The LightDB JDBC Driver allows Java programs to connect to a LightDB using standard, database independent Java code.
In addition to the standard connection parameters the driver supports a number of additional properties which can be used to specify additional driver behaviour specific to LightDB.
lightdbSyntaxCompatibleType (String)
specifies LightDB compatiable type, valid values are oracle/mysql/off,default value is off. It can compatiable with Oracle Database,MySQL DataBase.
For example:
jdbc can compatiable with Oracle Database
currentSchema (String)
specifies the schema (or several schema separated by commas) to be set in the search-path.
This schema will be used to resolve unqualified object names used in statements over this connection.
For example:
jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres?currentSchema=\"$user\", oracle
jdbc will automatically supplement public to search_path. Actual search_path is "$user", oracle, public, lt_catalog
options (String)
specifies the guc parameter in options. The format is as follows: options=- c guc parameter name=parameter value,
where the value after options needs encode.
For example:
search_path is part of the guc parameter, so you can also set search_ path