48.53. pg_range

The catalog pg_range stores information about range types. This is in addition to the types' entries in pg_type.

Table 48.53. pg_range Columns

Column Type


rngtypid oid (references pg_type.oid)

OID of the range type

rngsubtype oid (references pg_type.oid)

OID of the element type (subtype) of this range type

rngcollation oid (references pg_collation.oid)

OID of the collation used for range comparisons, or 0 if none

rngsubopc oid (references pg_opclass.oid)

OID of the subtype's operator class used for range comparisons

rngcanonical regproc (references pg_proc.oid)

OID of the function to convert a range value into canonical form, or 0 if none

rngsubdiff regproc (references pg_proc.oid)

OID of the function to return the difference between two element values as double precision, or 0 if none

rngsubopc (plus rngcollation, if the element type is collatable) determines the sort ordering used by the range type. rngcanonical is used when the element type is discrete.