following commands would be executed for each action:

    start: "sudo service lightdb-12 start"
     stop: "sudo service lightdb-12 stop"
  restart: "sudo service lightdb-12 restart"
   reload: "sudo service lightdb-12 reload"
  promote: "/usr/pgsql-12/bin/lt_ctl  -w -D '/var/lib/pgsql/12/data' promote"

List a single command:

[lightdb@node1 ~]$ ltcluster -f /etc/ltcluster/12/ltcluster.conf node service --list-actions --action=promote
/usr/pgsql-12/bin/lt_ctl  -w -D '/var/lib/pgsql/12/data' promote