48.12. lt_variable

The catalog lt_variable stores information about package variable.

Table 48.12. lt_variable Columns

Column Type


oid oid

Row identifier.

varname name

Name of variable.

varnamespace oid

Package of variable.

vartype oid

Type of variable.

vartypmod integer

Domains use vartypmod to record the typmod to be applied to their base type (-1 if base type does not use a typmod). -1 if this type is not a domain.

varowner oid

Owner of the variable.

varcollation oid (references pg_collation.oid)

varcollation specifies the collation of the type. If the type does not support collations, this will be zero. A base type that supports collations will have a nonzero value here, typically DEFAULT_COLLATION_OID. A domain over a collatable type can have a collation OID different from its base type's, if one was specified for the domain.

varisnotnull boolean

varisnotnull represents a not-null constraint on a type. Used for domains only.

varisimmutable boolean

Is it a table type data.

vareoxaction char

EOX action of the variable.

vardefexpr pg_node_tree

If vardefexpr is not null, it is the nodeToString() representation of a default expression for the type. This is only used for domains.

varacl aclitem[]

Access privileges; see Section 6.7 for details.

varaccess char

Package variable's access.

cursorquery text

Cursor definition statement.