CentOS or Red Hat

This section describes the steps needed to set up a single-node Canopy cluster on your own Linux machine.

1. Install LightDB 13.3-22.1 or above and initialize the cluster

Canopy is a LightDB extension. To tell LightDB to use this extension you’ll need to add it to a configuration variable called shared_preload_libraries.

shared_preload_libraries = 'canopy'

2. Start the database server

Start the instance of LightDB using lt_ctl. Above you added canopy to shared_preload_libraries, that lets it hook into some deep parts of LightDB, swapping out the query planner and executor. Here, we load the user-facing side of Canopy (such as the functions you’ll soon call):


3. Verify that installation has succeeded

To verify that the installation has succeeded, and Canopy is installed:

select canopy_version();

You should see details of the Canopy extension.

At this step, you have completed the installation process and are ready to use your Canopy cluster. To help you get started, we have a tutorial which has instructions on setting up a Canopy cluster with sample data in minutes.