F.27. lt_tempfile

lt_tempfile provides a number of support functions to managing temporary files generated when work memory is not enough.For more detail, please refer to work_mem and lightdb_keep_temp_file.

Table F.43. lt_tempfile Functions



lt_catalog.lt_remove_temp_file ( mode text ) → setof record

removing temporay file. 's' is used for the current session, '*' is used for all session. For example: select lt_remove_temp_file('*').

lt_catalog.lt_list_temp_file ( mode text ) → boolean

listing temporary file. 's' is used for the current session, '*' is used for all session. For example: select lt_remove_temp_file('*').

lt_remove_temp_file removes the temporary file in the LTDATA/base/ltsql_tmp/keep directory. Returns true on success, false if the specified file is not present or the lt_remove_temp_file() call fails; other cases throw errors.

lt_list_temp_file returns the start timestamps, path names and Number of temporary files of all the files in the LTDATA/base/ltsql_tmp directory.