Chapter 17. Server Configuration

Table of Contents

17.1. Setting Parameters
17.1.1. Parameter Names and Values
17.1.2. Parameter Interaction via the Configuration File
17.1.3. Parameter Interaction via SQL
17.1.4. Parameter Interaction via the Shell
17.1.5. Managing Configuration File Contents
17.2. File Locations
17.3. Connections and Authentication
17.3.1. Connection Settings
17.3.2. Authentication
17.3.3. SSL
17.4. Resource Consumption
17.4.1. Memory
17.4.2. Disk
17.4.3. Kernel Resource Usage
17.4.4. Cost-based Vacuum Delay
17.4.5. Background Writer
17.4.6. Asynchronous Behavior
17.5. Write Ahead Log
17.5.1. Settings
17.5.2. Checkpoints
17.5.3. Archiving
17.5.4. Archive Recovery
17.5.5. Recovery Target
17.6. Replication
17.6.1. Sending Servers
17.6.2. Master Server
17.6.3. Standby Servers
17.6.4. Subscribers
17.7. Query Planning
17.7.1. Planner Method Configuration
17.7.2. Planner Cost Constants
17.7.3. Genetic Query Optimizer
17.7.4. Other Planner Options
17.8. Error Reporting and Logging
17.8.1. Where to Log
17.8.2. When to Log
17.8.3. What to Log
17.8.4. Using CSV-Format Log Output
17.8.5. Process Title
17.9. Run-time Statistics
17.9.1. Query and Index Statistics Collector
17.9.2. Statistics Monitoring
17.10. Automatic Vacuuming
17.11. Client Connection Defaults
17.11.1. Statement Behavior
17.11.2. Locale and Formatting
17.11.3. Shared Library Preloading
17.11.4. Other Defaults
17.12. Lock Management
17.13. Version and Platform Compatibility
17.13.1. Previous LightDB Versions
17.13.2. Platform and Client Compatibility
17.14. Error Handling
17.15. Preset Options
17.16. Customized Options
17.17. Developer Options
17.18. Short Options
17.19. Other Options

There are many configuration parameters that affect the behavior of the database system. In the first section of this chapter we describe how to interact with configuration parameters. The subsequent sections discuss each parameter in detail.
