48.3. lt_database_ext

The catalog lt_database_ext stores extra information about database. like pg_database catalogs, lt_database_ext is shared across all databases of a cluster: there is only one copy of lt_database_ext per cluster, not one per database.

Table 48.3. lt_database_ext Columns

Column Type


datoid oid (references pg_database.oid)

database oid

compa_type int4

Compatibility Mode Type

ascii_zero_store_value int4

Lightdb 23.3 introduced a new database level GUC parameter lightdb_ascii_zero_store_value, We store the value here, and it must be within the valid range of 0 to 32, inclusive of both 0 and 32. This value only make means if the database compatible type is set to Oracle or Mysql.

For more information about GUC lightdb_ascii_zero_store_value, See lightdb_ascii_zero_store_value