1. 前言
oracle有很多特性在lightdb无法使用,使用该工具可以即时扫描某个在线数据库或本地文件夹中有哪些不兼容特性。 LightDB-A和LightDB-X对Oracle不兼容特性有所区别,扫描范围可参考后续表格。
2. 使用说明
2.1. 使用限制
默认排除系统用户’SYS’, ‘SYSTEM’, ‘SYSMAN’
2.2. 环境配置
2.3. 配置Oracle连接字符串
检查并配置./conf/DBconfig.ini文件,必须有 ‘oracle’ 节点,且有 ‘connectstring’ 键值对
2.4. 开始扫描
2.4.1. 选择兼容类型
1-PL/oraSQL -X :迁移到LightDB-X时选择
2-PL/oraSQL -A :迁移到LightDB-A时选择
2.4.2. 选择扫描源
1-连接Oracle在线扫描 :连接DBconfig.ini中配置的Oracle数据库,获取用户的所有存储过程,函数及包进行扫描
2-本地文件 :扫描放在./files文件夹下的所有文件,如果没有files文件夹可自行新建
2.5. 扫描报告
3. 检测项清单
序号 |
检测项 |
lightdb-x |
lightdb-a |
报错信息 |
备注 |
1 |
scandeleteTable |
× |
× |
==>Syntax check: perform an delete operation on a table,try ‘delete from’ for instead. |
已支持 |
2 |
scanoperator |
√ |
√ |
==>Syntax check: ~= or ^= not support |
3 |
scantrunc |
√ |
√ |
==>Syntax check: The return result of trunc() may be different Between oracle and lightdb! |
4 |
scanNEXT |
√ |
√ |
==>Syntax check: NEXT() not support |
5 |
× |
× |
==>Syntax check: type PLS_INTEGER not support |
已支持 |
6 |
scandelete |
√ |
√ |
==>Syntax check: delete() may not support |
7 |
scanexists |
√ |
√ |
==>Syntax check: exists() not support |
8 |
scancreatetypeisrecord |
√ |
√ |
==>Syntax check: create type * is record not support |
9 |
√ |
√ |
==>Syntax check: type ‘exception’ not support |
10 |
√ |
√ |
==>Syntax check: EXCEPTION_INIT() not support |
11 |
scanPRAGMA |
× |
× |
==>Syntax check: PRAGMA not support |
已支持 |
12 |
scanNOCOPY |
√ |
√ |
==>Syntax check: NOCOPY not support |
13 |
scanAUTHID |
√ |
√ |
==>Syntax check: AUTHID not support |
14 |
scanconnectby |
× |
× |
==>Syntax check: ‘connect by’ not support |
已支持 |
15 |
scanVARRAY |
√ |
√ |
==>Syntax check: VARRAY not support |
16 |
scantable |
× |
× |
==>Syntax check: table() not support |
已支持 |
17 |
scanFunparam |
√ |
√ |
==>Syntax check: String type not support |
18 |
scanDeterministic |
√ |
√ |
==>Syntax check: Deterministic not support |
19 |
scanescape |
√ |
√ |
==>Syntax check: q’ not support |
20 |
scaneRelationOperation |
× |
× |
==>Syntax check: > = or < = not support |
已支持 |
21 |
scaneTYPEistableof |
√ |
√ |
==>Syntax check: TYPE * is table of * not support |
22 |
scangoto |
× |
× |
==>Syntax check: goto not support |
已支持 |
23 |
scanlablename |
× |
× |
==>Syntax check: <<lable_name>> not support |
已支持 |
24 |
scankeep |
√ |
√ |
==>Syntax check: keep() not support |
25 |
scanunpivot |
√ |
√ |
==>Syntax check: unpivot not support |
26 |
scanDBLink |
× |
× |
==>Syntax check: DBLink not support |
已支持 |
27 |
scangetclobval |
√ |
√ |
==>Syntax check: getclobval() not support |
28 |
scanxmlparse |
× |
× |
==>Syntax check: xmlparse() not support |
已支持 |
29 |
scant_table |
√ |
√ |
==>Syntax check: t_table() not support |
30 |
scangather_table_stats |
√ |
√ |
==>Syntax check: gather_table_stats() not support |
31 |
scanUTL_SMTP |
√ |
√ |
==>Syntax check: UTL_SMTP not support |
32 |
scanUTL_RAW |
× |
× |
==>Syntax check: UTL_RAW not support |
已支持 |
33 |
√ |
√ |
==>Syntax check: UTL_ENCODE not support |
34 |
scanprompt |
× |
× |
==>Syntax check: prompt not support |
35 |
scansynonym |
√ |
√ |
==>Syntax check: create|drop synonym not support |
36 |
scanconstant |
× |
× |
==>Syntax check: constant not support |
已支持 |
37 |
√ |
√ |
==>Syntax check: NOCACHE not support |
38 |
scanuser_tab_columns |
× |
× |
==>Syntax check: user_tab_columns not support |
已支持 |
39 |
scancol_relation |
× |
× |
==>Syntax check: relation col not support |
