
lt_check — the LightDB check sha256sum tool


lt_check --check [=filename] [--lthome=$LTHOME]

lt_check --generate [--lthome="$LTHOME"] --comment="comment info"


lt_check help you checks or generate sha256sum the file in directory $LTHOME/lib $LTHOME/bin $LTHOME/share/extension in the LightDB.

The sha256sum file save in directory $LTHOME/etc and start by lt_checksum.X(X is a number).



Specifies the file system location of the LightDB software. If this option is omitted, the environment variable LTHOME is used.


Generate a sha256sum file in directory $LTHOME/etc.


Use sha256sum check a given filename. If filename is omitted, will get a max number in directory $LTHOME/etc

--comment="test info"

Save the comment message into the sha256sum file second line. This option can only be used with --generate


Show help about lt_check command line arguments, and exit.


generate a sha256sum file and add file head "test info" into $LTHOME/etc directory.

$ lt_check --generate --comment="test info"

Check a sha256sum file. default use a file in $LTHOME/etc/lt_checksum.X(X is a maximum number if have many files)

$ lt_check --check

Specify the lthome environment variable and check a given sha256sum file.

$ lt_check --lthome=/usr/local/lightdb/lightdb-x --check=/usr/local/lightdb/lightdb-x/etc/lt_checksum.1

Specify the lthome environment variable and generate a sha256sum file in $LTHOME/etc directory.

$ lt_check --lthome=/usr/local/lightdb/lightdb-x --generate  --comment="test info"