已支持 |
40 |
scantableandconstraint |
√ |
√ |
==>Syntax check: The same table name and constraint name are not support |
41 |
scantableusingindex |
√ |
√ |
==>Syntax check: alter table using index not support |
42 |
scancharType |
√ |
√ |
==>Syntax check: char type not support |
43 |
scantableanddropindex |
√ |
√ |
==>Syntax check: alter table drop index not support |
44 |
scanspoolc |
√ |
√ |
==>Syntax check: spool c not support |
45 |
scanspooloff |
√ |
√ |
==>Syntax check: spool off not support |
46 |
scanexecuteimmediatecommit |
√ |
√ |
==>Syntax check: execute immediate commit not support |
47 |
scanwrapped |
√ |
√ |
==>Syntax check: wrapped not support |
48 |
scaneisarrayof |
√ |
√ |
==>Syntax check: is array of * not support |
49 |
scaneforceview |
√ |
√ |
==>Syntax check: FORCE VIEW not support |
50 |
scanistableof |
只在包中检测 |
√ |
==>Syntax check: Nested table not support |
51 |
scandbms_scheduler |
× |
√ |
==>Syntax check: dbms_scheduler package not support |
52 |
scanmergeinto |
× |
√ |
==>Syntax check: merge into not support |
53 |
× |
√ |
==>Syntax check: INSERT ALL not support |
54 |
scanRAISE |
× |
√ |
==>Syntax check: RAISE error not support |
55 |
scandbms_registry_sys |
× |
√ |
==>Syntax check: dbms_registry_sys package not support |
56 |
scandbms_registry |
× |
√ |
==>Syntax check: dbms_registry package not support |
57 |
scanexternalconnection |
× |
√ |
==>Syntax check: (+) external connection not support |
58 |
scanrowid |
× |
√ |
==>Syntax check: rowid not support |
59 |
scanrownum |
× |
√ |
==>Syntax check: rownum not support |
60 |
scanupdatesetmulticol |
× |
× |
==>Syntax check: UPDATE SET multiple columns, need parentheses |
已支持 |
61 |
scandoendwhile |
√ |
√ |
==>Syntax check: DO END WHILE not support |
62 |
scanexecuteinout |
× |
× |
==>Syntax check: EXECUTE IN OUT not support |
已支持 |
63 |
scanelse |
√ |
√ |
==>Syntax check: ELSE not support |
64 |
scancolumnvalue |
√ |
√ |
==>Syntax check: ‘column_value’ not support |
65 |
scancommenton |
√ |
√ |
==>Syntax check: ‘comment on’ not support, try alter table |
66 |
scanselectasinto |
√ |
√ |
==>Syntax check: ‘SELECT … AS INTO’ not support, try ‘SELECT … INTO’ |
67 |
scangreaterthanorequal |
√ |
√ |
==>Syntax check: No spaces allowed between >= or <= |
68 |
scancncomma |
√ |
√ |
==>Syntax check: chinese comma not support |
69 |
scanunpairedcommentsI |
√ |
√ |
==>Syntax check: Code comments /* */ must be paired |
70 |
scanunpairedcommentsII |
√ |
√ |
==>Syntax check: Code comments /* */ must be paired |
71 |
scansystimestamp |
√ |
√ |
==>Syntax check: function systimestamp do not support precision |
72 |
scanemptylob |
√ |
√ |
==>Syntax check: empty_clob() empty_blob() not support |
73 |
scaninteger |
√ |
√ |
==>Syntax check: int/integer(n) do not support, only int/interger |
74 |
scanexecuteimmediateusing |
√ |
√ |
==>Syntax check: execute immediate using not support |
75 |
scansys_refcursor |
√ |
√ |
==>Syntax check: sys_refcursor do not support as param, try refcursor instead |
76 |
scanto_date |
√ |
√ |
==>Syntax check: two params in to_date not match |
77 |
scanxmlagg |
√ |
√ |
==>Syntax check: xmlagg() not support |
78 |
scanrowidtochar |
√ |
√ |
==>Syntax check: ROWIDTOCHAR() not support |
79 |
scanforupdateof |
√ |
√ |
==>Syntax check: for update of coulumn_name not support |
80 |
scanaes_decrypt |
√ |
√ |
==>Syntax check: AES_DECRYPT() AES_ENCRYPT() not support |